Intention of this blog is to introduce a prototype setup for configuring HADR for the SAP IDM 8.0 based on SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise. The SAP Identity Management Setup requires two SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise installations on each host. Key point to note for this scenario:
You can refer to the HADR Users Guide (Link) for more information on pre-requisites and further configuration, troubleshooting and tuning of both HADR environments.
This blog explains how to set this up based on the following steps:
Follow the SAP IDM Installation guides to install two identical systems. First system will be used as primary system. Second system will be used as a Disaster Recovery / High Availability system.
Use the following option in the latest “Software Provisioning Manager” to install SAP Netweaver 7.5 Java system in preparation for SAP Identity Management 8.0 System. For this setup I will be using the System ID (SID) “J50” for my setup and all passwords will be set to “P@s$w0rd!” for the sake of simplicity as it is a test system only.
Use the following option in the latest “Software Provisioning Manager” to install “SAP ASE Database Instance for SAP Identity Management System” in preparation for SAP Identity Management 8.0 System. For this setup I will be using the System ID (SID) “I50” for my setup and all passwords will be set to “P@s$w0rd!” for the sake of simplicity as it is a test system only.
Use the following option in the latest “Software Provisioning Manager” to install “SAP Identity Management Standard System”. This setup will require you to connect to the SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise installed in the previous step.
We will shut down the Netweaver Java Instance on the standby host. We will only start this instance once we perform a database failover, and the current standby host will become the new primary host.
We will be installing two instances of SAP ASE Data Movement Option one for the SAP ASE Instance “J50” and one for SAP ASE Instance “I50”. Both ASE Instances were installed and configured in the previous steps.
Use the following sample response file for installing SAP ASE DM for the Java Instance (J50) on both primary and secondary hosts. This will only install the DM option under the /sybase/J50/DM directory in preparation for setting up HADR for the Java Instance.
#do not configure servers
SYSAM_LICENSE_TYPE=AC : OEM Application Deployment CPU License
Use the following sample response file for installing SAP ASE DM for the SAP IDM Instance (I50) on both primary and secondary hosts. This will only install the DM option under the /sybase/I50/DM directory in preparation for setting up HADR for the IDM Instance.
#do not configure servers
SYSAM_LICENSE_TYPE=AC : OEM Application Deployment CPU License
Important: You need to repeat these 2 installations on the standby host as well.
In this step we will first configure the HADR for the SAP ASE Instance used by the Java Instance (J50).
In this step we will prepare the setuphadr response file using the sample provided below.
