timwhitez starred IDLE-Abuse
2023-5-6 15:43:9 Author: github.com(查看原文) 阅读量:24 收藏

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IDLE Abuse :A simple technique to detect when a Windows process becomes idle and inject malicious code into it. This technique relies on an undocumented Windows API function called RegisterWaitForInputIdle, which allows a callback function to be registered and called when a process becomes idle.

The PoC, written by Navneet Raj and ElementalX , demonstrates the use of this technique by registering a callback function that injects a meterpreter shellcode into the Windows calculator process when the process spawned by WinExec function becomes idle. Thanks to folks at Stack Overflow & REACT OS Source code for showing us the correct direction.

Special thanks to modexp for helping us with the code overview.

文章来源: https://github.com/RixedLabs/IDLE-Abuse