Manual Accruals in SAP S/4HANA on Premise
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Manual Accruals in SAP S/4HANA on Premise



The Manual Accruals application enables you to calculate and post accruals in General Ledger Accounting automatically.

You enter the data once for a business transaction that you have to accrue. On the basis of this data, the system calculates the amounts to be accrued for each business transaction. You can also simulate these amounts. In each period, you can start an accrual run, which posts all accruals for the various business transactions.

The functions in Manual Accruals support the use of Parallel Accounting. This means that you can calculate and post accruals simultaneously according to different ledger groups.

From a technical point of view, the Manual Accruals application is built on the Accrual Engine. The transactions to be accrued are managed in Manual Accruals. The processes for calculating and posting accruals, on the other hand, are managed in the Accrual Engine.

Implementation Considerations

Before you can use the functions in Manual Accruals, you have to make extensive Customizing settings. For example, you must define the accrual item types and define the calculation rules according to which the amounts to be accrued are calculated. For automatic posting of accruals, you have to define the account determination.

A number of Customizing settings also allow you to tailor the functions to your individual requirements. For example, you can add custom fields (parameters) to the functions.

These settings are in Customizing for Financial Accounting under General Ledger Accounting  Business Transactions  Accruals Management  Manual Accruals.


In Financial Accounting you can also post accruals with the Recurring Entries function. In contrast to recurring entries, the functions in Manual Accruals offer you the following benefits:

             You only have to enter accrual transactions once, after which they are calculated and posted automatically.

             Greater flexibility, meaning that the calculated accrual amounts can vary

             Depiction of complex calculation rules

Key Features

You can use the following functions for calculating and posting accruals and/or deferrals:

             Processing Accrual Objects

If you want to enter the data for a business transaction that is to be accrued or deferred, you create an accrual object first. An accrual object contains all data that the system requires to calculate and post accruals or deferrals for this business transaction.

The functions for creating and changing an accrual object are the central functions of this application. You use these functions to manage and control your accrual processes.

             Optional: Reviewing and Approving Periodic Accruals

You can set up a verification and approval procedure for the accrual amounts that the system calculates and proposes. This procedure can assist you in checking, for example, periodic accrual amounts uploaded from an MS Excel file using Edit Accrual Objects (ACACTREE02). For the relevant fiscal period, an accountant can then review and adjust these uploaded accrual amounts manually, if required, as well as add comments or attachments before the system posts them.

             Optional: Utilization and Release of Manual Accruals

If you set up the utilization and release procedure, actual costs that are posted with reference to a given accrual object automatically reduce the accruals. In addition, you can manually release remaining accrual amounts fully or only partially.

             Periodic Posting Run

An accrual run triggers the accrual postings for the posting period. You can also cancel individual accrual postings.

For detailed information about the functions in the Manual Accruals component, in the SAP Easy Access menu, see Accounting  Financial Accounting  General Ledger  Periodic Processing  Accruals Management  Manual Accruals.

Create Incoming Invoices

Use this app to create supplier invoices or credit memos that have no purchase order in Financial Accounting. You can use it, for example, to create invoices or credit memos for utilities, office supplies, and so on.

Key Features

You can use this app to:

  • Create and post supplier invoices without reference to a purchase order.
  • Create and post supplier credit memos without reference to a purchase order.


In certain cases, you may have several sets of withholding tax codes and types in your invoices. You must decide which of these withholding tax codes and types are relevant for each transaction. In cases where you must not calculate and post some of the proposed withholding taxes, then remove the withholding tax codes that are not relevant for that transaction.


App Documentation

Manage Manual Accruals

With this app, you can display accrual objects and view the parameters assigned to them.

Key Features

You can use this app to:

             Display accrual objects.

             View the parameters assigned to an accrual object.

The parameters can be defined in Customizing for Manual Accruals under Basic Settings  Applications of the Accrual Engine  Manual Accruals  Technical Settings  Accrual Object Categories  Assign Parameters to Accrual Object Categories.

For more information, see Customizing for Manual Accruals.

Supported Device Types

             Desktop

             Tablet

Related Information

Manual Accruals

Month 1

ACEPOSTINGRUN – Periodic Posting Run

Perform Posting Run


You can create a posting run. This means that accrual postings are made for all accrual objects that are valid on the specified last day of the period.


For you to be able perform a posting run, these prerequisites have to be fulfilled:

             You need to have made the Customizing settings for the accrual posting. Specifically, you need to have made the settings for number ranges, accrual item types, posting schemas, and account determination. You can find these settings in Customizing for Accruals Management.

             Accrual objects and their associated data must be present.


