Looking back at Design Month 2023
2023-10-19 00:42:47 Author: blogs.sap.com(查看原文) 阅读量:5 收藏

Community-building, gatherings and knowledge-sharing hold profound significance within a company, serving as vital conduits for nurturing a thriving community. It was with the objective of further elevating our existing geo-specific design communities and establishing new ones that the SAP Design Hubs project started, focused on strengthening our local networks and providing opportunities for learning. These communities bring people together to orbit around shared values, ideas, and objectives, and during September that’s what the SAP Design Hub Brazil team was dedicated to.

For the past few years September has been known as Design Month here at SAP Labs Latin America, a period when people get together for multiple events and activities focused on the design practice. On September 6th of 2023 the fifth edition of Design Month started, this year’s theme being “Where Design Meets Enterprise”. To start off the month, the first event delivered was Design Day 2023: Into the Designverse – supported by SAP d-com.

The event consisted of 7 booths dedicated to different design practices: food, interaction, information, sound, inclusive, animation and fashion design, with a happy-hour moment to close the event. Each booth provided the opportunity to experience a design area and learn more about it, aiming at increasing awareness on the different ways design is present around us.

Besides Design Day, during the month there were four learning opportunities focused on company, strategy, enterprise, and design:

  • Virtual round table on Different Career Paths a Designer Can Take at SAP, with Brazilian designers from multiple locations expanding on their experiences, learnings and career tips.
  • Unleash Your Creative Self Workshop focused on understanding and demystifying creativity on a day-to-day basis
  • From UX to Code – Where Usability and Feasibility Meet talk with the SAP Ariba Category Management team on how they turn good ideas into working products with great user experience

And to close the month, nothing better than bringing design and enterprise together in a Where Design Meets Enterprise fireside chat with Arin Bhowmick, Chief Design Officer for SAP, and Elvira Wallis, Senior Vice President, Global Head of SAP Globalization Services. The leaders participated in a conversation about thought leadership, collaboration, design, business requirements and the importance of listening to our customers and users.

The month has come to an end, but the community-building continues in every event, session, conversation and opportunity we find to connect with colleagues about design. At the core of the SAP Design Hub Brazil you will find people – great people working to deliver great things.

Design Month 2023: Where Design Meets Enterprise only came to life due to the work of multiple people, and we would like to thank each and every volunteer and colleague that helped us make this month come to life: Aleshane Ghisleri, Anderson Foscarini, Andressa Silveira, Ariel Dias, Arin Bhowmick, Bianca Juchem, Brenda Linck, Carolina Marquis, Carol Cadaval, Cicero Barbosa, Cristiane Aparecida Abreu, Daniel Souza, Dienifer Medinger, Douglas Rohman, Eduarda Diemmer, Eduarda Santanna, Eissom Fangueiro, Elvira Wallis, Gabriela Corazza, Gabriela Guasti Diniz Rocha, Giovana Bombardelli, Gustavo Haag, Irla Bocianoski Rebelo, Itamar Medeiros, Jaqueline Vogt, Julia Forneck, Julia Nunes, Lea Kuhn, Leonildo Vilela, Manuela Kliemann, Natalia Kotz, Nicole Borba, Nicole Gomes, Raul Bellina, Stefani Coelho and Thaisa Santos.

Our month wouldn’t be such a happy story to share if it weren’t, once again, for the power of community. If you wanna be part of it, make sure you join our Teams channel, visit our Sharepoint page to check out the month’s recordings and stay to date on our discussions and events.


SAP Design Day 2023 Responsible Team

文章来源: https://blogs.sap.com/2023/10/18/looking-back-at-design-month-2023/