Thank you to Daniel Kaminski for writing in and sharing with us news that he has recently updated his SDRDue Passive Radar software for RTL-SDRs. The major update is that thanks to NVIDIA CUDA GPU processing, the ambiguity function can now be calculated extremely quickly, allowing for very high frame rates. Daniel writes:
Last time I was playing with my Passive Radar. I finally created an ambiguity library which is a really fast 70 frame/s analyzing a continuous string of data 2*1024*1024 bits per frame. This allowed me to record signals from slowly moving cars in real-time. I used a normal TV antenna without any modifications in one dongle mode. To support the library I created a Passive Radar program with all the parameters available for tuning. The code is open and available on GitHub. The movie is available on my website Passive radar | Web page od Daniel M. Kamiński (
Passive radar repository
ambiguity CUDA