# Setup HADR sample responses file
# This sample responses file setup ASE HADR on
# hosts "host1" (primary) and "host2" (companion).
# Prerequisite:
# - New SAP ASE and Backup servers setup and started on "host1" and "host2".
# See HADR User Guide for requirements on SAP ASE servers.
# - Replication Management Agent (RMA) started on "host1" and "host2".
# Usage:
# 1. On host1 (primary), run:
# $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE//bin//setuphadr <this_responses_file>
# 2. Change this responses file properties:
# setup_site=COMP
# is_secondary_site_setup=true
# 3. On host2 (companion), run
# $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE//bin//setuphadr <responses_file_from_step_2>
# ID that identifies this cluster
# Value must be unique,
# begin with a letter and
# 3 characters in length.
# Note: Set value to your SID incase of HADR on SAP Business Suite Installations
# Which site being configured
# Note:
# You need to set "<setup_site_value>.*"
# properties in this responses file.
# Set installation_mode
# Valid values: true, false
# If set to true, installation_mode will be set to "BS".
# If set to false, installation_mode will be set to "nonBS"
# Note: Set value to true for HADR on SAP Business Suite installations
# Note: Set enable_ssl to false for HADR on SAP Business Suite Installations
# true OR false
# common name, take SYBASE for example
# private key file
# public key file
# root CA cert
# NOTE: if you're using self-signed cert, put your public key file here
# ssl password
# Has the secondary site prepared for ASE HADR
# Valid values: true, false
# If set to true, "<secondary_setup_site_value>.*"
# properties must set in this responses file.
# How data is replicated
# Valid values: sync, async
# SAP ASE system administrator user//password
# setuphadr will prompt from standard input if not specified
# ASE HADR maintenance user//password
# For a Business Suite installation, name the user <custer_id>_maint.
# Password must have at least 6 characters
# setuphadr will prompt from standard input if not specified
# Replication Management Agent administrator user//password
# Password must have at least 6 characters
# setuphadr will prompt from standard input if not specified
# This is for BusS only
# if set to true, DR admin user will be added to secure store
# Adding user action will be executed by following user
# If we need to config and start Replication Management Agent
# Valid values: true, false
# If we need to create Replication Management Agent windows service
# Only affects windows
# Valid values: true, false
# If set to true, rma_service_user and rma_service_password will be used
# Replication Management Agent Service user//password
# Only needed for windows instllations.
# Note: Set value of rma_service_user to sybJ50 user incase of HADR on SAP
# Business Suite Installations
# Databases that will participate in replication
# and "auto" materialize.
# ASE HADR requires SAP ASE to have a database
# with cluster ID name (see "cluster_id" above).
# cluster ID database
# Site "PRIM" on host host1 with primary role
# Host name where SAP ASE run
# Enter fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# if your sites are on different subnet.
# We don't support ASE and SRS on different hosts yet
# This is virtual host name for SRS//RMA
# Optional property
# Enter fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# if your sites are on different subnet.
# Site name
# Enter value that identifies this site,
# like a geographical location.
# Value must be unique.
# Site role
# Enter the role of this site.
# Valid values: primary, companion
# directory where SAP ASE installed
# Directory that stored SAP ASE user data files
# (interfaces, RUN_<server>, error log, etc. files).
# Do not set value if your user data files are in
# SAP ASE installed directory (ase_release_directory).
# Directory to store database dumps
# in materialzation
# Backup server must able to access this directory
# Port numbers for Replication Server and Replication Management Agent on host1
# In remote topology, these are the companion Replication Server and
# Replication Management Agent.
# See "rsge.bootstrap.tds.port.number" properties in
# <SAP ASE installed directory>//DM//RMA-15_5//instances//AgentContainer//config//bootstrap.prop
# for value
# Starting port number to use when setup Replication Server.
# Make sure next two ports (+1 and +2) are also available for use.
# Device buffer for Replication Server on host1
# Recommend size = 128 * N
# where N is the number of databases to replicate,
# including the master and cluster ID databases.
# Persistent queue directory for Replication Server running on host1
# For synchronous replication (synchronization_mode=sync),
# enter directory to an SSD (solid state drive) or other
# type of fast read//write storage device
# Site "COMP" on host host2 with companion role
# Host name where SAP ASE run
# Enter fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# if your sites are on different subnet.
# We don't support ASE and SRS on different hosts yet
# This is virtual host name for SRS//RMA
# Optional property
# Enter fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# if your sites are on different subnet.
# Site name
# Enter value that identifies this site,
# like a geographical location.
# Value must be unique.
# Site role
# Enter the role of this site.
# Valid values: primary, companion
# directory where SAP ASE installed
# Directory that stored SAP ASE user data files
# (interfaces, RUN_<server>, error log, etc. files).
# Do not set value if your user data files are in
# SAP ASE installed directory (ase_release_directory).
# Directory to store database dumps
# in materialzation
# Backup server must able to access this directory
# Port numbers for Replication Server and Replication Management Agent on host2
# In remote topology, these are the companion Replication Server and
# Replication Management Agent.
# See "rsge.bootstrap.tds.port.number" properties in
# <SAP ASE installed directory>//DM//RMA-15_5//instances//AgentContainer//config//bootstrap.prop
# for value
# Starting port number to use when setup Replication Server.
# Make sure next two ports (+1 and +2) are also available for use.
# Device buffer for Replication Server on host2
# Recommend size = 128 * N
# where N is the number of databases to replicate,
# including the master and cluster ID databases.
# Note: For HADR on SAP Business Suite Installations use SID database logsize * 1.5
# Persistent queue directory for Replication Server running on host2
# For synchronous replication (synchronization_mode=sync),
# enter directory to an SSD (solid state drive) or other
# type of fast read//write storage device
# Note: For HADR on SAP Business Suite Installations use SID database logsize * 1.5
You need to logon as sybj50 user to the system and switch to the “/sybase/J50/ASE-16_0/bin/” directory and execute the setuphadr command and the response file prepared in the previous step as parameter for the command. The output will look like as follows:
ase-db1 ASE-16_0/bin% setuphadr ../init/logs/setuphadr_J50_SP4PL4_PRIM.txt
Clean up environment.
Environment cleaned up.
Setup ASE HADR maintenance user
Create maintenance login "J50_maint"...
Grant "sa_role" role to "J50_maint"...
Grant "replication_role" role to "J50_maint"...
Grant "replication_maint_role_gp" role to "J50_maint"...
Grant "sap_maint_user_role" role to "J50_maint"...
Grant "sybase_ts_role" role to "J50_maint"...
Add auto activated roles "sap_maint_user_role" to user "J50_maint"...
Allow "J50_maint" to be known as dbo in "master" database...
Allow "J50_maint" to be known as dbo in "J50" database...
Setup ASE HADR maintenance user...Success
Setup administrator user
Create administrator login "DR_admin"...
Grant "sa_role" role to "DR_admin"...
Grant "sso_role" role to "DR_admin"...
Grant "replication_role" role to "DR_admin"...
Grant "hadr_admin_role_gp" role to "DR_admin"...
Grant "sybase_ts_role" role to "DR_admin"...
Add user "DR_admin" to DB "sybsystemprocs".
Setup administrator user...Success
Setup Backup server allow hosts
Backup server on "PRIM" site: Add host "ase-db2" to allow dump and load...
Setup Backup server allow hosts...Success
Setup complete on "PRIM" site. Please run Setup HADR on "COMP" site to complete the setup.
ase-db1 ASE-16_0/bin%
In this step we will prepare the setuphadr response file using the sample provided below.
# Setup HADR sample responses file
# This sample responses file setup ASE HADR on
# hosts "host1" (primary) and "host2" (companion).
# Prerequisite:
# - New SAP ASE and Backup servers setup and started on "host1" and "host2".
# See HADR User Guide for requirements on SAP ASE servers.
# - Replication Management Agent (RMA) started on "host1" and "host2".
# Usage:
# 1. On host1 (primary), run:
# $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE//bin//setuphadr <this_responses_file>
# 2. Change this responses file properties:
# setup_site=COMP
# is_secondary_site_setup=true
# 3. On host2 (companion), run
# $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE//bin//setuphadr <responses_file_from_step_2>
# ID that identifies this cluster
# Value must be unique,
# begin with a letter and
# 3 characters in length.
# Note: Set value to your SID incase of HADR on SAP Business Suite Installations
# Which site being configured
# Note:
# You need to set "<setup_site_value>.*"
# properties in this responses file.
# Set installation_mode
# Valid values: true, false
# If set to true, installation_mode will be set to "BS".
# If set to false, installation_mode will be set to "nonBS"
# Note: Set value to true for HADR on SAP Business Suite installations
# Note: Set enable_ssl to false for HADR on SAP Business Suite Installations
# true OR false
# common name, take SYBASE for example
# private key file
# public key file
# root CA cert
# NOTE: if you're using self-signed cert, put your public key file here
# ssl password
# Has the secondary site prepared for ASE HADR
# Valid values: true, false
# If set to true, "<secondary_setup_site_value>.*"
# properties must set in this responses file.
# How data is replicated
# Valid values: sync, async
# SAP ASE system administrator user//password
# setuphadr will prompt from standard input if not specified
# ASE HADR maintenance user//password
# For a Business Suite installation, name the user <custer_id>_maint.
# Password must have at least 6 characters
# setuphadr will prompt from standard input if not specified
# Replication Management Agent administrator user//password
# Password must have at least 6 characters
# setuphadr will prompt from standard input if not specified
# This is for BusS only
# if set to true, DR admin user will be added to secure store
# Adding user action will be executed by following user
# If we need to config and start Replication Management Agent
# Valid values: true, false
# If we need to create Replication Management Agent windows service
# Only affects windows
# Valid values: true, false
# If set to true, rma_service_user and rma_service_password will be used
# Replication Management Agent Service user//password
# Only needed for windows instllations.
# Note: Set value of rma_service_user to sybi50 user incase of HADR on SAP
# Business Suite Installations
# Databases that will participate in replication
# and "auto" materialize.
# ASE HADR requires SAP ASE to have a database
# with cluster ID name (see "cluster_id" above).
# cluster ID database
#idm databases
# Site "PRIM" on host host1 with primary role
# Host name where SAP ASE run
# Enter fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# if your sites are on different subnet.
# We don't support ASE and SRS on different hosts yet
# This is virtual host name for SRS//RMA
# Optional property
# Enter fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# if your sites are on different subnet.
# Site name
# Enter value that identifies this site,
# like a geographical location.
# Value must be unique.
# Site role
# Enter the role of this site.
# Valid values: primary, companion
# directory where SAP ASE installed
# Directory that stored SAP ASE user data files
# (interfaces, RUN_<server>, error log, etc. files).
# Do not set value if your user data files are in
# SAP ASE installed directory (ase_release_directory).
# Directory to store database dumps
# in materialzation
# Backup server must able to access this directory
# Port numbers for Replication Server and Replication Management Agent on host1
# In remote topology, these are the companion Replication Server and
# Replication Management Agent.
# See "rsge.bootstrap.tds.port.number" properties in
# <SAP ASE installed directory>//DM//RMA-15_5//instances//AgentContainer//config//bootstrap.prop
# for value
# Starting port number to use when setup Replication Server.
# Make sure next two ports (+1 and +2) are also available for use.
# Device buffer for Replication Server on host1
# Recommend size = 128 * N
# where N is the number of databases to replicate,
# including the master and cluster ID databases.
# Persistent queue directory for Replication Server running on host1
# For synchronous replication (synchronization_mode=sync),
# enter directory to an SSD (solid state drive) or other
# type of fast read//write storage device
PRIM.ase_data_device_create_2_1=I50_data_dev, /sybase/I50/data/I50_dev1.dat, 2048
PRIM.ase_log_device_create_2_1=I50_log_dev, /sybase/I50/data/I50_log_dev1.dat, 1024
