In this blog post, you can learn how Integration Center can be leveraged to migrate or create employee records in SuccessFactors system.
While working as Data Migration Lead, there came a requirement for the SF administrators to add small population of records into the system on monthly basis. EC is still not the master for these, hiring is done in other Source system and data would be sent in excel to add them to SF system.
In such scenario, administrators can use either “Add New Employee” option or “Import Employee Data” option.
Add New Employee is suitable when number of records to be added are less, it needs to be done one by one.
Import Employee Data is suitable for mass hiring, more suitable for initial data migration. One needs to prepare the import file for each portlet and run the import for each portlet in sequence. To add a record for all the portlets (assuming all portlets are in scope), nearly 17-18 import files to be prepared and run in sequence.
This triggered me to try out Integration Center to migrate/create records. Inbound Integration is built adding all portlets in scope, in the recommended employee import sequence. This can be scheduled to run on regular basis, based on Client need. The file containing details of all portlets (Single CSV file) to be placed in SFTP. Once scheduled job runs successfully, user record gets created.
Steps to build the Integration Center Job:-
Step 1. Admin Center -> Integration Center -> My Integrations -> Create à Click on “Scheduled CSV Input Integration.”
Step 2. Select the starting entity. It can be any entity to start with. We can later add all other entities as needed.
Step 3. Name the Integration Center Job
Step 4. Go to Configure Fields tab -> Upload Sample CSV
Here, prepare the file including all portlets. Use single header. These portlets should be in the order of import sequence. Fields to be added next to each other for all portlets – as given in the sample csv file
Step 5. Once csv file is updated, the fields in the csv file are added to the integration as shown below
Step 6. Add the data entities in the recommended Import sequence – example as shown below.
Step 7. Map the source file fields (fields added from csv file) to relevant destination fields (portlets added here). This needs to be done for all the entities added here.
Step 8. Set the Source settings in terms of SFTP server details, file name & folder details. The CSV file to be placed in the sftp folder, the one mentioned in the server details.
Step 9. Schedule this job. Or run this job manually once file is placed in SFTP. Once scheduled job is completed successfully, user record gets created.
Some benefits are :-
Reference KBA :