How did I hacked the Dutch government and made it into the Hall of Fame?
2023-7-3 23:27:30 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:26 收藏

Krishnadev P Melevila

InfoSec Write-ups

Heyyyy guyss! It’s me Krishnadev P Melevila, It’s been a long time writing in Medium.

Today, I am here to demonstrate how I was able to hack the Dutch Tax administration, and how I came to make it into the Hall of Fame!

So, Now it’s story time!

It’s the dream of every security researcher to be in any hall of fame and to receive the iconic T-shirt from the Dutch government!

My intention was also the same, I actually started hunting the Dutch website for this t-shirt, But got something more than that! will came to that point very soon.

So the first spark for testing came when one of my friends, who is also a researcher got this t-shirt from the Dutch government by finding some other vulnerability, and he put that as his WhatsApp status, and the professional jealousy inside me woke up :)!

So, I got a GitHub repo containing many Dutch website links and started recon on each of them. Started one by one.

10’s, 20’s,50’s were tested, and nothing interesting….

Feel like, need to give up. But some factors hold me up there.

Finally, after spending 1–2 days on this list, I finally found a vulnerability on a target:

Now let’s talk about vulnerability!
