On October 9th, 2023, the SAP Support Required PTF Lists, formerly known as Information APARs, have been updated to include new High Impact/Pervasive PTF Group levels with fixes for the most recent security bulletins and a few other individual PTFs for recently discovered problems.
The PTF lists can be found at the following links:
IBM i 7.3: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/sap-support-required-ptf-list-ibm-i-73
IBM i 7.4: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/sap-support-required-ptf-list-ibm-i-74
IBM i 7.5: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/sap-support-required-ptf-list-ibm-i-75
If you want to download the PTF lists to your SAP systems with the help of a program, take a look at our sample program and blog entry from July 18th, 2022.
We recommend that you apply the current PTF levels for preventive maintenance whenever you are performing your next scheduled maintenance.
Please note: To improve overall system security, the SQL function QSYS2.PTF_INFO was recently changed so that users of the function must now have *USE authority for the command DSPPTF in order to execute this function. The PTF levels are listed at https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/1119273. By default, the SAP user profile <sid>ADM does not have *USE authority for this command.
When running on IBM i 7.3, the SAP code is using the function QSYS2.PTF_INFO to decide which CDS-related database features are already available on the current system. With the current PTFs applied, this may fail with messages:
BY2 Database: Database error -443 at EXE
BY0 Database: > SQL0443 (SQLSTATE 42501) - Routine Error on QDBSSUDF2: NOT
BY0 Database: > AUTHORIZED TO USE QSYS/DSPPTF (<nnnnnn>/<sid>ADM/WP<nn>)
If you see this error or as preventive measure, you can grant the necessary authority to the SAP user profiles, for example with the command: