Extended Live Session Offering from Q1 on covering more product areas
2023-12-4 21:42:43 Author: blogs.sap.com(查看原文) 阅读量:6 收藏

Our live sessions allow you to engage with our experts and learn from their expertise. Benefit from Q&A’s, demonstrations, and real-time support from instructors and fellow learners to maximize your SAP knowledge.

We are presenting two types of live sessions to you, catering to each and everyone’s taste: With our Q&A live sessions you can attend scheduled sessions with instructors to answer questions arising from your self-study.  

With our expert deep dive live sessions, you can explore more complex topics that go beyond the self-paced digital learning content you already mastered. 

Curious? Maximize your learning activities and get even more out of your SAP Learning Hub subscription:

Live Sessions on SAP Learning Site

文章来源: https://blogs.sap.com/2023/12/04/extended-live-session-offering-from-q1-on-covering-more-product-areas/