Malware-based attacks on ATMs – A summary
2023-1-10 16:0:0 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:20 收藏


Today we will take a first look at malware-based attacks on ATMs in general, while future articles will go into more detail on the individual subtopics.

ATMs have been robbed by criminal gangs around the world for decades. A successful approach since ~ 20 years is the use of highly flammable gas, which is fed into the ATM safe and ignited during a robbery. For an attacker, this is an inexpensive way to get the cash, but it also leads to great publicity and thus risk of being caught by security authorities. In addition, more and more vending machines are being equipped with systems that ink the money as soon as the machine is physically breached.

Since the beginning of the 2010s, there has been a trend for more and more criminal gangs to switch to non-violent methods without explosives. We are talking about so-called physical malware attacks. Here, malicious software is brought onto the PC inside the ATM, for example, via a USB stick. This malware-based attack usually results in all cash inside the safe being ejected via the regular dispensing mechanism (cash-out attack). A successful attack would effectively put the malware in full command over the ATM thereby rendering it almost impossible to stop them.

Another aspect that cannot be ignored is that an infected ATM often enables attacks on other devices or services within the network. For example, for research and testing purposes, we were able to develop a malware that attacked all ATMs within the network from an infected device (initial ATM). The result was simultaneous cash withdrawal from all ATMs within the shared network. It was also interesting here that other devices such as a Raspberry Pi connected to the same network could achieve the same results as well.

Even though during the Covid pandemic in 2020 such malware-based attacks on ATMs decreased, a clear increase has been visible since the beginning of 2022. Malware to attack specific types of devices can be purchased today for about 1000USD within the darknet.

To protect against such attacks, it is necessary to prevent malware from being installed and executed. Through years of research and experience in real projects, we have been able to help ATM manufacturers and banks protect their devices from such attacks.

ATM Internals

Generally, an ATM consists of two components:


  • Includes:
    • Cash dispenser
    • Cassettes containing banknotes
  • Strongly protected by heavy locks and armored walls


  • Includes the computer connected to other devices:
    • Card reader
    • Pin pad
    • Touch screen
    • Network components
    • etc.
  • Mostly weakly protected from physical attack.
    • Unarmored: Door and walls are often made of thin plastic or sheet metal.Poor quality locks: locks are often no better than those on private mailboxes, which can be opened in seconds with a lockpick.
    • Often only one key for several ATMs is used.

The computer inside the cabinet usually runs on the Windows operating system, which in turn runs the application for legitimate use of the ATM. A user / bank customer should not be able to break out of this application (e.g. via the touchscreen) to access the underlying system. For this purpose, Windows generally runs in the so-called Kiosk mode, which limits the input options only to the necessary user functions within the application.

Input values within the user application via the touchscreen or pin pad, for example, are in turn processed by the software and then transmitted to other devices such as the cash dispenser via corresponding commands. This communication between the user application and internal devices takes place via the XFS standard (Extensions for Financial Services). This standard provides an interface (API) for the Windows Hardware Manager via which all applications can access it.

When the user initiates a transaction such as a cash withdrawal, the bank’s processing center is also contacted, which validates the transaction and ultimately transmits the confirmation for withdrawal. The connection between the ATM and the processing center is generally made via a cable, but occasionally also wirelessly (WiFi or GSM).

Overview ATM internals

Overview ATM

Vulnerabilities to ATM malware

In general, we classify ATM vulnerabilities regarding malware attacks into three categories. The combination of vulnerabilities from these categories allows an attacker to dispense all cash or attack other systems on the same network in many cases.

Insufficient physical security

The first step for malware-based attacks is usually to open the cabinet in order to interact with the integrated computer via a plugged-in keyboard or special USB stick. Here, we came into contact with recurring security vulnerabilities in various assessments:

  • The lock of the cabinet is insecure and can be opened with a lockpick within seconds.
  • The housing (door and walls) are made of thin plastic or sheet metal and can be destroyed with minor effort.
  • Locks from different ATMs can be opened with the same key. If an attacker obtains such a master key, they can often open all the ATMs in different branches.
  • The keys are not secure against copying. If an attacker obtains a key, it can be copied as often as desired.
  • Lack of security for e.g. USB interfaces. If an attacker succeeds in opening the cabinet, they will in almost all cases find unprotected (open) USB interfaces that allow interaction via keyboard.
Computer inside the cabinet with open USB port

Computer inside the cabinet with open USB ports

Insufficient configuration of the system and peripheral devices

It is often the case that the XFS standard for communication between OS and peripherals is configured very insecurely. There is often no authentication at all between the peripherals and the OS. An attacker with access to the computer could execute malware to communicate with the cash dispenser, and thus cash-out all available money. In summary, we found the following recurring security flaws in the system and device configurations:

