Last Indicator Value in Line Monitor within SAP Digital Manufacturing
2023-11-23 22:44:14 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:6 收藏


In 23.11 Release, Line Monitor Last Indicator Value Plugin and Post Last Indicator Values Service were introduced, enabling the visualization of the latest / current value of shop floor equipment indicators in Line Monitor POD with minimal latency.

In this blog post, we will see how to set it up and give it a try.


  • Setup Shop Floor Connectivity
  • Create Equipment or Assets and Indicators, and map them accordingly
  • Map Assets to Resources in Manage Resources app

See About Production Connectivity Model for more details.


Create a new Cloud Process within a Production Process Design, add a Start Control and create the following Input Parameters:

On the Left hand side under Services and Processes, click Select Services and then Search and Select “Last Indicator Value” group:

Drag and drop “Post Last Indicator Value” service to the Canvas, connect it to the existing Start Control, add and connect an End Control and map “Post Last Indicator Value” service inputs to the Start Control Input Parameters previously created:

Click Additional Options (“…”) and make sure this Cloud Process is Published to Service Registry and Visible to Production Connector:

Save and deploy it:

Open an existing or create a copy from the Default Line Monitor POD in POD Designer app, add a new Plugin Container Control and add “Line Monitor Last Indicator Value Plugin” to “Asset Details (Layout)” page, mark the new plugin as Default and click “Configure Indicators” at the Configuration Panel of Line Monitor Last Indicator Value Plugin:

Expand each Work Center on the left hand side to see all the Equipment and Assets mapped to that Work Center child Resources and check which Indicators you want to display in Line Monitor POD for each Work Center:

Save and Open your Line Monitor POD, navigate to Asset Details page for one of the configured Work Centers and check that the Indicators are displayed with empty “-” value:

For testing purposes, manually run the Production Process previously created, while providing all the required Input Parameters:

Once the Production Process is executed successfully, the Indicator value provided should show accordingly in Line Monitor POD:

* The Asset ID information needed as input of Post Last Indicator Values Service can be retrieved from Manage Assets app, if using the new Asset Model:

Or from Equipment app, if using the Legacy Asset Model:

What to do next?

In this blog post, for educational and testing purposes, we manually executed a Production Process Design to push values to Line Monitor Last Indicator Value Plugin in Line Monitor POD.

Moving forward, you can make this process completely automatic in several ways, like for example by using Automatic Triggers of Subscriptions or Timers types, where you can catch tag value changes or schedule time intervals to read tag values from the shop floor and then call the recently created Production Process Design to push the values to Line Monitor Last Indicator Value Plugin in Line Monitor POD using Post Last Indicator Values Service.

See Line Monitor Last Indicator Value entry in SAP Help (Link is pending as this SAP Help entry is still in Draft mode. It should be published and updated here after 23.11 Release in Productive spaces) for more details and recommendations.


SAP Digital Manufacturing 23.11 Release introduced Line Monitor Last Indicator Value Plugin and Post Last Indicator Values Service, enabling the visualization of the latest / current value of shop floor equipment indicators in Line Monitor POD with minimal latency.

In this blog post, went through the basic setup and testing steps of this new capability, enabling you to create your own scenarios.

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Manoel Costa