To start a posting run, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Accruals Management menu, choose Start Periodic Posting Run (transaction ACEPOSTINGRUN).
  2. Enter the application component for which you want to perform the posting run, for example, ACAC for manual accruals or POAC for purchase order accruals.
  3. Enter the company codes for which you want the system to perform a posting run.
  4. You can start the posting run for a specific ledger group or a specific accrual item type.
  5. Check the proposed date in the Last Day of the Period field. You can also overwrite the date. However, make sure that you always specify the last day of a period.
  6. You can perform the posting run for specific accrual objects, that is, you can restrict the posting run to specific accrual objects or accrual subobjects.


Accrual subobjects not relevant for manual accruals. This is why the Accruals Subobject field always contains the default value. 1.

  1. You can perform the posting run as a test run before you start the update run. To do this, select the Test Run checkbox.
  2. You can display a detailed results list or an aggregated list for the posting run of the accrual postings that were made.
  3. Choose Execute.


You have performed the posting run, thereby posting the periodic accruals. The following functions are then available:

             If you have performed a posting run as an update run and then want to reverse specific accrual postings, you can go directly to the Reverse Accrual Postings function. To do so, choose Reverse.

Next Months

FACRARVWCO – Review Periodic Accruals – Controllers

Review Periodic Accruals


You have enabled the accruals review process under Accruals Management  Basic Settings  Accrual Item Types  Define Item Types   Item Type Settings (transaction ACEIMG).


After you enable the review process, you can perform the following steps:

  1. Generate periodic proposals – transaction ACEPROPOSALRUN. This step is usually done after the last invoice or goods receipt is posted for a given fiscal period.
  2. (Optional) To get the latest proposed planned costs, choose Refresh Amounts.
  3. Review the amounts of planned costs. The transactions to access Review Periodic Accruals are specific to each user role:

             For the purchase order owner – transaction FACRARVWBU

             For the controller – transaction FACRARVWCO

  1. (Optional) Review and adjust the amounts of planned costs:

             Enter the new planned costs in the Revised Costs column.

             Enter a reason code and a comment for adjusting the amounts.

  1. To confirm your review, select Amount Reviewed for an accrual amount entry. You can also select multiple entries, and then choose Set as Reviewed.
  2. Save your changes.


When the accrual amount (planned costs minus actual costs) is below the threshold that you’ve customized, the Amount Reviewed checkbox is read-only, because the accrual amount won’t be posted in this fiscal period. For more information, see Define Threshold Variants.

Review Types

The review types, along with the threshold range, determines whether a explicit review is required for an accrual object and whether the review is automatic or manual. These are the review types:

             E: Manual review is required.

             A: Review is automatically done, because the amount is within the threshold range.

             B: Review is not required, because the accrual amount is below the threshold.

             N: Review is not required, because the review process is not activated.

FACRAAPPRVGL – Approve Periodic Accruals – G/L Accountants

Approve Periodic Accruals


You have enabled the accruals review and approval processes in menu Accruals Management  Basic Settings  Accrual Item Types  Define Item Types  Item Type Settings (transaction ACEIMG).


When you enable the approval process, enable the review process as well, but the review activity is optional. The accrual amounts can be posted only when the approver grants the approval.


After you activate the review and approval process, you can perform the following steps:

  1. Generate periodic proposals (transaction ACEPROPOSALRUN). This step is typically executed after the last invoice or goods receipt is posted for a given fiscal period.
  2. (Optional) To get the latest proposed planned costs, choose Refresh Amounts.
  3. As a G/L accountant, access Approve Periodic Accruals (transaction FACRAAPPRVGL).
  4. Search for the accruals that you want to approve.
  5. (Optional) Adjust the amounts of planned costs.
  6. Enter the new amounts of planned costs in the Revised Costs column.
  7. Enter a reason code and a comment for adjusting the amounts.


If the amounts of planned costs have been revised by a reviewer, you can still adjust the revised costs.

  1. select Amount Approved for an accrual amount entry. You can also select multiple entries and then choose Set as Approved.
  2. Save your changes.


When the accrual amount (planned costs minus actual costs) is below the upper limit of the threshold that is defined in customizing, the Amount Approved checkbox is read only, because the accrual amount won’t be posted in this fiscal period. For more information, see Define Threshold Variants.

Approval Types

The approval types, along with the threshold range, determines whether explicit approval is required for an accrual object and whether an automatic or manual approval is required. See the following approval types and their descriptions:

             E: Manual approval is required.

             A: Approval is automatically done, because the amount is within the threshold range.

             B: Approval is not required, because the accrual amount is below the threshold.

             N: Approval is not required, because the approval process is not activated.

ACEPOSTINGRUN – Periodic Posting Run

Repeat Month ZZ to ZZ