  • Insufficient or even missing authentication between USB peripherals and the OS which would allow so called ATM black-box attacks.
  • Lack of communication encryption between OS and peripherals. An attacker can thus often read sensitive card data and transactions of the user.
  • Lack of hard disk encryption. An attacker can extract and read any hard disk content. In addition to various software that can be misused to further develop malware, we were also able to extract unencrypted videos and pictures of customers that were taken via the camera integrated in the ATM.
  • Inadequate protection of the kiosk mode. If an attacker manages to open the cabinet and plug in a keyboard, they can often break out of the banking application using special keyboard shortcuts and thus access the underlying Windows system. However, in some cases this is also possible via the touch screen of the machine without having to open the cabinet.
  • Boot from external storage media. ATMs are occasionally configured to boot from an attached storage medium such as a USB stick when they are restarted. If an attacker can boot into an alternative system in this way, hard disk contents can be completely extracted or even communicate directly with peripherals such as the cash dispenser.
  • Inadequate or missing application control configuration. Today’s malware or public enumeration tools are often executed via Powershell scripts or exe files. In many of our assessments, the case was that the execution of such software was insufficiently blocked or not blocked at all.
  • Weak or missing AV solutions. The installation and execution of tools and malware is not or often insufficiently detected because weak AV software are used for protection or these are not up to date.

ATM allows breaking out of the banking application using a connected keyboard, exposing that the current user has full administrative access.

Insufficient network security

An attacker with access to the ATM’s network interface (e.g. Ethernet) can attack other systems or services within the network. In one of our scenarios, it was even possible to dispense cash from all ATMs within the network. In general, such scenarios are based on the following vulnerabilities:

  • Lack of or insufficient network access control. An attacker who has been able to connect to the ATM network via Ethernet often has full authorization to communicate with other systems on the same network. In many cases, infiltration of other devices or even the Active Directory is possible.
  • Unencrypted communication to the backend. An attacker in a man-in-the-middle position between the processing center and the ATM can read sensitive transaction data, but also manipulate it to issue malformed funds.
  • Lack of or insufficient authentication to the exposed ATM network service. Often, own (spoofed) backend commands can be sent to the exposed ATM service to make it cash out.
Example - Bypassing outdated NAC (Network Access Control) with public tools

Example – Bypassing outdated NAC (Network Access Control) with public tools

Attack Scenarios

Due to the large number of possible vulnerabilities, individual malware-based attack scenarios often arise. The following figure shows general attack scenarios, which are also performed in our assessments.

Overview - Attack scenarios


In general, it is difficult to make all-encompassing recommendations for securing ATMs. Even in our current assessments, we are increasingly confronted with new and very individual security vulnerabilities. However, we can make general recommendations for securing ATMs against malware attacks, as some vulnerabilities are present on a regular basis:

  • The computer should be in the safe. Securing the computer in the safe would probably be the best possible protection against malware-based attacks. Unfortunately, we could not detect such a protection in any of our analyses so far.
  • If it is not possible to place the computer in the safe:
    • The cabinet housing and door should also be made of solid material. It should not be possible to open the lock of the cabinet using a lockpick. Generally, security locks or even digital locks with proper auditing possibilities should be used here. The cabinet of each ATM should only be able to be opened with an individual key.
    • Network devices such as switches should not be placed outside the ATM.
  • All communication between ATM and backend should be encrypted according to current standards.
  • All transactions between the ATM and the backend should be mutually authenticated for example using TLS mutual authentication.
  • All unused services exposed by the ATM should be turned off.
  • The firewall between the ATM and backend should be configured to allow remote access only to the service that is needed. All network services that are not needed should be turned off.
  • Remote access should follow strict password policies or even better: key-based authentication mechanisms.
  • Any communication between the OS and peripherals such as the cash dispenser should be encrypted. Here the ATM vendor can be consulted since it is usually a simple configuration that can be enabled.
  • The OS as well as used applications should be updated regularly including hotfixes.
  • It should not be possible to connect any peripheral (e.g. keyboard) to the computer and use it. One possibility would be to use local OS policies or third-party software to allow only explicit devices. However, one should be careful with such whitelisting, as the device IDs themselves can be spoofed.
  • The execution of scripts or other software should be limited as much as possible and be restricted to only what is necessary. One possibility would be the use of Windows Applocker.
  • Any software that is not needed (e.g. software used for development) should be removed.
  • Hard disks should be fully encrypted.
  • Access to the BIOS should be protected by e.g. setting a strong password.
  • A boot from the hard disk of the ATM should be forced. It should not be possible to access the boot menu without authentication. In addition make sure to enable measured boot.
  • AV solutions should be used and regularly updated. In general, we prefer the use of Windows Defender over third-party software.
  • Abnormal behavior or communication regarding network but also peripherals should be logged and alarms triggered.


Malware-based attacks that rely on physical access are becoming increasingly popular. Today, however, we can already see some security improvements in current assessments. However, our experience shows that the improvement within the last years is still insufficient. Many protections could still be circumvented to exploit initial vulnerabilities. This is usually not because manufacturers and banks deliberately avoid security precautions, but because the whole environment and its processes often do not allow simple security upgrades. Some examples are that to ensure proper network access control (NAC), all switches within all branches would have to be replaced, technical staff still needs an interface (e.g. USB) to perform administrative tasks on the ATM, etc.

In general, it turns out that criminal hacker gangs are always one step ahead and find ways to bypass current security measurements.

About the Author

Alexander Poth

Alexander Poth

Alexander is a senior security consultant at NVISO. He regularly performs a variety of assessments, including IoT and embedded devices, Web and Mobile applications.
