20 years of Software Security: threats and defense strategies evolution
2023-3-27 15:24:0 Author: blog.mindedsecurity.com(查看原文) 阅读量:6 收藏

 Software security has come a long way in the past two decades. With the advent of new technologies and a rapidly evolving threat landscape, defending against cyber attacks has become more challenging than ever before. We recently presented on the evolution of software security threats and defense strategies at the Security Summit in Milan on 15th March 2023. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the key takeaways from the presentation.

In the early 1990s, the Internet was still in its infancy, and most people accessed it through their workstations or personal computers. Security threats were relatively simple, and malware and viruses were typically spread through floppy disks or infected email attachments. As the Internet became more ubiquitous, so did the security threats. In the early 2000s, browser-based attacks became more common, and operating systems became a prime target for cyber criminals.

With the rise of mobile devices in the 2010s, new security challenges emerged. Smartphones and tablets became a popular target for attackers, and the proliferation of internet-connected devices made it easier than ever for hackers to find vulnerabilities. The number of devices and users increased rapidly, creating a larger attack surface for hackers to exploit.

Fast forward to 2020, and the Internet of things (IoT) and automotive industries are the new frontiers of software security. IoT devices such as home assistants, smart thermostats, and security cameras are often poorly secured and easily hacked. Automotive software is becoming increasingly complex, with trillions of lines of code running on modern cars. The increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in software also presents new security risks.

The timing for a successful attack has also changed dramatically over the years. In the past, attackers had to rely on users to download and execute malicious software. Today, many attacks are automated and can happen in real-time, targeting vulnerable devices as soon as they connect to the Internet.

As software becomes more integrated into our lives, the security risks also increase. In the past, a security breach might have resulted in the loss of some data or a temporary disruption in service. Today, a security breach could have much more serious consequences, including the loss of life in the case of critical infrastructure or autonomous vehicles.

The evolution of software security approach is as important as the evolution of the software security scenario itself. In the early days of software development, security was not given much importance. But as the importance of technology grew, the security risks also grew, which led to the evolution of the software security approach.

Let's take a look at the three stages of software security approach evolution:

See the report as a punishment:
In the early days of software development, software security was not considered a priority. Most developers focused on creating functional and feature-rich applications without thinking about the security aspects. Security audits were conducted only after the software was developed and ready for deployment. These audits were seen as a punishment, rather than a proactive measure to ensure security. This approach was ineffective and led to many security breaches.

Testing solves everything:
The second stage of software security approach evolution was the belief that testing could solve all security issues. Developers started to incorporate testing tools into the software development process to detect vulnerabilities early on. The testing tools were seen as a panacea for all security issues. While testing tools are useful in identifying vulnerabilities, they are not foolproof. 

Fixing! What is fixing? Testing is not enough?
The third and current stage of software security approach evolution is the belief that fixing vulnerabilities is crucial to ensuring software security. Developers now understand that fixing vulnerabilities is a continuous process that must be carried out throughout the software development lifecycle. Developers have now started to incorporate security measures into the design and development of software to prevent vulnerabilities from being introduced in the first place.

Moreover, developers are now also adopting a "shift left" approach to software security, where security is integrated into the software development process from the very beginning. Developers are also relying on security tools and techniques such as threat modeling, code reviews, and penetration testing to detect and fix vulnerabilities.

Common mistakes over the last 20 years from our experience.

One of the biggest mistakes made in the last 20 years is the fault placed solely on developers for security issues. This approach is ineffective and ugly. Developers cannot be solely responsible for security issues as it requires a multi-faceted approach.

Another common mistake is the testing methodology. Testing should be integrated into the development process, and not performed separately. If testing is conducted separately, there is a high risk of delivering software that has not been tested adequately.

Fixing: what is fixing? Fixing is a crucial aspect of software security. The time taken to remediate security vulnerabilities is often too long. Instant security feedback is necessary in modern software projects. Security must be shared, and data about threats, defenses, vulnerabilities, and attacks must be made public to be effective.

Software security is not just one person's responsibility, but everyone's. Security champions are essential in supporting developers and others. They can help to make decisions about when to engage the security team, triage security bugs, and act as the voice of security for a given product or team.

To help organizations address these challenges, the Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) has developed several frameworks, including OWASP Open SAMM and the recently launched OWASP Software Security 5D Framework.

Traditionally, secure software development lifecycle (SDLC) frameworks like Microsoft SDL, BSIMM touchpoint, and OWASP SAMM have been used to assess software security. However, these frameworks lack the level of awareness, security team, security standards, and security testing tools needed to address today's challenges. 

The OWASP Software Security 5D Framework is designed to help companies understand the need to grow in all five dimensions simultaneously: TEAM, AWARENESS, STANDARDS, PROCESSES, and TESTING.

The OWASP 5D framework is more practical and focuses on evaluating the maturity of a software security framework in all five dimensions simultaneously, rather than just one or two. The framework helps organizations measure their company culture on software security, enforce trust relationships between their company and clients, demonstrate improvements, and have a vision of how to manage their software security roadmap.

One of the key benefits of the OWASP 5D framework is that it enables organizations to create a software security strategy that takes into account the maturity level of their outsourcers. By doing so, they can ensure that the outsourcer is implementing HTTPS, using OWASP guidelines, and conducting penetration testing as part of the software development lifecycle. Additionally, OWASP SAMM assessment and 5D framework are standards that allow organizations to assess their software security maturity level and communicate it to clients and stakeholders effectively.

In conclusion, The OWASP Software Security 5D Framework helps you to:

  • Measure your company culture on SwSec (not your number of vulnerabilities!)
  • Enforce the trust relationships between your company and your clients
  • Demonstrate your improvements
  • Have a vision of how to manage your Software Security roadmap

Everyone in the organization is responsible for software security, and OWASP frameworks like the Software Security 5D Framework and OWASP SAMM Assessment can help organizations create a software security strategy that addresses the challenges associated with software security today.

Please send an email to: [email protected] to request your copy of the presentation.

文章来源: https://blog.mindedsecurity.com/2023/03/20-years-of-software-security-threats.html