2023-2-11 12:2:13 Author: 嘶吼专业版(查看原文) 阅读量:12 收藏


微软董事会主席和CEO Satya Nadella 称,人工智能将改变每个软件种类,其中就包括最大的子类——搜索。为帮助用户从搜索和网络中获得更多信息,2月7日,微软宣布上线新版本的基于AI聊天的Bing和Edge浏览器Bing搜索引擎,该引擎基于OpenAI的语言模型ChatGPT,并针对web检索应用进行了针对性训练。

用户可以通过点击网页(https://www.bing.com/new)的"Join the waitlist"来请求使用新版本基于AI的Bing搜索引擎。然后用户排队成功请求被接受后,就会收到一封可以访问新Bing服务的邮件通知。然后就可以在检索框中使用新Bing搜索服务了。新的Bing引擎是以聊天形式出现的,如下图所示:

图 Bing搜索服务聊天式检索新体验




该功能目前只在Microsoft Edge开发者模式,可以点击侧边栏的bing logo来访问。但仍需是预览的一部分。

图 Bing 服务waiting list

微软称,用户可以下载Microsoft Defaults程序或下载Bing app来加速排队,因为Microsoft Defaults程序会将Edge和Bing设置为默认浏览器和搜索引擎。



I need to throw a dinner party for 6 people who are vegetarian. Can you suggest a 3-course menu with a chocolate dessert?

I am planning a trip for our anniversary in September. What are some places we can go that are within a 3 hour flight from London Heathrow?

Arts and crafts ideas, with instructions for a toddler using only cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, paper and string

Plan me a workout for my arms and abs with no situps and no gym equipment. It should only take 30 minutes

Write a poem that rhymes for my 8-year-old Jake. He loves dogs and facts about the ocean.

I just went fishing in Bighorn in Montana and I would like to go fishing in the Florida Keys in the Spring. What do I need to do differently to prepare?

Write a story for children about a dog who lives on the moon

Write code to find the Fibonacci sequence in Python.

What cars should I consider buying that are AWD, go 0-60 in less than 6 seconds, seat 6 or more and have decent reviews?

Write a quiz about pop music trivia that I can play with my friends that has 5 questions.

How do I pick the best dog breed for me? Is it better to adopt or buy?

I like electronic music and want to go to my first festival this year. Do you have any recommendations or tips for me?


图 使用微软Bing新服务生成菜单

目前,新的基于AI的Bing搜索引擎服务只限于部分桌面版预览用户。要测试新版Edge web浏览器的AI功能,可下载和安装开发者build版本,下载地址:https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge/download


文章来源: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI0MDY1MDU4MQ==&mid=2247557325&idx=2&sn=2862e82d800511faae081f3face25753&chksm=e91430f7de63b9e194432264732f488bf3e36e0790f4ce8db23841b3b5a82128df7b69a44fa9#rd