New SAP Enterprise Value Maps Learning Journey „SAP Cloud ALM for Service”
2023-11-21 01:7:0 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:5 收藏

New Learning Journey „SAP Cloud ALM for Service”

With SAP Cloud ALM for Service SAP provides a new concept for customers to centrally access all information for support services of the past, the present and the future. It allows to collaborate more closely with the delivery teams conducting these services and to follow up on the results of these service deliveries.

The SAP Enterprise Support Value Map for Application Lifecycle Management provides with the new designed Learning Journey, to gain more details about this new way of service delivery and to start using it.

In the overview section of this Learning Journey the new concept is explained more in detail with a demonstration the usage in a real system.

More covered topic within this Learning Journey are:

  • Service Delivery Prerequisites: Get instructions to get your Cloud ALM tenant ready for Service Delivery
  • Service Delivery Center: Introduces the central access point to all information related to individual service deliveries. This includes notes, preparation tasks, attachments, access to service results, access to issues and actions.
  • Service Results: Detailed online results of service delivery
  • Issues and Actions Management: Tracking and management of all issues and actions detected during service deliveries

Start your journey to explore the service delivery with SAP Cloud ALM for Service right now and visit the SAP Enterprise Value Map for Application Lifecycle Management.

For joining the SAP Enterprise Support Value Maps, a one time registration is required. Please follow the two steps to register and join the SAP Enterprise Support Value Maps here.

In case you need any further guidance, the ALM Value Map team is happy to assist

Kind regards

SAP Enterprise Support Value Map for Application Lifecycle Management team
