Exploring the Dark Web: Unveiling its Dual Nature of Good and Evil
2023-8-24 23:38:59 Author: hakin9.org(查看原文) 阅读量:18 收藏

Freedom of speech is one of the fundamental human rights. It took a long time in human history to be developed to this stage of freedom and openness. With the advancement of the different technologies for communication and information dissemination, much research has had the vision that freedom of speech and open idea sharing will become more and more developed [1]. However, the new technologies don’t always allow for free communications. Current technologies can limit the access to free communication and can impose surveillance on private communication [2].  The technology behind the Internet is leading to global interconnections and information availability. These technologies are making our life easier and more productive. We are able to exchange news information, currencies, social likes and dislikes, we can work over internet, even we can show our affection to some person. But this does not come without some price that has to be paid.....

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文章来源: https://hakin9.org/exploring-the-dark-web-unveiling-its-dual-nature-of-good-and-evil/