File System artifacts for known security software
2023-11-26 18:59:37 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:10 收藏

Inspired by Phill Moore’s new project called Ruler, I combed my collection of all old HijackThis logs (that I web scraped a long time ago) looking for paths that may be associated with security software. Unlike Phill’s, the resulting data dump is not curated, so it definitely includes lots of junk, but since it was relatively easy to put together, why not…

The intention here is primarily to highlight how ‘rich’ the world of directory and file names is. Not only we can find paths depending on progressive OS changes, localization, architecture, versioning, rebranding, short path, but also random user folders that made it to the HijackThis logs.

Finally, this is an old data — and today it has a historical value only.

Use at your own risk.

