PowerShell Beautifier 2.0 Package
2023-3-20 21:42:32 Author: blog.cerbero.io(查看原文) 阅读量:25 收藏

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We have released version 2.0 of our commercial PowerShell Beautifier package. The new release adds the option to remove unused variables.

For example, this is a snippet of a malicious script:

$T = 'Get'
$M = $T + 'Method'
$I = 'Invoke'
$T = $T + 'Type'
$L = 'Load'
$Q0 = [Reflection.Assembly]
$B = $Q0::$L($MyS)
$B = $B.$T('NewPE2.PE')
$B = $B.$M('Execute')

$Ub = 'C:\Windows\Microsoft'
$z = $Ub + '.NET\Framewor'
$VT = $z + 'k\v4.0.30'
$XQ = $VT + '319\RegSvcs.exe'
$B = $B.$I($null,[object[]] ($XQ,$serv))

With both variable replacement and removal of unused variables enabled it becomes:

$load_result = [Reflection.Assembly]::Load($x_result)
$get_type_result = $load_result.GetType('NewPE2.PE')
$get_method_result = $get_type_result.GetMethod('Execute')
$invoke_result = $get_method_result.Invoke($null, [object[]]('C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\RegSvcs.exe', $x_result_2))

文章来源: https://blog.cerbero.io/?p=2606