New Heights: My Next Career Chapter at SAP
2023-11-16 01:28:9 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:5 收藏

There comes a time in everyone’s career or role that no matter where you are, you feel you’ve hit your ceiling and capped your potential. What’s important to keep in mind is that it doesn’t reflect badly on you or your team, you’ve just reached the time to do something scary and nerve-wracking: change. Change is one of the most difficult things we face, but change is inevitable. One reason we don’t like change is because we get comfortable where we are. Even if it’s not perfect, we tend to accept it because it’s familiar. So, I did the one thing that you do when you fear change…I called my mom.

Like all moms, she always knows the right things to say when you need it the most. Something she has always said to me since I was in high school is “Take the leap and the safety net will appear”. After some self-reflection over the summer, I knew it was time for me to make a career change. I didn’t want to leave SAP, so I started to explore the Corporate Portal and Job Postings to find my next role. After careful review, I found the position that I wanted to apply for.

A few weeks later I received a phone call from an HR rep at SAP who told me that the team was extending an offer for me to join SAP Fieldglass as a Solutions Advisor Specialist. I had a rush of feelings and thoughts overcome me. “Did they call the wrong number?”, “Are they sure they want me?”, “Am I confident in taking this job in something I know nothing about?”. I asked the recruiter for a day or two to think things over, which everyone should do when contemplating a change. I kept replaying in my head what my mom always says, “Take the leap and the safety net will appear”. The next morning, I informed the recruiter that I wanted to accept the position.

The first few weeks of my new role have been an experience. I have been overwhelmed with how much information there is on SAP Fieldglass and how much content exists! The first few meetings with my new team felt like switching schools. I didn’t want to ask any dumb questions, I was worried I would forget my name when introducing myself, and I didn’t want to look unprepared. However, after the first week, I have never felt more comfortable. I am diving into different trainings, asking questions, and getting more and more familiar with the product and my team. The constant reassurance I have from everyone that if I have any questions or need something repeated is helping me gain more confidence in my abilities and skills in this new role and in my career.

Change is inevitable, but recognizing when it is time for one, is the first step to challenge yourself and grow in your career and your life. Take the leap and the safety net will appear! Don’t forget to call your mom.
