Configure Your Business Processes: An Introduction to SAP Central Business Configuration
2023-11-29 21:50:59 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:12 收藏

Navigating a fast-paced world can truly feel like trying to sail on unpredictable seas. Just like experienced sailors who use advanced navigation systems to adapt to changing weather conditions and unexpected obstacles, businesses need an equivalent tool to steer their course in the ever-evolving business landscape. This is where SAP Central Business Configuration comes into play. This tool allows you to adapt to ongoing changes and innovations in a highly automated, easy, and reliable way.

SAP Central Business Configuration is envisioned to allow you to configure business processes that span across different SAP cloud solutions, all from one central place. It already supports the configuration of SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition, but further aims at seamless implementation of end-to-end business processes across SAP’s cloud portfolio.


Key Benefits

  • Centralization and standardization: Consolidate your configuration settings and data into a single, centralized location. This approach enables standardization across SAP solutions in future, promoting consistency and reducing duplicate efforts.
  • Flexibility and agility: Respond to changing business requirements by adding new countries/regions, business processes, or organizational units to your scope anytime. Stay competitive by continuously configuring your business processes whenever needed.
  • Accelerated implementation: Benefit from faster implementation through preconfigured business configuration.
  • Reduced total cost of ownership (TCO): Accelerated implementation time along with the option to easily adjust your scope and configuration settings does not only save you valuable time, but also reduces your total cost of ownership.

Enhance Country Coverage with the Configuration Localization Tool

Implementing enterprise software systems across multiple countries and regions can be challenging. Localization is a critical aspect in this process. This includes adapting the software to comply with local legal, regulatory, and cultural requirements. Thanks to the multitude of standard local versions offered by SAP, this process has become a lot simpler.

Then again, expanding your business in countries outside of SAP’s standard offering has led to huge manual efforts in on-premise projects in the past, whereas in the public cloud, this wasn’t possible initially. However, with the Configuration Localization Tool that is embedded in SAP Central Business Configuration, customers can activate such countries with preconfigured content based on SAP Best Practices to jump-start implementation as known in the public cloud. As a result, it becomes possible to localize an even wider range of countries around the world.

Of course, local configuration settings need to be adjusted, as well as forms, payment formats, statutory reporting and so on, by using the known localization extensibility tool. The approach of implementing new countries that are not localized by SAP is called localization as a self-service for SAP S/4HANA Cloud. The Configuration Localization Tool is one component of this approach. Technically speaking, it automatically generates localized business configuration for the new country/region based on an already existing standard local version from SAP. While a country is localized from a technical perspective this way, partners and customers need to further localize this country from a business perspective. Localization as a self-service enhances your country coverage and saves you from many of the manual efforts associated with on-premise localization projects in the past.

Note: The Configuration Localization Tool is not yet generally available but only to selected customers. Stay tuned for its general availability.

Learn More

Just like modern sailors should no longer sail the seas without any technology, neither should you have to navigate this fast-paced world without powerful tools like SAP Central Business Configuration and the Configuration Localization Tool to assist your business. To learn more about SAP Central Business Configuration, check out the SAP Central Business Configuration ​community page. To enrich your knowledge about the Configuration Localization Tool, you can visit the Localization as a Self-Service for SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Public Edition community page.
