timwhitez starred DetectDee
2023-5-9 15:14:4 Author: github.com(查看原文) 阅读量:34 收藏

*Disclaimer: This article and this tool are for technical discussion and sharing only. Illegal use is strictly prohibited.

DetectDee: Hunt down social media accounts by username, email or phone across social networks example.gif

  DetectDee detect [flags]

  -c, --check           self-check
  -e, --email strings   email[s], e.g. [email protected],[email protected]
  -f, --file string     Site data file (default "data.json")
  -g, --google          Show google search result
  -h, --help            help for detect
  -n, --name strings    name[s], e.g. piaolin,poq79,SomeOneYouLike
      --nsfw            Include checking of NSFW sites from default list.       
  -p, --phone strings   phone[s], e.g. 15725753684,13575558962
      --precisely       Check precisely
      --proxy string    Make requests over a proxy. e.g. socks5://
  -r, --retry int       Retry times after request failed (default 3)
  -s, --site strings    Limit analysis to just the listed sites. Add multiple op
tions to specify more than one site.
  -t, --timeout int     Time (in seconds) to wait for response to requests (defa
ult 10)

Global Flags:
  -v, --verbose   verbose output

We would love to have you help us with the development of DetectDee. Each and every contribution is greatly valued!

文章来源: https://github.com/piaolin/DetectDee