September was a mixed bag and for the first time in a while it was more down than up.

Health Update

I fell off the wagon a bit on the weight loss front. I didn’t continue the healthy behaviours as life got a bit more challenging. I haven’t put on a lot of weight either so it wasn’t so bad it is ok to tread water a little bit sometimes.

Weekend 1

With Kid A struggling at school and waiting diagnosis we were directed to a service where similar kids could meet up and parents could get some support. We turned up to is on Saturday morning and got some bemused looks. We were informed that group hadn’t run in 3 years. Nothing like feeling supported by the system eh.

As that was a bust we went to a softplay for the first time in ages and had a decent weekend otherwise.

On the Sunday we went to a magical puppet show.,

Weekend 2

Date night happened this weekend which was nice to have again. We tried a new restaurant that promised some of my favourite things; BBQ and Beer. It was a bit of a disappointment tbh. But we had a lovely evening anyway.

Weekend 3

Kid A was invited to a birthday party on the Sunday. I took them and they were entirely overwhelmed from the moment the entertainment busted out a PA system to scream at about 10 kids. It was sensory overload for me let alone the kid with sensory issues. Kid A wanted to hang around until the entertainment was over so they could at least have lunch with their friends.

This meant bonus 2 hours of us sitting on a bench in a quiet spot having a lovely chat. We actually had a good time, it was great to be invited, and it was a lovely day.

Weekend 4

This weekend was pretty rough to be honest. I was supposed to have a 4 day weekend – and I did. I needed new trousers as I rarely go clothes shopping so this was pretty much the only goal for the weekend.

Kid A was in peak defiance mode. They refused to do anything or go anywhere. So ultimately I was pretty depressed. There had been a lot of negatives from their school this term and the weight of that builds up for me. I desperately needed to get out of the house and instead I was trapped with a screaming child trouserlessly I might add. This was definitely a low point for my morale which is notable for it occurring but also because of how rare that has been.

Eventually I took the risk and ordered trousers online and accepted I’d be locked inside. When they finally arrived I was actually delighted with them. Clothes that fit are great for morale.

Other Stuff

Media and stuff:

  • Slay the spire – I have now played a lot of this having started last month. I have completed it with all 4 characters. Now there is one more way to complete it with a bonus final level. If I do that I get a coveted platinum trophy.
  • XCOM 2 War of the Chosen – that weekend where I was depressed I fell into starting this again. It really occupies my mind and is familiar. A really good game.
  • The Goldbergs – My brother has recommended this for years. I started watching it and fired through 6 seasons fairly rapidly. It is pretty bang on for my childhood at least. It lead to me firing the kids at more 80s movies than usual.