Always Thankful for Our Customers
2023-11-22 05:27:48 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:5 收藏

Thanksgiving is the perfect time of year to reflect on all the things we are truly grateful for. Here at Cycode, we try to practice gratitude every day. As we reflect what we are most thankful for, our customers are always at the top of our list. 

Our customers push us to do better. They inspire us and motivate us to create new and innovative products that help transform application security. Everything we do, we do with our customers in mind. Our goal is to create a world in which we have helped our customers achieve peace of mind because their applications and software supply chains are secure. 

We truly respect our customers as partners, and we value the trust our customers place in us. We strive to listen to customers and always appreciate their honest feedback. It makes us do better and it pushes us to continually improve. We built our ASPM platform with the purpose of making our customers’ lives better and more secure. 

Of course, we love it when our customers say nice things about us. We’re thankful that we get to share a few of their kind words here.

Application Security Posture Management (ASPM)

“In security, scanning data is important, but it’s more than that. It’s the data collection. It’s the correlation. It’s being smart with the data to understand the full picture of your risk, to understand what alerts to focus on first. Cycode was the only platform that was being smart with their data.”

Jamie Sadler, Head of Application Security at theScore

DevOps Unbound Podcast

“We chose Cycode because of its broad coverage of programming languages and its ease of deployment. With Cycode, minimal time is needed from developers to implement. Teams can realize value from Cycode within hours of setting it up.”

Dr. Jasyn Voshell, Director Product and Solutions Security at Zebra Technologies 

Security First and Developer First

“Cycode improved our dev workflows and reduced the noise generated by alerts so that security and engineering teams are more efficient and we have complete visibility from code to cloud.”

Erez Mor, Director of Security Engineering, Rapyd

Quick Time to Value

“Kudos to the Cycode team. In all these years, I have not seen a product from a vendor that is so easy and fast. I thought the initial scan would take a month to do. I am surprised to see the results in minutes.”

A multinational automobile manufacturer

CI/CD Security and Compliance

“From the moment we looked at Cycode’s offering and started entering in credentials, we immediately started to get results. Without the visibility that Cycode gives us, many of the biggest companies in the world would not do business with us…Cycode has provided that pillar for us and has allowed us to pursue those largest companies and do business with them to expand our business.” 

Zachary Padilla, Lead Cyber Security Engineer at Kyriba

“Cycode has become a very valuable tool for our Separation of Duties audit pain point.” 

A multinational fintech company

Customer Support

“When I talk to Cycode, I don’t feel like I’m talking to a vendor. I feel like I’m talking to a partner.”

A multinational supply chain management and logistics company

“The speed with which your teams integrate these upgrades is impressive!” 

A US financial services company

“Cycode gives me excellent service. You actually listen to me! And you enriched my knowledge and capabilities. Cycode showed me we have a systemic problem here of people doing push to master that both security and DevOps were not aware of. And Cycode’s UI – it is amazing!”

A multinational employment platform

Learn More

For those customers who have worked with us from our earliest days to those who have partnered with us more recently, we are thankful for you. You have our deepest gratitude now and throughout the year.

Want to learn more about Cycode’s complete ASPM platform for application security? Book a demo now to find out how we can help you achieve faster time to value, reduce critical vulnerabilities, and remediate faster.

The post Always Thankful for Our Customers appeared first on Cycode.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Cycode authored by Julie Peterson. Read the original post at:
