Intra-company purchasing is a very common business scenario in many SAP projects. In project 2023-11-3 19:42:28 Author: blogs.sap.com(查看原文) 阅读量:11 收藏

Intra-company purchasing is a very common business scenario in many SAP projects. In project practice, intra-company STO is used to realize this process.

Different projects have different practices:

  • In some projects, two-step transfer is adopted, that is, the issue company first performs goods issue posting, and then the receiving company performs goods receipt posting separately.
  • In some projects, inbound delivery needs to be created on the receiving side. Through system settings, SAP can automatically trigger the inbound delivery document in this scenario after the goods issue posted by the issue company.

In this document we will discuss how to use the SAP standard output type SPED, to realize the function of automatically triggering the inbound delivery after the goods issue of outbound delivery is posted.

Configurations Steps:

STEP 1: Maintain Output Types:

Configuration Path:

SPRO –> IMG –> Logistics Execution –> Shipping –> Basic Shipping Functions –> Output Control –> Output Determination –> Maintain Output Determination for Outbound Deliveries –> Maintain Output Types

T -Code: V/34

Here SPED is the Standard Output type.

Double click on the Output Type “SPED”.

These are the standard settings for the Output Type SPED.

STEP 2: Maintain Output determination procedure: 

Configuration Path:

SPRO –> IMG –> Logistics Execution –> Shipping –> Basic Shipping Functions –> Output Control –> Output Determination –> Maintain Output Determination for Outbound Deliveries –> Maintain Output Determination Procedure

Here, V10000 is the Standard Procedure. We can select standard one.

Here select line item and click on control data.

Here assigned the condition type SPED in requirement is 408.

Remember that for the requirement 408/1, the inbound delivery will be triggered AFTER goods issue posting for outbound delivery.

STEP 3: Assign Output Determination Procedures: 

Configuration Path:

SPRO –> IMG –> Logistics Execution –> Shipping –> Basic Shipping Functions –> Output Control –> Output Determination –> Maintain Output Determination for Outbound Deliveries –> Assign Output Determination Procedures

T -Code: V/71

Assign Output Type as “SPED” to the Output Determination Procedure and delivery Type.

After Completion of assigning click on the save button.

  • Note: Before Maintaining the Condition record, Maintain the back-end settings required for Intra-Company STO. (Maintain the settings Assign the Delivery Type (NL) to the Document type and Supplying Plant.)
  • If we can’t maintain the setting, we can’t assign the partner in the Condition Record. The system throws an Error that Customer Master Data does not exist.

STEP 4: Maintain the Condition Record:

T -Code: VV21

 Enter output Type as “SPED”.

Make sure that the value of the field Partner cannot be empty in this condition record.

After Maintaining the required data click on the save button.

STEP 5: Assign Receiving Point for Inbound Deliveries: 

Configuration Path:

SPRO –> IMG –> Logistics Execution –> Shipping –> Basic Shipping Functions –> Shipping Point and Goods Receiving Point Determination –> Assign Goods Receiving Points for Inbound Deliveries

We can maintain the Shipping Points to the Plant and storage location by clicking on the New Entries or by copying from the standard one.

  • We need to assign shipping point for all receiving plant/storage location combination.

After Assign the data click on the save button.

Set Up Confirmation Control:

Configuration Path:

SPRO –> IMG –> Material Management –> Purchasing –> Confirmations –> Set UP Confirmation control

We can create the Confirmation Control Key by clicking on the New Entries or by Copying from the Standard one.

Select the Confirmation Control Key and click on the Confirmation Sequence.

  • If We copy from the Standard one the data will be updated automatically.
  • If We create by clicking on the New Entries, we need to maintain the data Manually.

After Maintaining the data click on the save button.

Make sure that the check box GR-Relevant and GR Assignment Key are both selected.

After Maintaining the back-end settings, Next Create the STO purchase order in ME21N. 

Assign the Confirmation Control.

PO created under the number 4500000904.

  • Create the Outbound Delivery in VL10D/VL10B
  • With Reference to the Outbound Delivery Number Post the Goods Issue in VL02N

We can check whether our Output Type is triggered for Outbound Delivery in VL03N.

Now check whether the inbound Delivery number is triggered or not in the Purchase Order. (Go to ME23N).

The inbound delivery number is automatically triggered in the Purchase order.

Check the Inbound Delivery in VL03N

Now post GR with Reference to PO.

There are no accounting entries only document will be created.

Hope this blogpost will be help full. 

Thank you. 

文章来源: https://blogs.sap.com/2023/11/03/output-type-sped-trigger-inbound-delivery-after-pgi-for-intra-company-stos-outbound-delivery/