As outlined in Janet Dorothy Salmon’s great blog The Differences between Traditional and Event-based WIP and Variance Calculation, Event-Based Production Accounting (3F0) is the leading innovative production costing solution in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition, which has the following advantages:
- Eliminates period-end closing activities in Production Accounting: manual overhead cost calculation, WIP calculation, variance calculation and settlement are not needed anymore.
- Contributes to real-time profit and loss: the production WIP and variances are captured immediately at the time when business event happens rather than at period end.
- Fully integrated with unified journal in Financial Accounting: the production WIP capitalization and variances settlement document details are directly updated in unified journal table ACDOCA. There are no more CO-specific tables, which might cause potential inconsistency with FI.
- Fully enabled with Universal Parallel Accounting: the production WIP and variances are calculated for each currency (up to 10 currencies supported) without currency translation and for parallel ledgers.
- Modern Fiori experience with smooth filter, navigation, and drilldown experience.
3F0 has already been the default scope item for production cost posting in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition since year 2021 for the newly implemented customers. Only with rare valid business reason SAP would approve the request to activate the optional scop item BEI for newly implemented customers. Now SAP is announcing the deprecation of BEI, which means the customers went live before year 2021 and the customers went live after year 2021 but also requested to use BEI are supposed to transition from BEI to 3F0 before BEI is completely retired.
Compared with 3F0, SAP is deprecating BEI due to the following reasons:
- It is incompatible with Universal Parallel Accounting, which is compulsory on public cloud. The classic WIP calculation, variance calculation and settlement only take care of leading ledger with two currency types. There would be risk of imbalance in the non-leading ledgers and the currency types other than company code currency and controlling area currency if you have made ledger-specific material prices or activity cost rates. Different prices in different ledgers could be caused either by a parallel accounting requirement or a mistake in the non-leading ledger price maintenance.
- It has the long-standing performance issue in variance calculation and rounding difference issue in WIP calculation, which cannot be resolved due to old technical limitations.
- It is not as user friendly as 3F0 in navigation and drilldown functions due to old Web GUI technical limitations.
3F0 will provide equal feature parities as BEI, completing the supported scenarios with live usage in BEI be treated as high priority on the roadmap.
3F0 will provide event-based posting in a selective way, offering an option to determine WIP and variance manually (e.g., at period-end) instead of at each business event for the customers that:
- Have rather short-living production cycles thus do not necessarily want to see capitalized WIP in every logistic posting.
- Have many additional postings on the orders (e.g., supplement missing components and re-open orders) after the orders are with status DLV/TECO, which could foresee large number of additional settlement documents and reversal documents.
3F0 is the strategic investment solution for continuous feature enhancements, meaning the requested WCR or CIP will only be implemented in 3F0.
When to Deprecate?
BEI is going to be deprecated in a phased approach as follows:
- Communication phase (starting from now)
- SAP is notifying all existing customers who are still using BEI of the deprecation plan.
- SAP is providing explanations and transition guidance for BEI customers.
- SAP only approves activating BEI for new customers with valid business reasons (e.g., missing feature parity in 3F0)
- Customers are expected to try out 3F0 with already supported scope and provide feedback to SAP.
- What are the missing feature parities in 3F0 compared with BEI in running your business?
- What system behaviors you are not satisfied with 3F0 and need improvement?
- Deprecation phase (from second half of year 2024)
- SAP will complete feature parity of 3F0 compared with BEI, according to what has already been listed on the roadmap and the feedback collected from customers.
- SAP will mark BEI apps and best practices content as Deprecated.
- SAP will give no more approval of activating BEI for new customers.
- Customers are expected to close classic orders and product cost collectors (PCCs) and switch all order types to 3F0 using event-based RA keys RSEBW and PCCEB at the earliest convenience. For the orders using classic RA key MBMF01 and PCCs using classic RA key MBMF03, warning message would be shown in the system to remind the solution is going to be retired soon in a near future.
- Retirement phase (from first half of year 2025)
- SAP will remove BEI apps from SAP Fiori launchpad.
- SAP will mark BEI best practices content as Retired.
- SAP will prevent creation of orders using classic RA key MBMF01 and PCCs with classic RA key MBMF03 with error message.