# Site "COMP" on host host2 with companion role
# Host name where SAP ASE run
# Enter fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# if your sites are on different subnet.
# We don't support ASE and SRS on different hosts yet
# This is virtual host name for SRS//RMA
# Optional property
# Enter fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# if your sites are on different subnet.
# Site name
# Enter value that identifies this site,
# like a geographical location.
# Value must be unique.
# Site role
# Enter the role of this site.
# Valid values: primary, companion
# directory where SAP ASE installed
# Directory that stored SAP ASE user data files
# (interfaces, RUN_<server>, error log, etc. files).
# Do not set value if your user data files are in
# SAP ASE installed directory (ase_release_directory).
# Directory to store database dumps
# in materialzation
# Backup server must able to access this directory
# Port numbers for Replication Server and Replication Management Agent on host2
# In remote topology, these are the companion Replication Server and
# Replication Management Agent.
# See "rsge.bootstrap.tds.port.number" properties in
# <SAP ASE installed directory>//DM//RMA-15_5//instances//AgentContainer//config//bootstrap.prop
# for value
# Starting port number to use when setup Replication Server.
# Make sure next two ports (+1 and +2) are also available for use.
# Device buffer for Replication Server on host2
# Recommend size = 128 * N
# where N is the number of databases to replicate,
# including the master and cluster ID databases.
# Note: For HADR on SAP Business Suite Installations use SID database logsize * 1.5
# Persistent queue directory for Replication Server running on host2
# For synchronous replication (synchronization_mode=sync),
# enter directory to an SSD (solid state drive) or other
# type of fast read//write storage device
# Note: For HADR on SAP Business Suite Installations use SID database logsize * 1.5
COMP.ase_data_device_create_2_1=I50_data_dev, /sybase/I50/data/I50_dev1.dat, 2048
COMP.ase_log_device_create_2_1=I50_log_dev, /sybase/I50/data/I50_log_dev1.dat, 1024
To make the HADR setup work, we would need to create a new database with the same name as the IDM System identifier which is I50 in this case. We have two choices to create this database:
If we want to let the setuphadr create the database and its devices then we must keep the two parameters “ase_data_device_create_2_1” and “ase_log_device_create_2_1” in the setuphadr response file, otherwise we will need to remove them if we choose to manually create the database before running setuphadr. If we decide to go with this option, then we need to ensure that these two parameters are configured for both Primary (PRIM) and Companion (COMP) section of the response file. If we want to use the manual method, then we need to remove these 2 parameters from the response files to avoid any configuration issues.
use master
disk init name='I50_data', physname='/sybase/I50/data/I50_data_001.dat', size='2000M', dsync=true
disk init name='I50_log', physname='/sybase/I50/log/I50_log_001.dat', size='1000M', dsync=true
create database I50
on I50_data = 2000
log on I50_log = 1000
You need to logon as sybi50 user to the system and switch to the “/sybase/I50/ASE-16_0/bin/” directory and execute the setuphadr command and the response file prepared in the previous step as parameter for the command. The output will look like as follows:
ase-db1 ASE-16_0/bin% setuphadr ../init/logs/setuphadr_J50_SP4PL4_PRIM.txt
Clean up environment.
Environment cleaned up.
Setup user databases
Create user database I50...
Setup user databases...Success
Setup ASE HADR maintenance user
Create maintenance login "I50_maint"...
Grant "sa_role" role to "I50_maint"...
Grant "replication_role" role to "I50_maint"...
Grant "replication_maint_role_gp" role to "I50_maint"...
Grant "sap_maint_user_role" role to "I50_maint"...
Grant "sybase_ts_role" role to "I50_maint"...
Add auto activated roles "sap_maint_user_role" to user "I50_maint"...
Allow "I50_maint" to be known as dbo in "master" database...
Allow "I50_maint" to be known as dbo in "MXMC_db" database...
Allow "I50_maint" to be known as dbo in "I50" database...
Setup ASE HADR maintenance user...Success
Setup administrator user
Create administrator login "DR_admin"...
Grant "sa_role" role to "DR_admin"...
Grant "sso_role" role to "DR_admin"...
Grant "replication_role" role to "DR_admin"...
Grant "hadr_admin_role_gp" role to "DR_admin"...
Grant "sybase_ts_role" role to "DR_admin"...
Add user "DR_admin" to DB "sybsystemprocs".
Setup administrator user...Success
Setup Backup server allow hosts
Backup server on "PRIM" site: Add host "ase-db2" to allow dump and load...
Setup Backup server allow hosts...Success
Setup complete on "PRIM" site. Please run Setup HADR on "COMP" site to complete the setup.
ase-db1 ASE-16_0/bin%
In this step we will first configure the HADR for the SAP ASE Instance used by the Java Instance (J50).
In this step we will prepare the setuphadr response file using the sample provided below.
