Our Brave New Compliance-Laden World
2023-12-6 03:0:24 Author: securityboulevard.com(查看原文) 阅读量:5 收藏

In our increasingly digital world, where data breaches seem to be alarmingly commonplace, it is no surprise that data privacy and security are critical considerations for businesses of all shapes and sizes. What was once the purview of only the most sensitive industries now casts a wide net, touching organizations from every industry imaginable.

“In today’s world, almost every type of business needs to be on top of their data privacy and security game.”

The Regulatory Landscape

It is not only the all-too-real threat of cyber criminals that prompts organizations to seek robust data security solutions. A growing list of stringent regulations governs the collection, storage, transmission, and use of sensitive data. From the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States, compliance has evolved into a key element of any information management strategy.

PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) is another such legislation encouraging deserving attention in every eCommerce venture.

Compliance is Not a One-Time Task

For many organizations, compliance with these regulations can struggle to be a tick-off item on their to-do list. 

The reality is much different. Compliance is a continuous process that requires the right tools and expertise to navigate its complex and ever-changing rules and requirements. 

Non-compliance can result in severe penalties, including hefty fines or damage to a company’s reputation that can take years to repair.

Remember: compliance is not a destination, it’s a continual journey.

Introducing EB Control: Your Compliance co-Pilot

Welcome to EB Control—a comprehensive solution engineered with meticulous attention to zero-trust principles that supports businesses of all stripes to stay ahead of the compliance curve. 

Whether it’s GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, or any other regulations in the market, EB Control lends you perpetual control of your data, offering a secure platform for communication to effortlessly meet and exceed compliance standards.

EB Control: End-to-End Solution for Secure Communications

Uniquely and effectively, EB Control employs a patented approach to key management. This simply means that no external servers ever own or see any of your data. This practice reinforces our steadfast commitment to absolute data privacy.

“With EB Control, your sensitive data is your business, and nobody else’s.”

A Plunge into Compliance with EB Control: A Four-Step Cruise

  1. Assess: We begin by assessing your organization’s unique needs and vulnerabilities to provide a custom-made data compliance solution.
  2. Implement: Every solution is tailored with your compliance requirements in mind and its implementation is planned out, step by step.
  3. Monitor: Once the solution is in place, we monitor to ensure its effectivity, reducing the risk of potential breaches.
  4. Report: Regular reporting ensures transparency, providing you with a clear understanding of the workings of the implemented solution and where improvements can be made.

A Penny for Your Compliance

Awareness of compliances and regulations is just the tip of the iceberg. In truth, you need an exhaustive, robust, yet flexible solution to truly navigate these waters. EB Control is your guiding star, with a unique value proposition that offers maximum control over your data in a cost-effective, low-maintenance manner.

文章来源: https://securityboulevard.com/2023/12/our-brave-new-compliance-laden-world/