Migrating CDS based BOPF Business Object to RAP Business Object
We have been hearing about a tool for migrating the CDS based BOPF business objects to the RA 2023-10-13 21:50:22 Author: blogs.sap.com(查看原文) 阅读量:15 收藏

We have been hearing about a tool for migrating the CDS based BOPF business objects to the RAP based business objects since the time ABAP Restful Application Programing (RAP) is released.

Finally, the option is available with version 2023 and now it is possible to migrate CDS BOPF BO to RAP BO using the migration wizard.


Before we can migrate, we need to raise sap request to component  BC-ESI-RAP-MIG-BOF to get the migration activated first . I don’t get why so… let me know in comments if you know…

How to proceed

  • Open your CDS based BOPF BO  in the Eclipse project explorer section
  • Open the context menu and choose RAP Business Object =>Migrate to RAP Business Object
  • In the Migration wizard opens you will see two option
    • Simulation – simulates the BO migration and list downs all the errors and warning upfront without migration the BO productively
    • Migration – Migrates all the related objects productively

  • Click Next and on the next screen check the The transactional processing(TP) views impacted by the migration.
  • On the Next screen, Check the consumption views of the business objects affected by migration.

If simulation is executed, the simulation log will be displayed on the BO Migration Log view.

  • Open your CDS based BOPF BO  in the Eclipse project explorer section
  • Open the context menu and choose RAP Business Object =>View Migration Log
  • Enter a log number or choose Browse to display the available runs for the BO and finish.
  • BO Migration Log view is displayed

Read the messages and also check for any additional manual activity post migration.

In case of actual “Migration”,  disclaimer message will be shown to remind that migrated objects can’t be reverted back , so be careful.

So, go ahead and try out  share the challenges and learnings in comments section. Word of caution try it with test objects before you do it productively to avoid any surprises !!

Keep Learning & Keep Sharing!!

文章来源: https://blogs.sap.com/2023/10/13/migrating-cds-based-bopf-business-object-to-rap-business-object/