Top Recon Tools for Bug Bounty Hunters
2023-12-7 01:41:20 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:14 收藏

Piyush Kumawat (securitycipher)

InfoSec Write-ups

In this blog, we explore top-tier reconnaissance tools that empower bug bounty hunters. From Shodan’s IoT device insights to Waymore’s web application vulnerability identification, each tool in this arsenal plays a vital role in securing the digital landscape. Join us on a journey through cyber reconnaissance, where these tools are the keys to unveiling the secrets of secure systems.

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OSINT Framework is a collection of open-source tools and resources for open-source intelligence gathering. It is a centralized platform that consolidates various tools, websites, and data sources that help bug bounty hunters collect information about their target. This information can include email addresses, domains, subdomains, IP addresses, and more.

Shodan is often referred to as the “search engine for the Internet of Things.” It allows users to search for Internet-connected devices and retrieve information about them, including open ports, services, banners, and vulnerabilities. Shodan is widely used for identifying exposed systems, IoT devices, and potential security risks.

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Censys is another search engine dedicated to Internet-connected devices. It provides detailed information about devices and services, such as certificates, SSL configurations, and banners. This information can be useful for asset discovery and vulnerability assessment.

Subfinder is a subdomain discovery tool that assists in finding subdomains associated with a target domain. Subdomains can often be overlooked and represent a broader attack surface for bug bounty hunters.

Trufflehog is specifically designed for finding sensitive information, such as API keys, passwords, and other secrets, within code repositories. It scans code for high-entropy strings and known secret patterns.

Nmap, short for Network Mapper, is a comprehensive network scanning tool used for network discovery and security auditing. It enables bug bounty hunters to identify open ports and services on target systems, providing insights into the network configuration.

Anyone who does bug bounty will have likely used the amazing waybackurls by @TomNomNom’s. This tool gets URLs from and additional links (if any) from one of the index collections on You would have also likely used the amazing gau by @hacker_ which also finds URL’s from wayback archive, Common Crawl, but also from Alien Vault and URLScan. Now waymore gets URL’s from ALL of those sources too (with ability to filter more to get what you want):

Waf00f is a simple tool that helps bug bounty hunters identify and fingerprint web application firewalls (WAFs) used by target websites. Understanding the presence of a WAF is crucial for security assessments.

Amass is a powerful reconnaissance tool that integrates various subdomain enumeration techniques, DNS information gathering, and network mapping to provide a comprehensive view of a target’s online presence. It aims to discover as many subdomains and related assets as possible.

ffuf (Fuzz Faster U Fool) is a fast web fuzzer used for finding hidden resources and potential vulnerabilities in web applications. It is particularly effective for directory and file brute force discovery, helping bug bounty hunters uncover hidden or forgotten endpoints.

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Waybackurl queries the Wayback Machine’s archive to retrieve historical snapshots of web pages. This tool is valuable for bug bounty hunters when they need to review historical content, track changes, and investigate the evolution of a website.

theHarvester is a reconnaissance tool designed for gathering information about a target through public data sources, search engines, and online resources. It focuses on retrieving email addresses, subdomains, and more.

Google Dorking refers to the practice of using specific search queries on search engines like Google to discover hidden or sensitive information on websites. It is a manual technique for reconnaissance that can uncover files, directories, or information not intended for public access.

Gau, short for Get All URLs, is a versatile tool used for extracting URLs from a website or domain, including subdomains and paths. It offers an efficient way to enumerate web resources, helping bug bounty hunters discover hidden pages and endpoints.

GitHub Dorking involves using specific search queries on GitHub to uncover repositories, files, or sensitive information that may have been unintentionally exposed. Bug bounty hunters can utilize GitHub Dorks to identify security vulnerabilities, exposed API keys, or other confidential information.

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