Linking Process Mesh Performance Indicators to Data Mesh Quality to Analytic Mesh KPI’s
2023-10-27 00:33:12 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:10 收藏

In the last 20 years, we have moved our data from online transaction processing systems to  data warehouse systems to data lake to distributed data mesh/data-fabric but we still didn’t get data right or we measure data right. A lot of organizations are still battling with multi-million data programmes as they are largely driven by IT teams with under-resourced business teams.

There is no process- centric data and data change story telling on most of the projects and change agents in the data governance boards.  It is not surprising to see most of the data activities are still done using the dark age methods and tools even in fortune 100 companies.

“Data mesh is a type of data platform architecture that embraces the ubiquity of data in the enterprise by leveraging a domain-oriented, self-serve design”

I am not even going to get into debate of data mesh vs data fabric as it is utterly useless until we establish the linkage between process performance indicators and data quality KPI(s) and analytic KPI(s). While Signavio process performance indicators provides a good start on it , it doesn’t trace back to data quality and analytic KPI(s) and not comprehensive either. There are analytic KPI(s) as well ( ex: SAC KPI catalog), but again it is not very comprehensive and doesn’t fully trace back to process performance indicators.

I will suggest this as one of the most efficient “Generative AI ” project that SAP can undertake as we don’t need to recreate this at each and every client. SAP knows its process , its CDS data model and its analytic model and then they have partnerships with Collibra and Databricks! It is not difficult for SAP to do it, is it?

For a good coffee, you need right amount of water, milk and decoction..ain’t it? It is same for process, data and analytics too! Wouldn’t it be?

I am sharing sample process performance indicators for commonly used areas. If you want an extensive list and you need to build a traceability between Data Quality and Analytic KPI’s then you have to reach out to us.

