In this blog post I would like to talk about tax consistency checks which are carried in CFIN and how one can find way around these checks.
Central Finance has robust consistency checks in tax area which compares the tax set-up in source ERP and CFIN, and if there is a mismatch in the set-up then transactions are flagged into an error in AIF.
However, if one is in a scenario where source system uses an external tax system, and CFIN is more of a reporting system (which is many times the case) then one is bound to see these configuration differences.
In such cases these checks must be skipped for transaction to post. Via a Tax check can be skipped. Given below is some information on the consistency checks and way to skip the same.
In case of consistency checks some of the configuration tables from source are replicated to CFIN and they are kept synchronized. This is done via SLT. Table names of these tables usually start with FINS_CFIN_<Table Name>. For company code table the CFIN table name would be FINS_CFIN_T001
Configuration Tables
In CFIN table CFIN_BC_V_REG holds the fields which are compared. This table shows consistency check area. Field name compared and error message which is issued.
Standard Tax Consistency Check Table
In the class where SAP standard checks are coded, am implicit enhancement can be coded to skip the checks.
Before skipping consistency check for any field it should be made sure that there is no negative impact of doing this in CFIN, and it doesn’t pose risk for any future central processing scenarios like central clearing or central payments.
That’s it for this post. See you in next post. Please feel free to leave feedback in the comments section.