# Setup HADR sample responses file
# This sample responses file setup ASE HADR on
# hosts "host1" (primary) and "host2" (companion).
# Prerequisite:
# - New SAP ASE and Backup servers setup and started on "host1" and "host2".
# See HADR User Guide for requirements on SAP ASE servers.
# - Replication Management Agent (RMA) started on "host1" and "host2".
# Usage:
# 1. On host1 (primary), run:
# $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE//bin//setuphadr <this_responses_file>
# 2. Change this responses file properties:
# setup_site=COMP
# is_secondary_site_setup=true
# 3. On host2 (companion), run
# $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE//bin//setuphadr <responses_file_from_step_2>
# ID that identifies this cluster
# Value must be unique,
# begin with a letter and
# 3 characters in length.
# Note: Set value to your SID incase of HADR on SAP Business Suite Installations
# Which site being configured
# Note:
# You need to set "<setup_site_value>.*"
# properties in this responses file.
# Set installation_mode
# Valid values: true, false
# If set to true, installation_mode will be set to "BS".
# If set to false, installation_mode will be set to "nonBS"
# Note: Set value to true for HADR on SAP Business Suite installations
# Note: Set enable_ssl to false for HADR on SAP Business Suite Installations
# true OR false
# common name, take SYBASE for example
# private key file
# public key file
# root CA cert
# NOTE: if you're using self-signed cert, put your public key file here
# ssl password
# Has the secondary site prepared for ASE HADR
# Valid values: true, false
# If set to true, "<secondary_setup_site_value>.*"
# properties must set in this responses file.
# How data is replicated
# Valid values: sync, async
# SAP ASE system administrator user//password
# setuphadr will prompt from standard input if not specified
# ASE HADR maintenance user//password
# For a Business Suite installation, name the user <custer_id>_maint.
# Password must have at least 6 characters
# setuphadr will prompt from standard input if not specified
# Replication Management Agent administrator user//password
# Password must have at least 6 characters
# setuphadr will prompt from standard input if not specified
# This is for BusS only
# if set to true, DR admin user will be added to secure store
# Adding user action will be executed by following user
# If we need to config and start Replication Management Agent
# Valid values: true, false
# If we need to create Replication Management Agent windows service
# Only affects windows
# Valid values: true, false
# If set to true, rma_service_user and rma_service_password will be used
# Replication Management Agent Service user//password
# Only needed for windows instllations.
# Note: Set value of rma_service_user to sybJ50 user incase of HADR on SAP
# Business Suite Installations
# Databases that will participate in replication
# and "auto" materialize.
# ASE HADR requires SAP ASE to have a database
# with cluster ID name (see "cluster_id" above).
# cluster ID database
# Site "PRIM" on host host1 with primary role
# Host name where SAP ASE run
# Enter fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# if your sites are on different subnet.
# We don't support ASE and SRS on different hosts yet
# This is virtual host name for SRS//RMA
# Optional property
# Enter fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# if your sites are on different subnet.
# Site name
# Enter value that identifies this site,
# like a geographical location.
# Value must be unique.
# Site role
# Enter the role of this site.
# Valid values: primary, companion
# directory where SAP ASE installed
# Directory that stored SAP ASE user data files
# (interfaces, RUN_<server>, error log, etc. files).
# Do not set value if your user data files are in
# SAP ASE installed directory (ase_release_directory).
# Directory to store database dumps
# in materialzation
# Backup server must able to access this directory
# Port numbers for Replication Server and Replication Management Agent on host1
# In remote topology, these are the companion Replication Server and
# Replication Management Agent.
# See "rsge.bootstrap.tds.port.number" properties in
# <SAP ASE installed directory>//DM//RMA-15_5//instances//AgentContainer//config//bootstrap.prop
# for value
# Starting port number to use when setup Replication Server.
# Make sure next two ports (+1 and +2) are also available for use.
# Device buffer for Replication Server on host1
# Recommend size = 128 * N
# where N is the number of databases to replicate,
# including the master and cluster ID databases.
# Persistent queue directory for Replication Server running on host1
# For synchronous replication (synchronization_mode=sync),
# enter directory to an SSD (solid state drive) or other
# type of fast read//write storage device
# Site "COMP" on host host2 with companion role
# Host name where SAP ASE run
# Enter fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# if your sites are on different subnet.
# We don't support ASE and SRS on different hosts yet
# This is virtual host name for SRS//RMA
# Optional property
# Enter fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# if your sites are on different subnet.
# Site name
# Enter value that identifies this site,
# like a geographical location.
# Value must be unique.
# Site role
# Enter the role of this site.
# Valid values: primary, companion
# directory where SAP ASE installed
# Directory that stored SAP ASE user data files
# (interfaces, RUN_<server>, error log, etc. files).
# Do not set value if your user data files are in
# SAP ASE installed directory (ase_release_directory).
# Directory to store database dumps
# in materialzation
# Backup server must able to access this directory
# Port numbers for Replication Server and Replication Management Agent on host2
# In remote topology, these are the companion Replication Server and
# Replication Management Agent.
# See "rsge.bootstrap.tds.port.number" properties in
# <SAP ASE installed directory>//DM//RMA-15_5//instances//AgentContainer//config//bootstrap.prop
# for value
# Starting port number to use when setup Replication Server.
# Make sure next two ports (+1 and +2) are also available for use.
# Device buffer for Replication Server on host2
# Recommend size = 128 * N
# where N is the number of databases to replicate,
# including the master and cluster ID databases.
# Note: For HADR on SAP Business Suite Installations use SID database logsize * 1.5
# Persistent queue directory for Replication Server running on host2
# For synchronous replication (synchronization_mode=sync),
# enter directory to an SSD (solid state drive) or other
# type of fast read//write storage device
# Note: For HADR on SAP Business Suite Installations use SID database logsize * 1.5
You need to logon as sybj50 user to the system and switch to the “/sybase/J50/ASE-16_0/bin/” directory and execute the setuphadr command and the response file prepared in the previous step as parameter for the command. The output will look like as follows:
ase-db2 ASE-16_0/bin% setuphadr ../init/logs/setuphadr_J50_SP4PL4_COMP.txt
Clean up environment.
Environment cleaned up.
Setup ASE HADR maintenance user
Create maintenance login "J50_maint"...
Grant "sa_role" role to "J50_maint"...
Grant "replication_role" role to "J50_maint"...
Grant "replication_maint_role_gp" role to "J50_maint"...
Grant "sap_maint_user_role" role to "J50_maint"...
Grant "sybase_ts_role" role to "J50_maint"...
Add auto activated roles "sap_maint_user_role" to user "J50_maint"...
Allow "J50_maint" to be known as dbo in "master" database...
Allow "J50_maint" to be known as dbo in "J50" database...
Setup ASE HADR maintenance user...Success
Setup administrator user
Create administrator login "DR_admin"...
Grant "sa_role" role to "DR_admin"...
Grant "sso_role" role to "DR_admin"...
