AI and the War on Trust
2023-8-31 18:43:43 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:9 收藏

The AI Revolution A revolution of Artificial Intelligence has occurred in the past few years, leapfrogging previous machine learning systems, with LLMs (Large Language Models) taking front and center in this revolution. LLMs learn by training on large volumes of text scraped from the internet and other sources and, essentially, attempt to predictively guess what text should come next when presented with a prompt from a human (or another computer or AI). In addition, LLMs can be paired with powerful visual based tools relying on diffusion to conjure up images based on the input from LLMs. These tools have quickly gone from fringe tools to powerful mainstream tools that can enable people to code, create art or perform tasks in which they have no experience, with just a prompt into the tool.   Whenever humanity is handed a new and powerful tool, some people will always seek to use it for....

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