Process Area   Performance Indicator  Formula
HR  Employee Turnover Rate  (Number of Employees Separated / Average Total Employees) x 100
HR  Time to Fill Job Openings  (Total Time to Fill Open Positions / Number of Open Positions)
HR  Training and Development Cost per Employee  Total Training and Development Costs / Total Number of Employees
HR  Employee Engagement Index  (Number of Engaged Employees / Total Employees) x 100
HR  Training ROI  (Benefit from Training – Training Cost) / Training Cost
HR  Absenteeism Rate  (Total Days Absent / Total Workdays) x 100
HR  Overtime Cost Percentage  (Overtime Cost / Total Labor Cost) x 100
HR  Diversity and Inclusion Index  (Number of Diverse Hires / Total Hires) x 100
HR  Promotion Rate  (Number of Promotions / Total Employees) x 100
HR  Employee Satisfaction Score  (Sum of Employee Satisfaction Ratings / Total Responses)
HR  Health and Wellness Participation  (Number of Participants / Total Employees) x 100
HR  Employee Productivity Index  (Output / Labor Cost) x 100
HR  Leadership Development ROI  (Leadership Development Benefits – Cost) / Cost
HR  HR-to-Employee Ratio  Number of HR Staff / Total Employees
HR  Compensation Gap  (Average Employee Salary – Industry Average Salary) / Industry Average Salary
HR  Training Hours per Employee  Total Training Hours / Total Employees
HR  Talent Acquisition Cost  (Total Cost of Hiring / Number of Hires)
HR  HR Technology Adoption Rate  (Number of Employees Using HR Tech / Total Employees) x 100
HR  Employee Tenure  (Sum of Employee Tenures) / Total Number of Employees
HR  Employee Referral Rate  (Number of Referrals Hired / Total Hires) x 100
HR  Learning and Development Investment  Total Investment in Learning and Development
HR  Employee Well-being Index  (Sum of Well-being Ratings / Total Responses)
Finance  Return on Investment (ROI)  (Net Profit / Total Investment) x 100
Finance  Working Capital Ratio  (Current Assets – Current Liabilities) / Current Liabilities
Finance  Gross Profit Margin  (Gross Profit / Revenue) x 100
Finance  Debt to Equity Ratio  Total Debt / Total Equity
Finance  Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT)  Revenue – Operating Expenses
Finance  Accounts Payable Turnover  Total Purchases / Average Accounts Payable
Finance  Operating Cash Flow  Net Income + Depreciation – Taxes + Change in Working Capital
Finance  Capital Expenditure (CapEx) Ratio  Capital Expenditure / Total Revenue
Finance  Liquidity Coverage Ratio  (Liquid Assets / Short-term Liabilities) x 100
Finance  Accounts Receivable Aging  (Total Accounts Receivable / Total Credit Sales) x 100
Finance  Net Working Capital  Current Assets – Current Liabilities
Finance  Financial Leverage Ratio  Total Assets / Total Equity
Finance  Capital Efficiency  (Revenue / Total Capital Employed) x 100
Finance  Return on Assets (ROA)  (Net Income / Total Assets) x 100
Finance  Quick Ratio  (Current Assets – Inventory) / Current Liabilities
Finance  Financial Forecast Accuracy  (Forecasted Value – Actual Value) / Actual Value
Finance  Debt Service Coverage Ratio  (Net Operating Income / Total Debt Service)
Finance  Inventory Holding Cost  (Holding Cost per Unit x Average Inventory) / Total Inventory
Finance  Dividend Payout Ratio  (Dividends Paid / Earnings) x 100
Finance  Cash Conversion Cycle  Days Inventory Outstanding + Days Sales Outstanding – Days Payable Outstanding
Finance  Budget Variance  (Actual Budget – Planned Budget) / Planned Budget
Finance  Financial Risk Assessment  (Debt / Equity) x (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes / Interest Expense)
Sales  Sales Growth Rate  [(Current Period Sales – Prior Period Sales) / Prior Period Sales] x 100
Sales  Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)  (Sum of Customer Satisfaction Ratings / Total Number of Responses)
Sales  Sales Conversion Rate  (Number of Conversions / Total Leads) x 100
Sales  Sales Pipeline Velocity  (Total Value of Deals in Pipeline / Time to Close Deals)
Sales  Sales Forecast Accuracy  (Forecasted Sales – Actual Sales) / Forecasted Sales
Sales  Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)  (Total Cost of Acquisition / Number of New Customers)
Sales  Average Deal Size  Total Sales Amount / Number of Deals
Sales  Sales Quota Attainment  (Actual Sales / Quota) x 100
Sales  Customer Churn Rate  (Number of Churned Customers / Total Customers) x 100
Sales  Sales to New Customer Ratio  (Sales to New Customers / Total Sales) x 100
Sales  Sales Calls-to-Close Ratio  (Number of Calls to Close a Deal / Number of Closed Deals)
Sales  Sales Productivity  (Total Sales / Total Sales Representatives)
Sales  Sales Funnel Leakage Rate  (Number of Lost Opportunities / Total Opportunities) x 100
Sales  Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)  (Average Purchase Value x Average Purchase Frequency x Average Customer Lifespan)
Sales  Sales Win Rate  (Number of Won Deals / Total Deals) x 100
Sales  Average Sales Cycle Length  (Total Duration of Sales Cycles / Number of Closed Deals)
Sales  Sales Growth Forecast  [(Projected Sales – Current Sales) / Current Sales] x 100
Sales  Market Share  (Company’s Sales / Total Market Sales) x 100
Sales  Sales Growth Rate  [(Current Period Sales – Prior Period Sales) / Prior Period Sales] x 100
Sales  Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)  (Sum of Customer Satisfaction Ratings / Total Number of Responses)
Logistics & Distribution  Order Accuracy Rate  (Number of Accurate Orders / Total Orders) x 100
Logistics & Distribution  Perfect Order Rate  (Number of Perfect Orders / Total Orders) x 100
Logistics & Distribution  On-time Delivery Rate  (Number of On-time Deliveries / Total Deliveries) x 100
Logistics & Distribution  Order Fulfillment Lead Time  (Total Time to Fulfill Orders / Number of Orders Fulfilled)
Logistics & Distribution  Warehouse Space Utilization  (Used Warehouse Space / Total Warehouse Space) x 100
Logistics & Distribution  Inbound and Outbound Freight Costs  (Total Freight Costs / Total Number of Shipments)
Logistics & Distribution  Distribution Cost per Unit  (Total Distribution Costs / Total Units Shipped)
Logistics & Distribution  Perfect Shipment Rate  (Number of Perfect Shipments / Total Shipments) x 100
Logistics & Distribution  Carrier On-time Performance  (Number of On-time Carrier Deliveries / Total Carrier Deliveries) x 100
Logistics & Distribution  Inventory Accuracy Rate  (Number of Accurate Inventory Counts / Total Inventory Counts) x 100
Logistics & Distribution  Inventory Turnover  (Cost of Goods Sold / Average Inventory Value)
Logistics & Distribution  Distribution Center Productivity  (Total Output / Total Labor Hours)
Logistics & Distribution  Reverse Logistics Rate  (Number of Returned Items / Total Items Sold) x 100
Logistics & Distribution  Order Picking Accuracy  (Number of Accurate Picks / Total Picks) x 100
Logistics & Distribution  Order Processing Time  (End Time – Start Time)
Logistics & Distribution  In-Transit Inventory  (Value of Inventory in Transit)
Logistics & Distribution  Warehouse Employee Productivity  (Total Output / Total Labor Hours)
Logistics & Distribution  Route Optimization Efficiency  (Savings from Optimized Routes / Total Transportation Costs)
Logistics & Distribution  Distribution Center Dwell Time  (Total Dwell Time / Total Shipments)
Logistics & Distribution  Customer Return Rate  (Number of Returns / Total Orders) x 100
Logistics & Distribution  Stockout Rate  (Number of Stockouts / Total Stocking Events) x 100
Logistics & Distribution  Order Tracking Visibility  (Number of Tracked Orders / Total Orders) x 100