Grant "replication_role" role to "DR_admin"...
Grant "hadr_admin_role_gp" role to "DR_admin"...
Grant "sybase_ts_role" role to "DR_admin"...
Add user "DR_admin" to DB "sybsystemprocs".
Setup administrator user...Success
Setup Backup server allow hosts
Backup server on "COMP" site: Add host "ase-db1" to allow dump and load...
Backup server on "PRIM" site: Add host "ase-db2" to allow dump and load...
Setup Backup server allow hosts...Success
Setup RMA
Set SAP ID to "J50"...
Set installation mode to "nonBS"...
Set maintenance user to "J50_maint"...
Set site name "ROT1" with SAP ASE host:port to "ase-db1:4901" and Replication Server host:port to "ase-db1:4905"...
Set site name "WDF2" with SAP ASE host:port to "ase-db2:4901" and Replication Server host:port to "ase-db2:4905"...
Set site name "ROT1" with Backup server port to "4902"...
Set site name "WDF2" with Backup server port to "4902"...
Set site name "ROT1" databases dump directory to "/sybase/J50/data"...
Set site name "WDF2" databases dump directory to "/sybase/J50/data"...
Set site name "ROT1" synchronization mode to "sync"...
Set site name "WDF2" synchronization mode to "sync"...
Set site name "ROT1" distribution mode to "remote"...
Set site name "WDF2" distribution mode to "remote"...
Set site name "ROT1" distribution target to site name "WDF2"...
Set site name "WDF2" distribution target to site name "ROT1"...
Set site name "ROT1" device buffer directory to "/sybase/J50/data"...
Set site name "WDF2" device buffer directory to "/sybase/J50/data"...
Set site name "ROT1" device buffer size to "5000"...
Set site name "WDF2" device buffer size to "5000"...
Set site name "ROT1" simple persistent queue directory to "/sybase/J50/data"...
Set site name "WDF2" simple persistent queue directory to "/sybase/J50/data"...
Set site name "ROT1" simple persistent queue size to "2000"...
Set site name "WDF2" simple persistent queue size to "2000"...
Set master, J50 databases to participate in replication...
Setup RMA...Success
Setting up replication on 'standby' host for local database 'master'...................
Setting up replication on 'standby' host for local database 'J50'.....................
Setup Replication...Success
Materialize Databases
Materialize database "master"...
Starting materialization of the master database from source 'ROT1' to target 'WDF2'..
Completed materialization of the master database from source 'ROT1' to target 'WDF2'..
Waiting 10 seconds: Before checking if Replication Connection 'J50_WDF2.master' is suspended......
Materialize database "J50"...
Materializing database 'J50' automatically from source 'ROT1' to target 'WDF2'..
Executing ASE dump and load task for database 'J50'................
Successfully verified materialization on database 'J50'..
Stop the Replication Agent for database 'J50' on host 'ase-db1:4901' and data server 'J50_ROT1'..
Configuring Replication Server: set 'hide_maintuser_pwd' to 'on'..
Waiting 10 seconds: Before checking if Replication Connection 'J50_WDF2.J50' is suspended with dump marker...
Waiting 10 seconds: Before checking if Replication Connection 'J50_WDF2.J50' is suspended........
Materialize Databases...Success
In this step we will prepare the setuphadr response file using the sample provided below.
