Why I Joined CyberSaint: It’s All About Risk
2023-11-20 22:20:49 Author: securityboulevard.com(查看原文) 阅读量:2 收藏

Why I Joined CyberSaint: It’s All About Risk

As I join CyberSaint as Chief Product Officer, I can’t help but reflect on the path that led me to this opportunity. In college, I remember listening to Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” in my dorm room and being intrigued by its cyclical nature, the beginning tied to the end to create a complete circle. Joining CyberSaint is a very similar path joining the beginning to the end of my professional journey.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from CyberSaint Blog authored by Matt Alderman. Read the original post at: https://www.cybersaint.io/blog/why-i-joined-cybersaint-its-all-about-risk

文章来源: https://securityboulevard.com/2023/11/why-i-joined-cybersaint-its-all-about-risk/