突发!奥特曼遭OpenAI 罢免 CEO职务
2023-11-18 09:13:36 Author: 利刃信安攻防实验室(查看原文) 阅读量:4 收藏

突发!奥特曼遭OpenAI 罢免 CEO职务

2023年11月18日,ChatGPT开发OpenAI表示,由于董事会对其领导能力失去信心,公司首席执行官Sam Altman已被罢免,这在整个科技行业掀起了轩然大波
OpenAI表示,首席技术官Mira Murati将担任临时首席执行官,并补充道公司将正式寻找一位永久性的首席执行官。
经营Y CombinatorAltman是一名连续创业家兼投资者,今年他在全球巡访时堪称OpenAI的门面,他宣传和推介的广受欢迎的生成式AI技术可以对用户输入的查询做出类似人类的回答。
虽然眼下还不清楚OpenAI这一变化带来的影响,但目前的融资前景可能会受到质疑。对冲基金Great Hill Capital董事长Thomas Hayes表示:“从短期来看,这将削弱OpenAI筹集更多资金的能力。从中期来看,这将不是一个问题。”

OpenAI 官方公告:

OpenAI announces leadership transition

Chief technology officer Mira Murati appointed interim CEO to lead OpenAI; Sam Altman departs the company.

Search process underway to identify permanent successor.

The board of directors of OpenAI, Inc., the 501(c)(3) that acts as the overall governing body for all OpenAI activities, today announced that Sam Altman will depart as CEO and leave the board of directors. Mira Murati, the company’s chief technology officer, will serve as interim CEO, effective immediately.

A member of OpenAI’s leadership team for five years, Mira has played a critical role in OpenAI’s evolution into a global AI leader. She brings a unique skill set, understanding of the company’s values, operations, and business, and already leads the company’s research, product, and safety functions. Given her long tenure and close engagement with all aspects of the company, including her experience in AI governance and policy, the board believes she is uniquely qualified for the role and anticipates a seamless transition while it conducts a formal search for a permanent CEO.

Mr. Altman’s departure follows a deliberative review process by the board, which concluded that he was not consistently candid in his communications with the board, hindering its ability to exercise its responsibilities. The board no longer has confidence in his ability to continue leading OpenAI.

In a statement, the board of directors said: “OpenAI was deliberately structured to advance our mission: to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all humanity. The board remains fully committed to serving this mission. We are grateful for Sam’s many contributions to the founding and growth of OpenAI. At the same time, we believe new leadership is necessary as we move forward. As the leader of the company’s research, product, and safety functions, Mira is exceptionally qualified to step into the role of interim CEO. We have the utmost confidence in her ability to lead OpenAI during this transition period.”

OpenAI’s board of directors consists of OpenAI chief scientist Ilya Sutskever, independent directors Quora CEO Adam D’Angelo, technology entrepreneur Tasha McCauley, and Georgetown Center for Security and Emerging Technology’s Helen Toner.

As a part of this transition, Greg Brockman will be stepping down as chairman of the board and will remain in his role at the company, reporting to the CEO.

OpenAI was founded as a non-profit in 2015 with the core mission of ensuring that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity. In 2019, OpenAI restructured to ensure that the company could raise capital in pursuit of this mission, while preserving the nonprofit's mission, governance, and oversight. The majority of the board is independent, and the independent directors do not hold equity in OpenAI. While the company has experienced dramatic growth, it remains the fundamental governance responsibility of the board to advance OpenAI’s mission and preserve the principles of its Charter.


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