NSFOCUS Achieves Three Certifications, Paving the Path to Sustainable and Environmentally Responsible Development
2023-10-26 08:34:43 Author: securityboulevard.com(查看原文) 阅读量:8 收藏

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Oct 26, 2023 – NSFOCUS, a global leader in intelligent hybrid security solutions, proudly announces its recent acquisition of three significant certifications: the “Verification Statement of Greenhouse Gas Emissions,” the “Energy Management System Certificate,” and the “Certificate of Product Carbon Footprint.”

Verification Statement of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

In the face of the pressing global threat of climate change, nations and industries worldwide have committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) established the ISO 14064 standard for greenhouse gas emissions, which stands as a global benchmark for data management, reporting, and verification concerning GHGs. It is the most comprehensive standard within the realm of international carbon verification.

NSFOCUS has successfully met the rigorous requirements and secured the ISO 14064-1:2018 Verification Statement of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, solidifying its role as a leader in driving environmentally friendly and low-carbon industry development.

Energy Management System Certificate

Energy serves as the cornerstone of economic progress. The increasing tension between energy consumption, energy scarcity, and environmental protection has garnered global attention. Energy efficiency, which has a direct correlation with greenhouse gas emissions, has become a pivotal avenue for companies to lower costs while promoting eco-conscious practices.

DevOps Unbound Podcast

The Energy Management System Certificate mandates that companies establish an energy management system in accordance with the ISO 50001:2018 standard. This systematic approach integrates energy management into organizational processes, fostering continuous improvements in energy efficiency, reducing energy-related greenhouse gas emissions, and contributing to the global effort to combat climate change.

Carbon Footprint Certificate for NSFOCUS WAF

The notion of a “carbon footprint” takes root in the concept of an “ecological footprint.” It quantifies the total greenhouse gas emissions resulting from human production and consumption activities, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2eq).

A Product Carbon Footprint signifies the overall greenhouse gas emissions throughout a product’s entire lifecycle. This lifecycle encompasses stages such as raw material extraction, manufacturing or service provision, distribution, use, and final disposal or recycling.

The certification of NSFOCUS WAF as “Carbon Footprint-Certified” attests to its ability to meet customers’ low-carbon requirements and assists them in proactively embracing social responsibility.

NSFOCUS continues its dedication to the sustainable development of intelligent security solutions while contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

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*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from NSFOCUS, Inc., a global network and cyber security leader, protects enterprises and carriers from advanced cyber attacks. authored by NSFOCUS. Read the original post at: https://nsfocusglobal.com/nsfocus-achieves-three-certifications-paving-the-path-to-sustainable-and-environmentally-responsible-development/

文章来源: https://securityboulevard.com/2023/10/nsfocus-achieves-three-certifications-paving-the-path-to-sustainable-and-environmentally-responsible-development/