The Roots of Cybersecurity: Traditional Methods
2023-12-6 03:0:18 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:4 收藏

In the beginning, cybersecurity was simply about defending your network’s perimeter.

The mantra was: protect the outside, trust the inside. Earlier cybersecurity measures focused more on preventing unauthorized access than managing data flow.

Firewalls and Antivirus

Enterprises relied heavily on firewalls and antivirus software.

The former acted as a gatekeeper, while the latter cleaned up any mess that fell through the cracks.

The Inadequacies of Traditional Measures

But as we moved into a more digital, interconnected world, these measures began to show cracks.

A lack of control over data once it moved outside of the network became glaringly apparent.

The traditional measures were insufficient to tackle emerging cyber threats.

The Shift to Advanced Cybersecurity Solutions

A paradigm shift in thinking was necessary, and this birthed the concept of ‘zero trust’.

This approach, pioneered by Forrester Research, demanded a vigilant defense – trusting nothing, verifying everything.

The Advent of End-to-End Encryption

End-to-end encryption emerged as a popular way of implementing zero trust.

It made certain that only the intended recipient could read the data.

Enter Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication prompted users to prove their identity twice before accessing sensitive data.

This method added an extra layer of protection against unauthorized data breaches.

Modern, advanced cybersecurity solutions like end-to-end encryption and two-factor authentication offer more comprehensive protection than their traditional counterparts.

Introducing EB Control: The Future of Cybersecurity

EB Control is uniquely positioned at the cutting edge of cybersecurity solutions, designed for the digital age we live in.

Built on the principles of zero trust, it offers users perpetual control over their data, leaving no room for external interference.

Perpetual Control and Unique Key Management

EB Control’s patented approach to key management provides true perpetual control over data.

No external server ever owns or even sees your data, making it a pure end-to-end solution.

Flexible Across Platforms, Scales and Industries

Whether you’re an SMB or a large enterprise, EB Control’s flexible system is easy-to-deploy and cost-effective.

It’s meticulous focus on zero trust principles makes it an ideal choice for sensitive industries.

EB Control is an advanced cybersecurity solution that provides a unique mix of meticulous zero-trust focus, flexibility and ease of use.

To sum up, Cybersecurity is on an evolving journey, and EB Control is at the vanguard, providing the most advanced tools to protect your data without compromising on usability and ease of implementation.

With EB Control, you can rest easy knowing your data is in the safest of hands.
