Tutorial: Hacking Electron Games via Chrome DevTools (Ex. Vampire Survivors, no Cheat Engine required!)
2023-1-8 07:31:20 Author: www.reddit.com(查看原文) 阅读量:36 收藏

TL;DR: Launch the game with remote debugging set, then correlate things you find in the game's source files with instantiated things from heap snapshots and throughout the application (local/session storage, etc.). Also, I demonstrate how to set breakpoints on methods to view local variables and other interesting functions residing on the call stack -- then setting a BP on those so as to effectively trace your way back to areas of interest.

There's a lot more that I comprehensively walk the viewer through, so I hope you enjoy and walk away having learned something! =)

文章来源: https://www.reddit.com/r/ReverseEngineering/comments/1063696/tutorial_hacking_electron_games_via_chrome/