User Status in PP Manufacturing Order
The objective of blog is knowledge sharing and idea on user status usage in process/ product 2023-12-6 19:2:16 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:8 收藏

The objective of blog is knowledge sharing and idea on user status usage in process/ production order which can help team members to enable different production and compliance related enhanced controls using user status and other setting in standard system without technical team engagement.

In standard, SAP have standard statuses (CRTD, REL, CNF, TECO, GMPS etc.) which are updated against each transaction control/ activity performed by users against process/ production order and there is option to define user specific status and attached with order header and operation manually as per business requirement and user status can be also updated automatically based on other status.

Few examples are as follow on user status

  • Process order not allowed to release without material and batch assignment in material list (Input). This control can be enabled using standard customizing setting.
  • Process Order release only possible after approval of process order and Operator not allowed adding, deleting component and changing quantities in the process order material list after once order approved. This control can be enabled using Process Order Individual Approval Step along with user status.
  • If process order has released but will not be used and want to restrict any transactions (Confirmation, Goods Movements) against process order for operator. This control can be enabled using User Status.
  • Authorization control based on individual user status on operator, supervisor or manager role using authorization code.
  • Automatic set user status based on sap transactions control/ event/ status.

The above are few examples and not limit to extend as controls can be enabled as per business requirements.

Note: Information used in blog is sample information and image used in the blog are from demo systems for interactive knowledge sharing and any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental

1.     Configuration Setting

1.1.  User Status Profile Object Assignment

1.2.  User Status

1.3.  User Status Controls

1.4.  User Status Profile with Order Type

2.     Production Execution Steps

2.1.  Create Process order and click on Release Button

Here we can observe that system is not allowing order release due to user status “YAPR” and pending order individual approval.

2.2.  Approved Individual Order using menu Process Order > Functions > Individual Approval and then Click on Release

After individual approval, automatic user replaced YAPR with YAPG.

2.3.  After clicking on release button, it is showing that Release rejected (see log).

2.4.  Go on log using menu Go To > Logs > To Release

Here we can observe that batches are missing in the material list (Input) therefore not able to release process order.

2.5.  We can use batch determination (manually) or can be automated on release as per requirement. Click on Material List (Input)

2.6.  Then select the row and follow menu Material > Batch Management > Execute Determination to perform batch determination

2.7.  Review batches and then then click on Copy

2.8.  Batches have been assigned after batch determination in the material list of process order.

When order approved, then may user not able to add, delete component row and requirement quantity in material list.

2.9.  After batch determination when we clicked on release, then the process order successfully released.

The order is ready to record actual inputs (yield, dates, consumption and output receipt) against process order after release.

2.10.  After release, post order confirmation with back-flushing and Auto Good Receipt with single step.

Three step manual transactions Goods Issue (Actual Consumption on order), Confirmation (Actual Yields and Dates) and Goods Receipt (Output receipt in stock) are also possible as per business requirement.

2.11.  If no process order will be used or hold due to any reason after approval/ released and need to restrict transactions (Confirmation and Good Movements). Then withdraw approval using menu Process Order > Functions > Withdraw Approval

On withdraw approval transaction, automatic YAPG status has been replaced with YAPW.

2.12.  Perform Confirmation or Goods Movement transactions against process order.

With YAPW status, system will not allow Order Confirmation, Goods Movements Transactions


Implementer team can used user status conjunction of standard status to enable enhanced production and compliance related control without engaging technical team. This is an idea for team who can enable user status as per their business requirement.

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