# Setup HADR sample responses file
# This sample responses file setup ASE HADR on
# hosts "host1" (primary) and "host2" (companion).
# Prerequisite:
# - New SAP ASE and Backup servers setup and started on "host1" and "host2".
# See HADR User Guide for requirements on SAP ASE servers.
# - Replication Management Agent (RMA) started on "host1" and "host2".
# Usage:
# 1. On host1 (primary), run:
# $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE//bin//setuphadr <this_responses_file>
# 2. Change this responses file properties:
# setup_site=COMP
# is_secondary_site_setup=true
# 3. On host2 (companion), run
# $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE//bin//setuphadr <responses_file_from_step_2>
# ID that identifies this cluster
# Value must be unique,
# begin with a letter and
# 3 characters in length.
# Note: Set value to your SID incase of HADR on SAP Business Suite Installations
# Which site being configured
# Note:
# You need to set "<setup_site_value>.*"
# properties in this responses file.
# Set installation_mode
# Valid values: true, false
# If set to true, installation_mode will be set to "BS".
# If set to false, installation_mode will be set to "nonBS"
# Note: Set value to true for HADR on SAP Business Suite installations
# Note: Set enable_ssl to false for HADR on SAP Business Suite Installations
# true OR false
# common name, take SYBASE for example
# private key file
# public key file
# root CA cert
# NOTE: if you're using self-signed cert, put your public key file here
# ssl password
# Has the secondary site prepared for ASE HADR
# Valid values: true, false
# If set to true, "<secondary_setup_site_value>.*"
# properties must set in this responses file.
# How data is replicated
# Valid values: sync, async
# SAP ASE system administrator user//password
# setuphadr will prompt from standard input if not specified
# ASE HADR maintenance user//password
# For a Business Suite installation, name the user <custer_id>_maint.
# Password must have at least 6 characters
# setuphadr will prompt from standard input if not specified
# Replication Management Agent administrator user//password
# Password must have at least 6 characters
# setuphadr will prompt from standard input if not specified
# This is for BusS only
# if set to true, DR admin user will be added to secure store
# Adding user action will be executed by following user
# If we need to config and start Replication Management Agent
# Valid values: true, false
# If we need to create Replication Management Agent windows service
# Only affects windows
# Valid values: true, false
# If set to true, rma_service_user and rma_service_password will be used
# Replication Management Agent Service user//password
# Only needed for windows instllations.
# Note: Set value of rma_service_user to sybi50 user incase of HADR on SAP
# Business Suite Installations
# Databases that will participate in replication
# and "auto" materialize.
# ASE HADR requires SAP ASE to have a database
# with cluster ID name (see "cluster_id" above).
# cluster ID database
#idm databases
# Site "PRIM" on host host1 with primary role
# Host name where SAP ASE run
# Enter fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# if your sites are on different subnet.
# We don't support ASE and SRS on different hosts yet
# This is virtual host name for SRS//RMA
# Optional property
# Enter fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# if your sites are on different subnet.
# Site name
# Enter value that identifies this site,
# like a geographical location.
# Value must be unique.
# Site role
# Enter the role of this site.
# Valid values: primary, companion
# directory where SAP ASE installed
# Directory that stored SAP ASE user data files
# (interfaces, RUN_<server>, error log, etc. files).
# Do not set value if your user data files are in
# SAP ASE installed directory (ase_release_directory).
# Directory to store database dumps
# in materialzation
# Backup server must able to access this directory
# Port numbers for Replication Server and Replication Management Agent on host1
# In remote topology, these are the companion Replication Server and
# Replication Management Agent.
# See "rsge.bootstrap.tds.port.number" properties in
# <SAP ASE installed directory>//DM//RMA-15_5//instances//AgentContainer//config//bootstrap.prop
# for value
# Starting port number to use when setup Replication Server.
# Make sure next two ports (+1 and +2) are also available for use.
# Device buffer for Replication Server on host1
# Recommend size = 128 * N
# where N is the number of databases to replicate,
# including the master and cluster ID databases.
# Persistent queue directory for Replication Server running on host1
# For synchronous replication (synchronization_mode=sync),
# enter directory to an SSD (solid state drive) or other
# type of fast read//write storage device
PRIM.ase_data_device_create_2_1=I50_data_dev, /sybase/I50/data/I50_dev1.dat, 2048
PRIM.ase_log_device_create_2_1=I50_log_dev, /sybase/I50/data/I50_log_dev1.dat, 1024
# Site "COMP" on host host2 with companion role
# Host name where SAP ASE run
# Enter fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# if your sites are on different subnet.
# We don't support ASE and SRS on different hosts yet
# This is virtual host name for SRS//RMA
# Optional property
# Enter fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
# if your sites are on different subnet.
# Site name
# Enter value that identifies this site,
# like a geographical location.
# Value must be unique.
# Site role
# Enter the role of this site.
# Valid values: primary, companion
# directory where SAP ASE installed
# Directory that stored SAP ASE user data files
# (interfaces, RUN_<server>, error log, etc. files).
# Do not set value if your user data files are in
# SAP ASE installed directory (ase_release_directory).
# Directory to store database dumps
# in materialzation
# Backup server must able to access this directory
# Port numbers for Replication Server and Replication Management Agent on host2
# In remote topology, these are the companion Replication Server and
# Replication Management Agent.
# See "rsge.bootstrap.tds.port.number" properties in
# <SAP ASE installed directory>//DM//RMA-15_5//instances//AgentContainer//config//bootstrap.prop
# for value
# Starting port number to use when setup Replication Server.
# Make sure next two ports (+1 and +2) are also available for use.
# Device buffer for Replication Server on host2
# Recommend size = 128 * N
# where N is the number of databases to replicate,
# including the master and cluster ID databases.
# Note: For HADR on SAP Business Suite Installations use SID database logsize * 1.5
# Persistent queue directory for Replication Server running on host2
# For synchronous replication (synchronization_mode=sync),
# enter directory to an SSD (solid state drive) or other
# type of fast read//write storage device
# Note: For HADR on SAP Business Suite Installations use SID database logsize * 1.5
COMP.ase_data_device_create_2_1=I50_data_dev, /sybase/I50/data/I50_dev1.dat, 2048
COMP.ase_log_device_create_2_1=I50_log_dev, /sybase/I50/data/I50_log_dev1.dat, 1024
To make the HADR setup work, we would need to create a new database with the same name as the IDM System identifier which is I50 in this case. We have two choices to create this database:
If we want to let the setuphadr create the database and its devices then we must keep the two parameters “ase_data_device_create_2_1” and “ase_log_device_create_2_1” in the setuphadr response file, otherwise we will need to remove them if we choose to manually create the database before running setuphadr. If we decide to go with this option, then we need to ensure that these two parameters are configured for both Primary (PRIM) and Companion (COMP) section of the response file. If we want to use the manual method, then we need to remove these 2 parameters from the response files to avoid any configuration issues.
use master
disk init name='I50_data', physname='/sybase/I50/data/I50_data_001.dat', size='2000M', dsync=true
disk init name='I50_log', physname='/sybase/I50/log/I50_log_001.dat', size='1000M', dsync=true
create database I50
on I50_data = 2000
log on I50_log = 1000
You need to logon as sybi50 user to the system and switch to the “/sybase/I50/ASE-16_0/bin/” directory and execute the setuphadr command and the response file prepared in the previous step as parameter for the command. The output will look like as follows:
ase-db2 init/logs% setuphadr ./setuphadr_I50_SP3PL14_COMP.txt
Clean up environment.
