5 ChatGPT Prompts for Bug Bounty
2023-3-8 17:45:3 Author: infosecwriteups.com(查看原文) 阅读量:81 收藏

JS, XSS, CSRF, and Decoding Made Easy with ChatGPT

Are you a bug bounty hunter, penetration tester, or developer, but looking for ways to augment your abilities with the power of AI? You are in luck because ChatGPT can assist you in the following ways.

1. AI-powered Scan for Vulnerabilities in Javascript

Javascript can be complicated and time-consuming to read, but is a gold mine for vulnerabilities. Let ChatGPT solve both for you.


Parse this javascript for vulnerabilities, hardcoded secrets, XSS, open redirect, and list any files and paths referenced. be specific with where the vulnerability is and a PoC for each. Use rich text formatting to make it easier to read:

<insert js>

If the Javascript is too long for ChatGPT, you can use snippets or OpenAI Playground.

2. Extract HTTP Requests from Javascript

Sometimes you see HTTP requests originating from Javascript code, but they don’t trigger during your black box testing in Burp Suite.


Write the HTTP request in the form of Burp Suite Repeater for the HTTP request referenced in the js: <insert js>

3. XSS PoC

Having trouble convincing someone of XSS impact? Nothing is more convincing than seeing a real proof of concept (PoC) to replace your boring alert() pop-up. Pick an HTTP request that would be particularly impactful to the organization.


Write javascript that would make the HTTP request: <insert HTTP request>

Try account takeover, leak Cookies/LocalStorage/DOM, or a fake login page.


Burp Suite has a built-in CSRF PoC tool, but ChatGPT can do it too. This is particularly useful if you want to make modifications to your PoC, you don’t use Burp Suite, or you’re hacking from your phone.


Write HTML code for the form that would make this HTTP request and make it auto-submit: <insert HTTP request>

5. Decode HTML + URL encoding

If you don’t know what encoding is being used or there are multiple layers of complex encoding, throw it at ChatGPT to interpret.


Decode this multiple times until it’s only plain text: %26lt%3Bscript%26gt%3Balert%26lpar%3B%26quot%3Btaksec%26quot%3B%26rpar%3B%26lt%3B%26sol%3Bscript%26gt%3B

文章来源: https://infosecwriteups.com/5-chatgpt-prompts-for-bug-bounty-6b7365d61b58?source=rss----7b722bfd1b8d--bug_bounty