【活动预告】ICANN 亚太域名论坛:云服务时代下的互联网域名解析和挑战,6月20日北京见
2023-6-16 17:40:4 Author: mp.weixin.qq.com(查看原文) 阅读量:6 收藏

Pre-Event Webinar for ICANN APAC DNS Forum 2023

近年来,随着云服务的部署增长,互联网域名系统的解析体系也显著地向云上迁移。数据显示,约五分之一的互联网用户正在使用诸如Google Public DNS、114DNS等这样的大型公共递归解析服务;此外,大量域名正在将自身的权威解析托管至云服务,以实现灵活的解析部署和资源管理。而另一方面,云服务在域名系统中的广泛应用也引入了一系列问题,包括针对云基础设施的新型攻击面和滥用方式、维护成本和复杂度增长,以及服务集中化趋势等。本场分论坛聚焦云服务时代下的互联网域名解析,邀请来自学术界和工业界的专家学者,共同探讨域名系统面临的挑战,并提出解决方案和最佳实践。

主题:云服务时代下的互联网域名解析和挑战(DNS Operation and Challenges up on the Cloud)







(注:本场论坛为ICANN亚太论坛会前分论坛,将通过ICANN zoom会议进行全球线上直播,报告环节将使用英文;报告环节结束后,我们预留与现场嘉宾的交流讨论环节,使用中文。在线参会,请访问ICANN亚太域名论坛官网https://events.icann.org/apacdns2023/dnuregistration/Site/Register进行注册,Zoom link将在会前24小时发给已注册参会人员。ICANN亚太论坛会前分论坛网址请参阅:https://apacdnsforum.asia/events/apac-dns-forum-2023-pre-event-webinars/。现场参会,请扫描下方二维码进行报名。



Jan Schaumann

演讲主题:The gTLDs' New Clothes - A Look at Centralization in Naked Domains


Jan Schaumann is a Distinguished Infrastructure Security Architect and Adjunct Professor of Computer Science with more than 20 years of  experience  building  and  securing  high-availability   services  at internet scale. Chances are you've interacted directly or indirectly with code, sites, and systems on the internet that he has touched. (He'd like to apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused.) You can follow Jan on Mastodon (https://mstdn.social/@jschauma/) or enjoy in-depth articles from his blog (https://www.netmeister.org/blog/).


演讲主题:Silence is not Golden: Disrupting the Load Balancing of Authoritative DNS Servers


Baojun Liu  is  an Assistant  Professor  at the  Institute  for Network Science and Cyberspace of Tsinghua University. His research focuses on  cyberspace  security  and  has been recognized with  awards  and publications  in  top  network  security  conferences.  He  discovered critical vulnerabilities  in  core  Internet  infrastructure  and  proposed novel techniques to counter cybercrimes. He leads multiple national research projects in China as a principal investigator, and serves as a caucus  member  of  the   ICANN   Root   Server   System  Advisory Committee.


演讲主题:The Challenge and Practice of Integrated Cloud DNS


Yong Ma has been working for Alibaba Cloud since July 2017. He is a principal engineer leading the DNS development and operation team. He has rich experience in the security and stability of DNS systems especially  the  large-scaled  cloud-based  DNS  system.  He  made effective  explorations  and  practices  in  the  field  of  combining traditional DNS technology and cloud technology to encounter new challenges of DNS security and stability. During his 17-year career, he has been engaged in the development and research work related to network technologies. He previously worked at Ericsson as a senior software  engineer  for  7  years.  His  work   covered  CDMA  Core Network, WCDMA RAN, and 5G vRAN related products.

尉迟学彪(中国互联网络信息中心 CNNIC 研究员)

演讲主题:DNS Abuse Governance: Challenges and What to Do Next


Xuebiao Yuchi is a research fellow serving at China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC). He received his PhD from Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2012, and formerly served as a postdoc at Tennessee State University, USA. His  research  interests  include  DNS  and  DNS  Abuse,  and  he  has published one Springer book and over twenty research papers in IEEE Services, IEEE MilCom, etc. Currently, he also serves as a member of ICANN ccNSO DNS Abuse Standing Committee.



Chaoyi Lu is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Network Sciences and Cyberspace, Tsinghua University. His research area lies in network security and Internet measurement, with particular interests in the DNS and other infrastructure. He has published papers at top academic venues  and  is  a  recipient  of IRTF  Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP).


文章来源: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA4ODYzMjU0NQ==&mid=2652313519&idx=2&sn=137fb4ce9479e37906b7e47afbfc4f9f&chksm=8bc48a21bcb30337b05a6620b72b0ceeb58d987bfb4660d3d538284e33c7444761fa40dd2a14&scene=58&subscene=0#rd