GUEST ESSAY: Has shielding and blocking electromagnetic energy become the new normal?
2023-10-2 23:22:34 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:6 收藏

By Nikoline Arns

Surrounded by the invisible hum of electromagnetic energy, we’ve harnessed its power to fuel our technological marvels for decades.

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Tesla’s visionary insights from 1900 hinted at the potential, and today, we bask in the glow of interconnected networks supporting our digital lives. Yet, as we embrace this wave of connectivity, we often overlook the pressing need for protection.

Since 1984, when Japan’s pioneering 1G network blanketed the nation, we’ve been swept up in the excitement of progress. But let’s pause and consider—how often do we truly contemplate safeguarding ourselves from the very forces that fuel our interconnected world?

Link to identities

Over the past decade, mobile data traffic has surged an astonishing 4,000-fold, while an additional 400 million users have joined the digital realm over the past 15 years. As we venture into the era of 5G and witness the rise of private networks, the surge of electromagnetic charge is palpable, raising questions about the potential consequences.

Beyond the realms of charge, there lies a pivotal concern—the intricate linkage between our data and identities. This burgeoning fusion necessitates a higher level of vigilance, given the expanding ambit of our digital footprints.

The concept of Mobile Phone Penetration concept mentioned in all Mobile economy forecasts unveils an intricate dance between usage and population. Often overlooked, the SIM card—short for Subscriber Identification Module—acts as the nexus between our identity and technology, illuminating the thin line between connection and surveillance.


Gazing toward the horizon of 2030, an ambitious vision looms—a vision of achieving a 90% average subscriber penetration and smartphone adoption across Europe, China, CIS, and the USA. Such ambition thrusts mobile devices into the hands of nearly everyone over the age of 12, inviting us to reconsider our interaction with these potent tools.

Yet, as we hold these devices close, we’re forced to ponder—why does our understanding of their inner workings remain so limited? How can we fortify ourselves against potential threats? The dichotomy is striking—our dependency on technology has deepened, but our comprehension of its nuances lags.

Paradox challenge

Beyond the realm of sensitivity, consider our data—the intrepid voyager navigating electromagnetic currents. Recent revelations, such as the TechCrunch exposé on “Spyhide stalkerware,” unmask the vulnerability of our devices. The exposé recounts the stealthy exfiltration of private phone data from a staggering 60,000 compromised Android devices dating back to 2016[6]

Herein lies the paradox—data centers, government strongholds, and even spacecraft are fortified with Faraday technology against electromagnetic threats, while individuals who champion this cause are often typecast as cinematic caricatures. Think Gene Hackman’s paranoia in “Enemy of the State,” or the intrigue-laden worlds of “Mr. Robot” and “Mission Impossible.” These portrayals obscure the reality that personal data protection is far from a fanciful notion.

This paradox further extends to our interaction with technology. Despite our daily reliance on devices, our grasp of their mechanics remains tenuous, mirroring our limited understanding of complex economic systems.

In this unfolding narrative, education emerges as the harbinger of change. An evolution beckons—the “New Normal.” This new era demands selective signal blocking, conscious data guardianship, and a resolute commitment to digital privacy. In this paradigm, devices transform from mere instruments to instruments of empowerment, propelling human interaction to the forefront.

The clarion call is clear—craft new rituals, where data holds sacred value, shared purposefully. Let devices augment human connection, not replace it. Cultivate an awareness of their ability to listen, and use it as an impetus to seize control. Dance to the tune of empowerment, where trust is fortified.

Even in our material realm, simplicity prevails. The solution lies not in elaborate (and illegal)  jamming tech installations, but in the subtle elegance of Faraday Signal Blocking Products — guardians of privacy.

An imperative emerges—knowledge and data, potent instruments, should not rest in the hands of the few. For, as history has shown, the wielders of knowledge possess power. The moment to reclaim control over devices is now. Let’s create new Habits and embrace the New Normal.

About the essayist: Nikoline Arns creates projects that prioritize privacy and freedom of expression, particularly in the context of social impact. Since 2018, she has been aligned with Web3 values. In her latest venture, she has joined forces with to introduce privacy solutions for both office spaces and households.

October 2nd, 2023

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from The Last Watchdog authored by bacohido. Read the original post at:
