Leverage our partner ecosystem to accelerate your cloud analytics journey
If your company is using SAP BusinessObjects BI and plan to move part or all of your BI use c 2023-12-5 22:28:2 Author: blogs.sap.com(查看原文) 阅读量:2 收藏

If your company is using SAP BusinessObjects BI and plan to move part or all of your BI use cases to SAP Analytics Cloud, you might wonder how to prepare your journey to the cloud, analyze your existing landscape, assess the transition work, plan the project and actually execute it.

Obviously, you should get in touch with your SAP contacts. But you can as well leverage our partner ecosystem to support you through this journey.

In this blog I will list some partners which have heavily invested in our analytics solutions, support our customers to operate SAP BusinessObjects BI and/or SAP Analytics Cloud and can concretely help you plan and execute your transition to the cloud.



With APOS Insight, you can monitor your SAP BusinessObjects BI landscape, and APOS Live Data Gateway can help you connect SAP Analytics Cloud to non SAP data and somehow substitute to universes.

NDC Group


NDC Converter for BusinessObjects can accelerates the migration of Web Intelligence reports to SAC stories.



With their 360Suite, you benefit from a powerful assessment tool to clean up your SAP BusinessObjects BI artefacts before starting you transition to the cloud.

This is only the beginning

With many customers starting their journey, I’m convinced that the business around transition to the cloud will increase. As more solutions beef up the available tool kit, I will update this blog to reflect new offering.

PS: it goes without saying, but if you are a SAP partner and want to join the club, please contact me.

文章来源: https://blogs.sap.com/2023/12/05/leverage-our-partner-ecosystem-to-accelerate-your-cloud-analytics-journey/