Update: python-per-line.py Version 0.0.11
2023-10-5 08:0:0 Author: blog.didierstevens.com(查看原文) 阅读量:9 收藏

Update: python-per-line.py Version 0.0.11

This update adds option –group: with this option, all lines are stored as a list in variable lines, and the Python expression is evaluated just once after each file is processed.

python-per-line_V0_0_11.zip (http)
MD5: B35187DFEA8970BFFFBA33E8DC36B31E
SHA256: 2EFC172F48BB9D5A7EFF87737D81F15F473EEFB4B9899A09571E7892FF15BAD1

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文章来源: https://blog.didierstevens.com/2023/10/05/update-python-per-line-py-version-0-0-11/