Building a Collaborative Approach to Secure the Connected World
2023-12-4 23:0:21 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:6 收藏

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, public key infrastructure (PKI) has emerged as an essential component of digital trust, underpinning security across myriad interconnected domains, from users and devices to the Internet of Things (IoT) and connected devices. The desire for IoT and interconnectedness shows no signs of slowing soon. The International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts worldwide spending on IoT is forecast to be $805.7 billion in 2023. Their Worldwide Internet of Things Spending Guide forecasts investments in the IoT ecosystem will surpass $1 trillion in 2026.

Through this growth comes risk. As our world becomes increasingly connected, the need for seamless security solutions that transcend manufacturers and industries has never been more critical. PKI is a framework that utilizes cryptographic keys, certificates and digital signatures to establish secure communication and authentication. Historically, PKI was predominantly associated with securing websites through TLS/SSL certificates. However, its scope has dramatically expanded to encompass a wide array of use cases, transforming PKI into the bedrock of digital trust.

Today, PKI plays a pivotal role in securing IoT devices, as well as websites, users, software, servers and digital content. This expanding landscape demands a collaborative approach to PKI, ensuring seamless security across diverse domains.

One of the fastest-growing markets where certificates are used is IoT. Implementing centralized certificate management solutions is an essential step to significantly simplify the management of certificates in a diverse IoT ecosystem. This approach ensures that devices have the required certificates, streamlining processes for certificate renewal and revocation. Establishing unique identities and robust authentication mechanisms for each IoT device is also crucial to prevent unauthorized access and enable secure communication between devices. Leveraging PKI for device identity and authentication is considered a best practice in ensuring the security of IoT ecosystems.

Let’s Get Together: Interoperability and Security Should Go Hand in Hand

But there is more to digital trust as the world becomes more connected – and it requires collaboration and cooperation among many. Enterprises and industries are actively working to build interoperability and security across their ecosystems. Chief among these efforts is standardization. Collaboration among manufacturers, industry consortiums and standards organizations is paramount for standardization. By establishing common standards and practices, interoperability and security can be enhanced.

Initiatives like the Matter protocol, for example, aim to create a universal standard for IoT devices, fostering cross-manufacturer compatibility. Matter is an open-source, royalty-free connectivity standard designed to increase interoperability and security among smart home devices and ecosystems. Backed by major tech players like Apple, Google and Amazon, Matter aims to create a unified ecosystem where devices from different manufacturers seamlessly communicate and function together. It also ensures that consumers can build smart homes without the limitations of vendor lock-in.

DigiCert has been a member of the Connectivity Standards Alliance and has contributed to the development of the Matter standard since its inception in 2019. While the primary goal has always been to simplify the use of smart home devices, Matter aims to give customers the confidence that when they bring a device home, it will seamlessly integrate with their other Matter-compliant devices and will be secure. The collaboration of over 300 participants to shape a new standard is a remarkable achievement and it speaks volumes about Matter’s core mission to unite the industry and create a smoother and more secure user experience for smart devices.

The electric vehicle (EV) industry is also striving for secure interoperability to enhance the user experience and accelerate the adoption of EVs. By standardizing charging protocols and ensuring compatibility between charging stations and EVs, manufacturers and infrastructure providers are fostering a more accessible and user-friendly EV charging network.

Industries and manufacturers of all kinds should follow the example of these two efforts as we all feel our way through other needs for collaboration and compatibility for the sake of digital trust.

Forging a More Secure and Connected Future

With unprecedented digital connectivity, and connected device use constantly growing and evolving, the importance of a collaborative and interoperable approach to security cannot be overstated. As PKI continues to evolve and expand its role in safeguarding the digital landscape, industries and manufacturers are coming together to build trust and security across ecosystems. These efforts not only enhance user experiences but also reinforce the resilience of our interconnected digital ecosystem.

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