SAP C4C – Lead – “Associate Account” and “Associate Account and Contact” actions
This blog provides some in-depth information about the Associate Account and Associate Accoun 2023-12-6 17:26:14 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:9 收藏

This blog provides some in-depth information about the Associate Account and Associate Account and Contact options available from a Lead in SAP C4C.


The information in this blog applies only to the leads created for non-existing accounts.

Associate Account:

  • Create a lead by capturing all the relevant information except Contact Information in the lead header screen.
  • When you click on Actions button, you can see an option Associate Account.

  • Upon clicking of Associate Account, subsequent screen will display below fields.

  • However, it is possible to enable other PSM fields related to account in the Associate Account screen that were captured in the Account Information screen section in the Lead header view. Users can edit them in this screen before associating them to a new account as well.

  • The above steps are applicable if you are associating the lead to a new account. In case you are associating the lead to an existing account by selecting an account through Duplicate Check Result section, details pertaining to the selected account are displayed.

Associate Account and Contact:

  • Create a lead by capturing all the relevant information including Contact Information in the lead header screen.
  • When you click on Actions button, you can see an option Associate Account and Contact.
  • Upon clicking of Associate Account and Contact, subsequent screen will display below fields.

  • Now, when we add other account related fields in the Associate Account and Contact screen that were captured in the Account Information screen section in the Lead header view, it can be observed that the fields do not display any value despite entering some value in the lead header screen.
  • Reason for this is that the
    • Associate Account screen is built entirely on Account Object and hence account related fields added here are directly from Account itself.
    • Associate Account and Contact is built on Contact as an anchor object and any account related fields are hence not displayed.
  • The above steps are applicable if you are associating the lead to a new account and contact. In case you are associating the lead to an existing account and contact by selecting an account through Duplicate Check Result section, details pertaining to the selected account and contact are displayed.

Hope this helps. Happy consulting!!!