I think we definitely need to see a sample sustainability performance indicators as it is icing on the cake:)?

Process Area  Performance Indicator  Formula
Energy Efficiency  Energy Intensity  (Total Energy Consumed / Production Output)
Energy Efficiency  Energy Cost per Unit  (Total Energy Cost / Total Production Units)
Waste Management  Waste Diversion Rate  (Total Diverted Waste / Total Generated Waste) x 100
Waste Management  Recycling Rate  (Total Recycled Material / Total Generated Waste) x 100
Water Management  Water Usage Efficiency  (Total Water Used / Production Output)
Water Management  Water Recycling Rate  (Total Recycled Water / Total Water Used) x 100
Emissions Reduction  Greenhouse Gas Emissions  (Total GHG Emissions / Production Output)
Emissions Reduction  Carbon Intensity  (Total Carbon Emissions / Production Output)
Supply Chain Sustainability  Supplier Sustainability Score  (Sum of Supplier Sustainability Ratings / Total Number of Suppliers)
Supply Chain Sustainability  Supply Chain Carbon Footprint  (Total Supply Chain GHG Emissions / Total Production Output)
Renewable Energy Adoption  Percentage of Renewable Energy Use  (Renewable Energy Consumption / Total Energy Consumption) x 100
Sustainable Product Development  Eco-Friendly Product Percentage  (Number of Eco-Friendly Products / Total Number of Products) x 100
Employee Engagement  Employee Sustainability Engagement  (Number of Engaged Employees in Sustainability Initiatives / Total Employees) x 100
Community Impact  Community Sustainability Projects  (Number of Sustainability Projects in the Community / Total Community Projects)
Cost Savings  Sustainability-Related Cost Savings  (Total Cost Savings from Sustainability Initiatives)
Green Certifications  Percentage of Green Certifications  (Number of Green Certified Products or Processes / Total Products or Processes) x 100
Carbon Offsetting  Carbon Offset Effectiveness  (Reduction in Carbon Emissions Achieved Through Offset Projects)
Sustainability Reporting  Sustainability Reporting Transparency  (Transparency Score in Sustainability Reports)
Biodiversity Conservation  Biodiversity Impact Score  (Biodiversity Impact Assessment Score)
Stakeholder Engagement  Stakeholder Sustainability Feedback  (Sum of Stakeholder Sustainability Ratings / Total Stakeholders)

The success of your analytics initiatives depends on the quality of your data and the efficiency of the processes used to manage it.Is it chicken or egg first:)?