Environment cleaned up.
Setup user databases
Create user database I50...
Setup user databases...Success
Setup ASE HADR maintenance user
Create maintenance login "I50_maint"...
Grant "sa_role" role to "I50_maint"...
Grant "replication_role" role to "I50_maint"...
Grant "replication_maint_role_gp" role to "I50_maint"...
Grant "sap_maint_user_role" role to "I50_maint"...
Grant "sybase_ts_role" role to "I50_maint"...
Add auto activated roles "sap_maint_user_role" to user "I50_maint"...
Allow "I50_maint" to be known as dbo in "master" database...
Allow "I50_maint" to be known as dbo in "MXMC_db" database...
Allow "I50_maint" to be known as dbo in "I50" database...
Setup ASE HADR maintenance user...Success
Setup administrator user
Create administrator login "DR_admin"...
Grant "sa_role" role to "DR_admin"...
Grant "sso_role" role to "DR_admin"...
Grant "replication_role" role to "DR_admin"...
Grant "hadr_admin_role_gp" role to "DR_admin"...
Grant "sybase_ts_role" role to "DR_admin"...
Add user "DR_admin" to DB "sybsystemprocs".
Setup administrator user...Success
Setup Backup server allow hosts
Backup server on "COMP" site: Add host "ase-db1" to allow dump and load...
Backup server on "PRIM" site: Add host "ase-db2" to allow dump and load...
Setup Backup server allow hosts...Success
Setup RMA
Set SAP ID to "I50"...
Set installation mode to "nonBS"...
Set maintenance user to "I50_maint"...
Set site name "ROT1" with SAP ASE host:port to "ase-db1:5000" and Replication Server host:port to "ase-db1:5905"...
Set site name "WDF2" with SAP ASE host:port to "ase-db2:5000" and Replication Server host:port to "ase-db2:5905"...
Set site name "ROT1" with Backup server port to "5001"...
Set site name "WDF2" with Backup server port to "5001"...
Set site name "ROT1" databases dump directory to "/sybase/I50/data"...
Set site name "WDF2" databases dump directory to "/sybase/I50/data"...
Set site name "ROT1" synchronization mode to "sync"...
Set site name "WDF2" synchronization mode to "sync"...
Set site name "ROT1" distribution mode to "remote"...
Set site name "WDF2" distribution mode to "remote"...
Set site name "ROT1" distribution target to site name "WDF2"...
Set site name "WDF2" distribution target to site name "ROT1"...
Set site name "ROT1" device buffer directory to "/sybase/I50/data"...
Set site name "WDF2" device buffer directory to "/sybase/I50/data"...
Set site name "ROT1" device buffer size to "5000"...
Set site name "WDF2" device buffer size to "5000"...
Set site name "ROT1" simple persistent queue directory to "/sybase/I50/data"...
Set site name "WDF2" simple persistent queue directory to "/sybase/I50/data"...
Set site name "ROT1" simple persistent queue size to "2000"...
Set site name "WDF2" simple persistent queue size to "2000"...
Set master, MXMC_db, I50 databases to participate in replication...
Setup RMA...Success
Setup Replication
Setup replication from "ROT1" to "WDF2"...
Configuring remote replication server.............................
Configuring local replication server.................................
Setting up replication on 'standby' host for local database 'master'..................
Setting up replication on 'standby' host for local database 'I50'...................
Setting up replication on 'standby' host for local database 'MXMC_db'......................
Setup Replication...Success
Materialize Databases
Materialize database "master"...
Starting materialization of the master database from source 'ROT1' to target 'WDF2'...
Waiting 10 seconds: Before checking if Replication Connection 'I50_WDF2.master' is suspended......
Materialize database "MXMC_db"...
Materializing database 'MXMC_db' automatically from source 'ROT1' to target 'WDF2'..
Executing ASE dump and load task for database 'MXMC_db'......
Waiting 10 seconds: Before checking if Replication Connection 'I50_WDF2.MXMC_db' is suspended with dump marker....
Waiting 10 seconds: Before checking if Replication Connection 'I50_WDF2.MXMC_db' is suspended........
Materialize database "I50"...
Materializing database 'I50' automatically from source 'ROT1' to target 'WDF2'..
Executing ASE dump and load task for database 'I50'.....
Successfully verified materialization on database 'I50'..
Stop the Replication Agent for database 'I50' on host 'wsx-db1:5000' and data server 'I50_ROT1'..
Stop the Replication Agent for database 'MXMC_db' on host 'wsx-db1:5000' and data server 'I50_ROT1'..
Configuring Replication Server: set 'hide_maintuser_pwd' to 'on'...
Waiting 10 seconds: Before checking if Replication Connection 'I50_WDF2.I50' is suspended with dump marker...
Waiting 10 seconds: Before checking if Replication Connection 'I50_WDF2.I50' is suspended........
Materialize Databases...Success
ase-db2 ASE-16_0/bin%
Setup is now completed for both SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise instances.