- Customers are expected use 3F0 productively without exception.
How to transition?
Familiar yourself with comparisons of applications, catalogs, configuration activities, period-end closing steps, supported scenarios etc. between 3F0 and BEI, see help pages:
Report a ticket to SAP to request activating scope item 3F0, which comes with the event-based processing keys (formerly known as RA keys) RSEBW for manufacturing orders and PCCEB for PCCs respectively.
Note: 3F0 is activated by default for customers with an initial release of SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2105.
Then, complete the following preparatory transition steps:
- Assign WIP source accounts and WIP account determination rules for 3F0.
- Set up an event-based costing sheet (mandatory for overhead surcharges).
- Assign the costing sheet to valuation variants (those used in the planning costing variants in order-type-dependent parameter).
Next, perform the essential transition step: switch to the assignment of costing variants with event-based costing sheet and the event-based processing keys to your order types.
Switch to event-based processing key for manufacturing orders
RSEBW is delivered for enabling event-based product cost posting for manufacturing orders. You can view its settings in configuration activity Event-Based WIP and Variance Posting. It specifies the WIP calculation method, variance split categories, and valid posting receivers as follows:
Note: RSEBW is pre-delivered in 3F0 Best Practices content and cannot be changed.
To assign RSEBW to your order types for manufacturing orders, use configuration activities Define Order-Type-Dependent Parameters for Production Orders and Define Order-Type-Dependent Parameters for Process Orders. You can assign RSEBW to a new order type or change from old RA key MBMF01 to RSEBW for an existing order type for all plants:
In this step, also specify the planned costing variant that is assigned with the event-based costing sheet earlier.
For detailed guidance, see Transition from Period-Based to Event-Based for Manufacturing Orders.
After flipping the key assignment and making all necessary configuration changes, the following occurs:
- Any new orders created with the order type are event-based orders, which no longer need manual calculation and settlement for WIP and variances. Instead, posting and calculation of WIP, overhead, and variance are initiated in real time by business events such as goods movement, activity confirmation, goods receipt, and order completion. You can view the data in analytical apps such as Analyze Production Costs – Event-Based.
- Existing classic orders created before the switching are still non-event-based orders. For these orders, production cycle can still be completed with BEI steps (overhead calculation, WIP calculation, variance calculation and settlement). When all these orders are closed, the transition is completed.
This is a simple transition without data migration. You can switch the assignment of order types at any time during the period without hard period cutoff. Before all the classic BEI manufacturing orders are closed, period-end steps for both 3F0 and BEI are needed. After the period that those legacy orders are fully closed, BEI steps are not needed anymore.
Switch to event-based processing key for product cost collectors
PCCEB is delivered for enabling event-based product cost posting for product cost collectors. You can view its settings in configuration activity Event-Based WIP and Variance Posting. It specifies the WIP calculation method, variance split categories, and the valid posting receiver as follows:
Note: PCCEB is pre-delivered in 3F0 Best Practices content and cannot be changed.
To assign PCCEB to your order types for PCCs, use configuration activity Define Cost-Accounting-Relevant Default Values for Order Types and Plants. You can assign PCCEB to the existing PCC order type for all plants:
In this step, also specify the planned costing variant that is assigned with the event-based costing sheet earlier.
For detailed guidance, see Transition from Period-Based to Event-Based for Product Cost Collectors.
After switching the key assignment and making all necessary configuration changes, the following occurs:
- Any new PCCs created with the order type are event-based, which no longer need manual calculation and settlement for WIP and variances. Instead, posting and calculation of WIP, overhead, and variance are initiated in real time by business events such as goods movement, activity confirmation, and goods receipt. You can view the data in analytical apps such as Product Cost Collector Details – Event-Based.
- Existing classic PCCs created before the switching are still non-event-based. For these PCCs, the production cycle can still be completed with BEI steps. When all these PCCs are closed, the transition is completed.
Note: If necessary, for example, you’ve set different material/activity prices for various ledgers, you can also settle classic PCCs in multiple ledgers with the job Production Settlement in Parallel Ledgers in the Schedule Product Costing Jobs app.
We hope you find the information helpful and are ready to start your journey in exploring and utilizing intelligent product accounting in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
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