Upload transport files from SAP
2023-9-29 03:32:58 Author: blogs.sap.com(查看原文) 阅读量:8 收藏


This blog is useful  consultants/Admins/functional folks who can’t  not have access to operating system to transfer cofiles and data files

This blog describes detailed steps “How to upload and download cofiles/data files directly from SAP” pretty useful. You don’t need to have access to OS.

How to Do:  Download and upload Co-files/Data files (Transports) directly from SAP

  1. Standard directory for cofiles in SAP – /usr/sap/trans/cofiles/K<number>.SID. This path may be different for you. Please check right path with parameter DIR_TRANS using t-code AL11

In our case DIR_TRANS = /usr/sap/trans


Make sure that co-files and data files are available on Application servers. Please note that in case transport is not released data and co-files won’t be available.

T-code al11 -> double click on DIR_TRANS

Navigate to /usr/sap/trans/cofiles directory and look for file you wanted to download

Similarly navigate to /usr/sap/trans/data directory and look for a file you wanted to download

2.    Download co- files from SAP using t-code CG3Y to local directory

Cofile naming convention – K<number>.SID


Click on download (Blue square)

click on Allow

Cofile (K900262.DSE) downloaded.

File on desktop

3. Download Data files from SAP using t-code CG3Y  to local directory

Data file naming convention – R<number>.SID

Click on download (blue square)

click on Allow

Data file R900262.<SID> downloaded

Downloaded file on local desktop

Upload data and cofiles to Application servers

Upload cofiles

  1. T-code cg3z
  2. Navigate to file on your desktop
  3. Cofile should go to DIR_TRANS/cofiles (i.e /usr/sap/trans/cofiles in my case)


Click on upload (blue square)

Verify uploaded file by navigating to /usr/sap/trans/cofiles/K900262.DSE

Upload data file to application servers

  1. T-code cg3z
  2. Navigate to file on your desktop
  3. Datafile should go to DIR_TRANS/data (i.e /usr/sap/trans/data in my case)

Click on Upload (blue square) – Based on the size of the data file it may take some time to get upload completely

Verify uploaded file by navigating to /usr/sap/trans/data/R900232.DSE

Once cofile and data file uploaded. Transport is ready to be added to buffer.

  1. Go to stms_import
  2. Extras -> Other Requests -> Add

Transport request should be in the format SID<K><number>

Click on continue (blue square)

Transport is added to buffer and ready to be imported.

Conclusion: Without having access to operating system, co-files and data-files can be transferred to and from SAP directly.

Please like and share your feedback in comments if you find this one useful and follow me at SAP People 

文章来源: https://blogs.sap.com/2023/09/28/upload-tranport-files-from-sap/