Top Pen Testing Companies UK: Comprehensive Guide for 2023
2023-11-23 21:41:38 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:5 收藏


So you need some penetration testing? Choosing the right penetration testing company is more crucial than ever. But where do you start? This guide is designed to help you navigate the complex landscape of penetration testing companies in the UK. Explore the best penetration testing companies UK has to offer, ensuring your cyber security needs are expertly met. We’ll delve into what penetration testing involves, its types, and a carefully curated list of the top providers. Before we dive deep into the land of penetration testing, we should first clear up some concepts surrounding what penetration testing actually is, and and technical jargon.

So what is penetration testing exactly?

Penetration testing, or pen testing, is a crucial process in identifying and strengthening vulnerabilities in a system. It involves simulating cyber attacks in a controlled environment to evaluate the security of a system. This section will explore the various offerings you are likely to see when researching penetration testing companies. Some companies may specialise in specific areas, while others may not offer the services listed below at all. It’s important to research the company (We have done that for you though) before agreeing to purchase their services.

There is also Social Engineering Penetration Testing…however, we probably don’t need to be discussing what happens during those engagements.

The image shows a babies dummy, with the caption "You wouldn't want to put strange things in your mouth"

Why does choosing the right penetration testing provider matter?

Choosing the right penetration testing provider isn’t just a matter of ticking off a compliance checklist; it’s about securing your digital kingdom against the barbarians at the gates. And let me tell you, those barbarians aren’t slowing down for a tea break.

Let me tell you a story.

DevOps Unbound Podcast

Picture this: Company SwankyStartupInc, let’s call them ‘OopsTech,’ decided to go bargain-bin shopping for their pen testing services. They found ‘CheapTestersRUs,’ a company whose idea of advanced security testing was akin to checking if the front door was locked while leaving the back door wide open with a neon welcome sign.

The logo for a fictitious company named "CheapTestersRUS"
The fictitious company of your nightmares.

The result? A cyber-attack that turned OopsTech’s network into a digital zombie apocalypse. Data leaked faster than a poorly scripted soap opera plot, with personal client details making guest appearances on dark web forums. The aftermath was a mix of PR nightmares, legal jamborees, and a CEO looking like they’d seen a ghost (or worse, their company’s credit score).

This tale of digital woe is a cautionary reminder: Choosing the right penetration testing company matters. It’s not just about finding vulnerabilities; it’s about finding a partner who can navigate the labyrinth of cyber threats with the finesse of a digital Theseus (On a side note, contact us about a free OSINT assessment). You need a team that doesn’t just report problems but provides robust, real-world solutions that won’t leave you feeling like you’re starring in your own horror show.

Top 5 things to look for in a Penetration Testing Company UK

When selecting a penetration testing company, it’s crucial to consider various factors to ensure that you receive comprehensive and effective cybersecurity services. Here are the top five things to look for:

  • Expertise and qualifications: Look for a company with a team of certified professionals who have credentials such as CREST, OSCP, or CISSP. These certifications indicate a high level of expertise and a commitment to the field of cyber security.
  • Customised testing approaches: Choose a company that offers tailored penetration testing services. Every organisation has unique security needs, and a one-size-fits-all approach won’t be as effective. The company should be able to customise their testing methods based on your specific infrastructure and security concerns.
  • Comprehensive reporting and support: A good penetration testing company should provide detailed reports that not only identify vulnerabilities but also offer clear, actionable recommendations for remediation. Look for any added value to the company’s reports, such as Indicators of compromise. Additionally, check if they offer post-testing support to help address any security issues and improve your defenses. Some companies (Such as us), offer free retesting after they have conducted the assessment, although this not common.
  • Reputation and experience: Research the company’s reputation in the market. Look for reviews, case studies, or testimonials from previous clients. Experience in handling a variety of security scenarios and a track record of successful engagements are good indicators of a reliable company. Speak to a security professional who will be handling the assessment prior to signing any project proposal. Ask for an example penetration test report if required.
  • Ethical and legal Compliance: Ensure that the company adheres to ethical hacking guidelines and complies with all relevant legal and regulatory standards. This includes respecting data privacy laws and having proper contracts and non-disclosure agreements in place to protect your sensitive information.

List of Top 5 Pen Testing Companies UK

  • Sencode
  • Aptive
  • Aardwolf security
  • Nettitude
  • Cyber Tec Security

Fear not! We’ve done the heavy lifting for you. In this pivotal section, we introduce the crème de la crème of the UK’s penetration testing landscape. From renowned industry leaders to innovative up-and-comers, each company on our list brings a unique blend of professionalism, expertise, and bespoke support.


Overview: Yes. Of course we are first, but we truly believe in that. We offer a range of penetration testing services. We focus on Penetration Testing, Cloud Configuration reviews and bespoke Red Team Assessments. If there is a vulnerability we can exploit, we will find it.

Services Offered:

You can always contact us using the form below to find out. It’s just a suggestion.

Aardwolf Security

The image shows the website for Aardwolf

Overview: Aardwolf Security is a London-based cyber security company specialising in penetration testing services for web applications, networks.

Services Offered:

  • Penetration Testing
  • Offers a comprehensive security assessment to identify and mitigate cyber risks.


The image shows the website for Aptive.

Overview: Based in Surrey Research Park, Guildford, Aptive offers affordable mobile and web application security testing services.

Services Offered:

  • Vulnerability Assessment Services: Both manual and automated vulnerability assessments​
  • Penetration Testing


The image shows the website for Nettitude

Overview: Nettitude is a global provider of cyber security services. They focus on technical assurance, consulting, managed detection, and response offerings.

Services Offered:

  • Security Testing
  • Penetration Testing
  • Risk and Compliance

Cyber Tec Security

Overview: Founded in 2018, Cyber Tec Security is a Jersey-based IASME Certification Body focused on improving the security health of businesses across the UK, especially SMEs.

Services Offered:

  • Offers a best price guarantee on certification packages and values authenticity over automation, providing personalised service with security specialists.
  • Penetration Testing


And there you have it, a comprehensive guide to navigating the intricate world of penetration testing companies in the UK. From understanding the multifaceted nature of pen testing to diving into the nuances of specific services like API, cloud, and GDPR testing, we’ve covered it all. We’ve even shared a spooky tale of what can go wrong when you skimp on quality cyber security services, adding a sprinkle of humor to a serious subject.

The importance of selecting the right penetration testing provider cannot be overstated. It’s a decision that goes beyond mere compliance; it’s about safeguarding your digital assets against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. Remember, in the realm of cybersecurity, cutting corners can lead to dire consequences.

So, take your time, do your research, and choose a partner that aligns with your specific cyber security needs. Remember, the right penetration testing company is not just a service provider; they are your ally in the ongoing battle against cyber threats.

We hope this guide has been informative and perhaps even a bit entertaining. Don’t hesitate to reach out for further advice or to discuss your cybersecurity needs. After all, in the digital age, staying one step ahead of cyber threats is not just a necessity; it’s a smart business strategy.

Want to start a conversation about securing your digital realm? Contact us today for a free, no-obligation quote, and let’s talk cyber security. Remember, your digital security is our mission, and we’re here to help you navigate these complex waters with confidence and expertise.

The post Top Pen Testing Companies UK: Comprehensive Guide for 2023 appeared first on Sencode.

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